In the year 2000 Tom Hanks starred in Cast Away. Traditional flags do not appear in the film but vexilloids appear in non-traditional ways.The most noticeable vexilloid is the golden wind marker. Like a flag this device communicates an idea for the observer.
The movie takes us to Russia, Tennessee, Texas, and Tahiti. Cast Away is another grand slam hit from Robert Zemeckis who can make opposite polarity 'Touch Stone-Disney Movies.' Animated Disney movies are made for children on the surface, but adult themes give them an appeal for grownups. Likewise Zemeckis makes movies for adults on the surface, but yet his movies often have an appeal for children and teens.
A close up of Chuck Noland examining the 'hoist' of his wind riding wind vexilloid. It was originally made from a girl's dress. It's purpose is for him alone to note the time for his exodus.
Another makeshift vexilloid in the film is Wilson's VHS video tape streamers. In the movie Wilson is a volleyball that has become Mr. Noland's virtual companion. Just as people talk to television during an athletic tourney, cars when driving becomes a challenge or toys, Wilson has become a virtual buddy of Charles.
Usually a mailbox has a metal red flag to indicate that something is ready to be picked up by the US Post Office. However in this film it has been replaced with a metal feather. In the background are the iconic feathers of hope that enchanted Chuck Noland to leave his dreadfully lonely tropical paradise.
Cast Away was more than just a survival film on a lonely island, it was a survival film for the human heart. After the proverbial personal tower of the ego was smashed to pieces was Noland able to find an inner grace and strength to move forward.