
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Lower East Israeli Angle Flag


The South Eastern Israeli Angle flag encompasses most of the area that is bounded by the Indian Ocean and all of Australia and New Zealand. Likewise Hawaii is the only US state to fall into this fold. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Lower West Israeli Angle Flag

Happy Cybermondannukah?

This is the first time Cyber Monday and Hannukah have met up.Thanksgiving and Hannukah are well known, but it like the first Olympic, nobody care until much later. And shopping on Cyber Monday will not go away.  Trying to spread the cheer of the miracle from the Holy Land.  Anyways imagine getting 81 miles to the gallon in your car/truck for a week and it not being a hybrid or energy efficient system.  Well then, you'd certainly be grateful for the oil burning that extra long mile.  That sort of, is the spirit of Hannukah. 

This flag is for the area of land not perpendicular towards Israel.  Put another way for the area that is south and west of Israel. It is the counter charge-opposite flag for the North-Eastern Area Flag.

Note all of South America and the Caribbean is in the Lower West Israeli Angle.  As is most of West Africa.  A small wee portion of the United States is also a part of the area: the southern half of Florida, Texas, and all of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.  The Major US Cities in the South Western Angle of Israel include - Miami, Tampa Bay, Orlando, and Daytona.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Upper East Israeli Angle Flag

Since lands on the same latitude and longitude get a geographic Israeli Flag it only makes sense that the other parts receive one as well.  This flag is for that area that is northeast of Israel.

All of Northern Asia (region of Asia north of the 45th North Parallel) is in this quadrant.
Ukraine of Europe Major and Alaska of North America are also a part of this group.  

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Comet Flag

The comet flag uses colours of black, white, yellow, and indigo.  The three stars form a right triangle which in honor of trigonometry - the advanced study of triangles - since it has allowed us to get a better understanding of the cosmos.

The Northen Israeli Alley Flag

The Northern Israeli Alley Flag is similar is design to the Southern Israeli Alley Flag.  The main difference is that the colours are reversed.  Like the other geographic flags presented in this blog, the purpose of these flags is to educate and build connections.  Furthermore the foundation of Western Civilization is intimately tied to this hallowed and enchanted land.

All Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Baha'i, and Mormons recognize on an official level a divine activity and appearance of divine providence upon this land.  Besides it's always neat to connect the geographic dots? Finally Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Baha'i and Mormons can recognize the miracle of Hanukkah.  All branches already all believe in Adam and Eve, Noah, and nearly everything in the Original Testament.

The nations which happen to lay directly due north include: Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, and Russia.  The only major city in Europe to lay due north in the rather narrow Northern Israeli Alley is Dnipropetrovsk in the Ukraine that was founded in 1776.

In addition, Cyprus crosses into the Northern Israeli Alley.  And like Israel is polarized on a political-religious angle, but the delicate issue for Cyprus is between Christians and Muslims.  One can suppose when Cyprus achieves balance in the region so to will Israel follow, or vice verse?


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Friday, November 29, 2013

The Southern Israeli Alley Flag

Happy Black Frannukah? 

Israel is in a sweet spot in between continents snuggled by Africa and Europe.  Israel is the only Asian Country to touch Africa - lending the term Afracasian or maybe Asiafrican?  Anyways here is another geographic flag centered on Israel.  It is for lands directly due south of the nation that was the scene of intense spiritual development for humanity. Countries in the Southern Israeli Alley include: Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique.

The narrow longitude is from about 34 degrees 20' unto 35 degrees 40'.

Tomorrow the Northern Israeli Flag
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Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Western Israeli Belt Flag

Happy Thanxgivukagh?

Since there is an Eastern Israeli Belt Flag it only makes sense to have a Western Israeli Belt Flag.  In this case the flag keeps the same design but the colours are reversed, also known as a counter change.

A flag to be flown on areas that are directly due west of Israel from about 29 Degrees North to 33 Degrees North.  Consequently most of North Africa is in the Israeli Belt which includes: Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.  No part of Europe's continent is parallel to Israel but the island of Madeira under Portugal and Bermuda under the United Kingdom is parallel to Israel. Thus much of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle lays in the enchanted latitude.

Finally the Israeli Belt crosses North America through Mexico and the United States - touching the states in the Deep South and one 'Northern State.'  The US States that have part of their lands due west of Israel include: South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and just the southern tip of California.  Last but not least Louisiana is the special case, because it is nearly parallel to Israel by north to south.  Just for the record, Walt Disney World Orlando Florida is just south of the Israeli Belt, likewise Walt Disney Land Anaheim, California is just north of the Israeli Belt. Louisiana is a bit more humid, perhaps a better climatic match is Southern California or Northern Mexico.

Famous and major US cities in this special belt of latitude include: St. Augustine,  Jacksonville, New Orleans, Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Diego.

Link to the The Southern Israeli Belt Flag
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