
Friday, August 17, 2012

Flags from the Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars - 1998

 The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars- 1998 is the cosmic sequel to the original Brave Little Toaster.  In this wonderland of imagination house hold appliances are give a measure of love usually reserved for cars and dolls.

In this movie a brave little toaster travels to Mars to rescue his human master.  Along the journey love, loyalty, and questions about mankind's attachment to non-biological entities are gleaned.

After arriving on Mars, the household appliances are surprised to that the planet has already been colonized by machines who seek to reek revenge on the humans that inhabit earth.  However a courageous little toaster reminds the machines that there is spark of joy in the human heart.

Two distinct 'Martian' flags made by the machines appear in this film.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

US Flag Shorts on Mars as the Flag - Rocketman 1997

Rocketman 1997 stars Harland Williams as a gifted computer programmer who travels to Mars to plant the first American, sort of.  But Fred Randall is an ill coordinated goofball who looses the flag in a canyon and uses his American Flag shorts in its place. 

Rocketman is you classic silly beans American movie, made for the delight of kids in elementary school.  It it filled with slapstick, farts, and monkey hijinx. It is so stupid it is actually funny. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Flag in the Mars Attacks - Card #49 The Earthmen Charge

Long before the Garbage Pail kids there was a bubble gum trading card series known as Mars Attacks from 1962 - the year the United States launched a man into orbit one year after the Soviet Union.

Earthmen Tank Flag - Mars Attacks 1962

On card number 49 a small flag can be seen on the counter attack of humans upon the Martian home world. The flag is barely noticeable on the Earthmen Tank. It is a red and black horizontal tri-bar pennant - with black in the middle.

The artwork is a mix of war time WWII meshed to the early space age 1960s.

The Back Side of the Card

Here is the other side of the card with story explanation. This unique format of a 'book' revealed by trading cards made it like an archeological game where bits and pieces of the story came to the readers in a non-linear fashion. This type of 'trading card book' with a strong focus on art is a rare type of media. Considered not a comic book but yet a cherished media that stirred the imaginations of many a American Children.

Wondrously it is attached to Solarian Heritage. Solarian is an all inclusive politically correct term for beings native the 'Terran/Sun' system.' Thus persons from the Moon, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Deimos, Phobos or Mercury are all considered 'Solarian' yet differ by native planet such as Lunatic (considered an insult on Earth), Earthling, Martain, Cerisian, Deimonite, Phobo or Mercurite.

This series of cards will certainly become priceless artifacts of 'Martian Heritage' when 'humans/cyborgs' from earth successfully colonize Mars in the next 200 years - maybe in the year 2222. Certainly in the next 50 years people will have 'cell phones' directly implanted in their skulls.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Marvin the Martian Flag - MARS WEEK 2012

Marvin the Martian with native Mars Flag

One of Marvin the Martian's flag is similar to the Japanese flag. The difference is that the central disc is of center towards the hoist and the background is pink.

Marvin the Martian Flag
In the Duck Dogers Episode - 1953

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mars Week 2012 - the most popular Mars flag in 2012

Mars Flag

This is perhaps the most popular flag for Mars at the moment. It is distinguished and does not intuitively resemble any Earth based nation

Vowels Distinguished for the International Maritime Code of Signal Flags

Since the International Maritime Code is supposed to International - here are some additional flags to represent the short vowels. Reason being that this code is based upon the tragically irrational language of English - nearly every letter has multiple ways of reading it. Mastering the rules of English could take a lifetime. So to help alleviate some of the confusing English rules of spelling here a few new short vowel flags. They are based upon the regular vowel flags except for U. Since that pattern is used already. Thus the regular version is a standard long version.

The Short A
cat - bat - man - at - map


The Short E
set - pet - let - red - pep


The Short I
hip - it - writ - lit - ship


The Short O
cot - mop - hot - fought


The Short U
cut - nut - shut - up



These are mashed up international maritime flags - academically known as a diphthong, which sounds like some kind of sexy bathing suit.

The OI Flag
oil - toil - boy - noid

This flag combines the official letter 'I' with 'O' to make the 'OI' flag.

The OO Flag
look - book - shook - took

Can you see the two letter 'O' flags?

The OU flag
our - now - ouch

A small element of the official 'O' combined with a bit of 'A' and 'O.'