
Monday, January 24, 2011

Lions & Tigers - Detroit and Cincinnati, NFL part 1

Cincinnati Bengals Flag

Vexillology is the study of flags and in football - flags are everywhere. Little yellow flags - minus the pole - are thrown by the referees to signal a penalty. Fans wave towels with the teams logo as vexilloloids. But most importantly flags are waved before, during, and after the game with the team's colours and emblem.

Lion vs Tiger

Subsequently like most flags, it is possible to partner up the teams of football with some kind of 'flag symmetry.' But rather than colour or design as being important - it is the team emblem that matters most. As of now there is no official standard design for a football team flag. Football flags are kinda like the original flags of the American Revolution - there is no official specification.

Detroit Lions Flag

The first teams compared have big game cats as their totem - the Tiger and the Lion. The Lions are based in Detroit, Michigan and the Bengal Tigers are based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Both of these big cats are originally found in the Old World - Africa and Asia. The Bengal Tiger is a specific kind of tiger usually found in India that is much larger than average.

These powerful cats have been adored and even worshiped in the past. But in modern America they have become the call sign of two football teams.

It'd be neato if the Bengals and Lions met in Super 'Kitty' Bowl LIX.

The Bengal is a large Tiger

Link to Cincinnati Bengals
Link to Detroit Lions

Lion + Tiger Video

Link to Part 2 - Raiders & Guess Who?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rugby and Football - Fraternal Twins

Rugby Ball Used Down Under

You can trace the roots of American Football and modern rugby to England during the Victorian Era.

But fate has a weird way of ensuring that things manifest two parallel ways of doing it.

Football Ball used in America

Excellent examples are metric vs 'American Imperial', driving on the left side vs right, Celsius vs Fahrenheit, Bible vs Koran, Mac vs PC, Pepsi vs Coke, and finally Democrat vs Republican.

Why not a third gender? Or maybe a third way of keeping track of temperature and measurement? Why do things eventually get polarized into two camps? Like the electron vs proton or the strong force vs weak force?
Logo of the NRL

It seems sport also repeats the fundamental echo of making things balanced by two.

Out of all of the languages to form in Europe - the most irrational language of English - would dominate the two new worlds 'discovered by Europe' - America and Australia.

Likewise the NFL would become the dominant ancestor of handball-soccer in the Americas while the NRL did the same down under.

Logo of the NFL

The rules differ but scoring is analogous. Essentially the goal is the same for both games - it is to carry the egg shaped ball to one end of the field. When this happens this is called a touchdown in football or a try in rugby.

The major difference is that it is illegal to make a forward pass in rugby but it is legal in football. This has caused a divergence in their evolution.

Basically...NFL players are specialized - linemen, backs, receiver, kickers, and the thrower-quaterback. But in the NRL all the players on the field can act as a running back, thrower, receiver, and kicker.

After making a try or touchdown the team that scored is allowed to kick the oval ball through the goal post. In America this is called the field goal kick but in rugby it is known as the conversion. But in football after scoring a 'proverbial try' - there is option to make a try for another touchdown that is called a conversion!

Visit the NFL Here
Visit the NRL Here

NFL Commercial with flags

up next... NFL FLAG SYMMETRY! Link to next post - Cincinnati and guess who?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Russian American Post Colonial Heritage Flags

Constellation of Ursa Major the Great Bear
the Flag of Alaska is based upon its back end

The colonization of the American West Coast is often overlooked, especially the story of the Russian Colonials. In the wake of this chapter of Russian-American history, I have created post-historical Russian Heritage Flags that are based on the flags of modern states of the USA and one province of Canada.

Russia Alaska Heritage Flag

Russians were the first European Group to settle in Alaska in 1784. It was one year after the United States had peacefully settled with the UK and was still operating under the Articles of Confederation - America Version 1.0. The US was rebooted under the Constitution in 1788 as America Version 2.0. It is an under statement to say that the US had some big 'run time errors' in 1785.
Flag of Alaska

The Russian Alaska Heritage Flag expands upon the constellation of the 'Big Dipper' by showing more of the stars in the official constellation -Ursa Major aka the Great Bear. Which of course, suits Russia. Upon the flag are 10 extra stars - for a total of 18. At the bottom of the flag are waves that represent the Pacific Ocean. The wave design was taken from the Russian Province Magadan, which is a proverbial cousin of Alaska by Russia.

The next heritage Russian Colonial-American flag links Russia to California. In 1812 a Russian Colony was planted in Sonoma County, without permission from the Spanish Government. It was named Ft. Ross and had a 29 year run. By convenient coincidence the flag of California features a bear and a red star. Likewise many conservative Americans often think of California as having a socialist tilt.
Flag of California

The Russian California Heritage Flag has a blue stripe instead of a red one. The background is all red and the text shows the dates of Ft. Ross' existence in California 1812-1841. The red star is conserved with a white fimbration.

Russia Hawaiian Heritage Flag

Even more obscure is the Russian Colony in Hawaii. The Russians attempted to colonize on Kauai - Ft. Elizabeth and Ft. Alexander by around 1816. King Kamehama had recently united all of the Hawaii Islands, thanks in part to new 'alien' technologies. The former King of Kauai hoped the Russians might change the political situation. It didn't.
Flag of Hawaii
The Russian Hawaiian Heritage Flag has a Russian Naval Jack in the canton instead of a UK Union Flag. The UK Union flag and Russian Naval Jack both have the same colours and crosses of St. Andrew and St. George. The stripes were also altered to mirror the national flag of Russia, twice.

Russia British Columbia Heritage Flag

The final flag of Russian American Heritage is linked to British Columbia in Canada. In 1821 the Russian Czar asserted that the southern boarder was 51' North instead of 54' 40" North. This dispute lasted until 1825 when the Russians finally agreed to 54' 40" with the Russo-British Treaty of 1825. When the US purchased Alaska from Russia she also inherited the treaty rights of 1825. For four short years Russia had a land claim in what was to become British Columbia. Which might have become Russian Columbia by some wicked twist of fate.
Flag of BC

Instead of the British Union Flag a Russian Naval Jack is used and the imperial crown is in the center instead of the Royal Crown of BC.

Link toRussia Today Documentary About Alaska on YouTube
Link to Russian Fort in Hawaii
Link About Ft. Ross in California

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Flag of the Confederate Coast Guard?

Ensign of Confederate Revenue Cutter Service
or would've been "Confederate Coast Guard"

This is probably the least known of Confederate Flags. The flag of the Confederate Revenue Service - also called the Confederate Revenue Marine. Before the War Between the States the US Revenue Cutter Service was the old name of the US Coast Guard - established by Alexander Hamilton on August 4, 1790.

The US Revenue Cutter Service changed her name when she 'married' the US Life Saving Service in 1915. The US Life Saving Service was created in 1848 by a Jersey Congressman - William A. Newell originally born in Ohio.

Flag of Union Revenue Cutter Service
since 1799 & US Coast Guard in 1915
Arms of the US Life Saving Service
Created in 1848 - joined forces with
US Revenue Cutter Service that became
US Coast Guard in 1915

Thus from a certain point of view, the banner of the Confederate Revenue Cutter Service is the flag of the "Confederate Coast Guard."

The Union Revenue Cutter Service had her own flag that was created in 1799. Naturally, the South was obligated to create a new Revenue Cutter Service Flag upon secession.

One more interesting fact, just before the US Civil War in 1853 - the USRC Jefferson Davis was launched. She was named and launched under president Pierce. The USRC Jefferson Davis was then named in honor of the Secretary of War - who later rose to the highest office in the Confederacy.

Model of USRC Jefferson Davisin Seattle Coast Guard Museum

The USRC Jefferson Davis did not participate in the Civil War but did suppress a Native American Rebellion in the North Pacific. During her 'action' she would have flown what is now known as the US Coast Guard Flag. The poetic irony is that the Jefferson Davis went to war with Washington. Washington Territory that is to suppress a Native American rebellion, just before Washington DC went to war with an American Native - President Jefferson Davis. Washington Territory was also created in 1853 like the USRC Jefferson Davis, as Jefferson Davis is the would be George Washington of the Confederacy.

Also note that the US Coast Guard uses a different flag when marching on parade or on land. You would normally only see the 16 vertically striped Coast Guard flag at sea.

Learn More about the US Revenue and Cutter Service and the Confederate version here at US

US Civil War 150 Ago Today - part 3

Saturday, January 15, 2011

US Naval Academy Flag & Capricorn

A Flag of the US Naval Academy
with Goat Mascot

The mascot of the US Naval Academy is a goat. Subsequently it has become an emblem on the US Naval Academy's Flag.

It may seem odd that the Navy would choose such an animal that has little propensity for the water. But before the industrial revolution ships that went out to sea carried livestock - and goats were one of the many land lubbers that accompanied blue water fleets.

Furthermore the goat aka Capricorn has the magical ability to become a mermaid goat. Capricorn is a sign of the Zodiac that has two morphs - the goat and mermaid goat. Thus "the goat" is an appropriate symbol of the US Navy.

Modified Flag of US Naval Academy
when the goat gets his legs wet - look out!

The Goat is jumping towards the sinister-left side. The colours of the US Navy are dark blue and yellow.

January the month of Capricorn - mostly.

At Navy FootBall Games - Bill Gets Ready to Rise the Crowd

Can you dedicate yourself to honor, courage, and commitment?
visit the US Naval Academy Here

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Battle Flag of the of the first shot - US Civil War - 150 years later

Fact Panel at the Citadel
Charleston, South Carolina

Many history books declare that the US Civil War started on April 12, 1861. Indeed it was the first clash of Northern and Southern Military Units. However the 'first shot' of the War Between the States, after a US State had removed herself from the Union, took place 150 years ago, today. Mississippi also left the Union on this date.
Current State Flag of Mississippi

Although the Confederacy was still in the works 'a military unit in rebellion' commenced hostile and deadly force against a 'foreign Union Ship' - under president Buchanan.

The cadets at the original citadel in Charleston, South Carolina opened fire upon the Star of the West. South Carolina left the union the previous year on December 20, 1860. From South Carolina's point of view The Star of the West was a foreign ship and trespassed into her waters.

Art work at the new Citadel Academy
illustrating the first shot of the 'Civil War'

During the 'opening shot' of the War Between the States a flag was reported to have been flown - a red palmetto. You can see images of this first of 'Rebel' battle flags at the new Citadel in South Carolina.

Close up of 1st Civil War Battle Flag - Big Red

Visitors are welcome at the Citadel. And if you think you have the inner strength to become a Leader - Click Here (Citadel Website)

Civil War 150 Years Ago Today - part 2

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hudson Bay Company Heritage: Part III

Since the states "south of the border" have honor HBC Flags, it makes sense that the modern Canadian Provinces and Territories should have HBC Flags as well, eh? The Hudson Bay Company is arguably America's oldest company. This corporation was chartered in 1670 and has not looked back since. You can see Part I of this HBC string by clicking "here" to learn more about the HBC - the longest living of corporations.

Even if you eschew the word 'Corporate' certainly the Hudson Bay Company deserves a little bit of respect as the oldest American Corporation - and besides it's Canadian - so you can expect a healthy dose of politeness and friendliness.

North West Territories HBC Flag

Only a small eastern portion of this territory is a part of the Hudson Bay Water shed. This is the part of Canada that is mostly cold. However much of Canada has four distinct seasons!

Alberta HBC Flags

Alberta is often compared to being the Texas of Canada, because it's a 'red province.' However it seems more appropriate to compare Alberta to Louisiana. In fact, the southern portion of Alberta was a part of Louisiana Purchase in 1803! In addition Alberta's proverbial first name is Louisiana. Alberta Province was named after Queen Victoria's daughter - Louise Caroline Alberta. Thus appropriate nick names for Alberta Province include Louisiana Province and even Canadian Carolina Province! I suppose this is partly why this part of Canada is perceived as having a Southern Tilt.

Nunavut HBC Flag

Some of you may not be aware of this youngest of Canadian districts. It came in to being officially on April Fools day 1999, no joke! However although the youngest most of the people living there have been in Canada the longest - the Inuit.

Saskatchewan HBC Flag

Saskatchewan is the Kansas of Canada, or rather Kansas is the Saskatchewan of the United States, eh?

Manitoba and Ontario province are also a part of the Hudson Bay Water Shed but they will be discussed in a later post, since they are fraternal flag twins.