
Sunday, October 24, 2010

No Flags in the NY Times 2011 Almanac!?

One of the most cherished introduction points that speaks to the inner vexillologist in everyone is missing in the 2011 NY Times Almanac edition!

I have always enjoyed the NY Times Almanac but they cut out one of the best parts of an almanac. Perhaps next year the maps of the world will be in black and white?

National flags change every so often, we need to know. Besides almanacs are usually the only book with flags that is always stocked in a book store! Try it go to book store and ask for a book about flags. They will either tell you" 'we can order it' or try to sell you a kiddie book with flag stickers.

A note to NY Times Almanac editor: John W. Wright. What you did was far from right.

You can visit the NY TIMES

The Coffee News & Neils Bohr

The light source for quirky fun & BIG news!

Getting things published in circulating print can be an adventure. At one end there are world famous circulating documents that have recognition by everyone like the New York Times and at the other there are small town papers, like the weekly Coffee News of Central Bucks, PA.

The Coffee News is 'FREE!' weekly one sheet paper filled with the essential elements of a newspaper: Horoscope, Good & Bad News, trivia, jokes, and quirky facts that tickles the bones of the reader. As the motto says, "News to be enjoyed over coffee." It delivers on its motto. Like the NY Times the micro-paper depends on ads to keep it afloat.

Notice that Neils Bohr is quoted in an
ancient Chinese riddle-pun tone
'what is the sound of one hand clapping?'

Volume 2:116 October 17, 2010 issue of the Coffee News had a quote from Niels Bohr. Mr. Bohr was nothing of a bore yet at times his ideas can bore high school students who care nothing of physics. Niels Bohr was a pioneer who challenged the orthodoxy of how the universe worked. He was awarded a coat of arms that features the Yin & Yang symbol, since this ancient Chinese symbol reflected many of the cosmic notions that can be found in the inner cosmos of the atom.

To the right is the coat of arms issued to a Danish scientist for his brilliant advance for understanding the ways and means of the Universe. He was given an ancient icon from long, long ago when the earth was in a different part of galaxy!

You can visit the Coffee News

Or NY Times Here


(both are equally IMPORTANT & live off of advertising)

The Coffee Table News - A newspaper that is actually a piece of paper!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Vexi-tension 2010

The small town of King, North Carolina has become the focal point of a vexillological controversy. Tension has erupted over the flying of the generic Christian Flag. A vigil since September 22, 2010 has arisen to protect the 'Christian Flag.'

The ACLU, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, and resident of King, North Carolina filed a complaint to get it removed from a veterans memorial.

Ironically the flying of the cross on a flag was also controversial during the New England Colonial Period in the 1600s. Extreme religious 'Christian' leaders saw the cross as a symbol of the 'dreadful' pope. Thus it was removed from the New England flag and worship with crosses was banned for fear of papist influences.

However, I agree with persons on and sponsoring the flag vigil. The Christian Flag of North Carolina should be protected and flown.
Flag of Lousiana

If it is not allowed to fly, it sets a dangerous precedent. Several US State flags already have Christian symbolism on them. Louisiana has a pelican, which is a heraldic symbol of Christianity. Also the pelican is shedding its breast with three droplets of blood which reflects the "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Likewise the State flag of Maryland has two red crosses which is clearly linked to the Christianity. Utah has a beehive upon it, which is a religious symbol of Mormonism.

Flags of Utah & Maryland

Also The flag of Hawaii has the Christian emblems of St. George, St. Patrick, and St. Andrew?

Finally the flags of New York and New Jersey feature the Pagan Goddess Liberity, Justice, and Ceres?

Lean More About this Story at NPR

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Siamese Burmese & Shan Flag of Myanmar

Flag of Burma since today
October 21, 2010

Myanmar or rather Burma has officially adopted a new flag that aligns with the Shan State, which is within Burma itself. The Shan people of Burma look like Thai People and are linguistic cousins. The Shan Lanuguage is more like Thai or Laotian than it is Burmese.

Flag of the Shan State within Burma

The Shan people are the second largest ethnic group in Burma. Perhaps the national flag was changed to placate the Shan Ethnic Group?

Monday, October 18, 2010

NAVA 44 Flag

Flag of NAVA 44

The 44th North American Vexillological Association's meeting was held in Los Angeles. The NAVA 44 Flag was deeply reflective of the flag of this most popular of US Cities - LA.

Official Flag of Los Angeles

The LA City flag was hoisted at the 1980 Moscow Olympics at the closing ceremony since the US was absent. The US did not attend because of issues related to the War in Afghanistan.

If the Soviets really wanted to rock the boat they could have hoisted the California State Flag. It has a red star and a bear facing left. Also Imperial Russia had planted a colony in California just north of San Francisco from 1812 to 1842 - Fort Ross.

California's State flag echos the
typical design of a Soviet Era flag

Before California became the 31st state, it was a part of Mexico and before the Mexico it was mostly under Spanish Control. But when the Napoleon stepped on Spain, the Russians coincidentally set up a colony in 1812, and the famous Russian composer, Tchaikovsky would write a memorable musical score about the War of 1812.

Other NAVA 44 flag proposals

Watch LA Flag fly at 1980 Moscow Olympics

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

South Park's Anti-New Jersey Flag

Stan's Dad waving the Anti-New Jersey Flag.

Of the many many flags created in 2010, this one was born out of the minds of two immensely popular artists: Matt Stone of Texas and Trey Parker of Colorado. On Comedy Central, South Park has become a mainstay of pop culture uniting Generations X + Y + I = 13 year hit run.

You can think of this show of being a modern day version of the classic Punch & Judy show. Way before animation, TV, and the Internet, puppet glove shows were considered adult entertainment. Back then, old Punch and Judy animators would lampoon famous people and joke about the politics of the day. Essential characters were the Devil and the whore 'Punch Polly' (Cartman's Mom). But by about 1881, Punch & Judy shows were kid oriented and lost a lot of the rough and tumble raunchiness.

Young Stags & Does from NJ

Randy Marsh's waving of the flag mocks Jersey Shore reality shown on MTV. On a background of white is written in all capital letters, "NEW JERSEY." On top on the NEW is scribbled with red ink, "NO." Stan's father is not necessarily saying "NO" to New Jersey but is against the Marky Mark party culture inspired and documented by MTV's, "Jersey Shore."

Jersey Shore on MTV

Jersey Shore
is noted for it's Jersey style Italian-American culture. New Jersey has a large percentage of Italian Heritage significantly above the national average.

Ridiculously in the following episode of South Park the people of Colorado form an alliance with Al Queda to stop the 'Jersey Threat,' with rather harsh humour.

Here Stan's Dad has a map showing Swank NJ Beach culture spreading across America

To Watch old Episodes of South Park
Click Here:

To Watch Old Episodes of the Jersey Shore
Click Here:

The Original Stripes Booth of Punch & Judy Shows

South Park's Anti-New Jersey Flag