
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Flag for Australians born in Africa

The Australian-African born flag is composed of four colours: black, red, yellow, and green.  The field is black and the stars are yellow.  This flag is for an Australian who was born in Africa by Australian parents or is transitioning to Australian citizenship.

List of Famous Australians born in Africa:

John Maxwell "J.M." Coetzee - Intellectual from South Africa
Kofi Danning - Soccer player from Ghana
 Majak Daw - Soccer player from Sudan
Anton Enus - Newsman from South Africa
Dean Geyer - Singer Song Writer
David Gonski AC - Righterous Business Leader
George Gregan - Rugby Player from Zambia
Janine Murray - Gymnist from Zambia
Selwyn - Singer from South Africa
Tim Omaji - Singer from Nigeria

Flag Chart for Australians born Abroad

These flags mark the continent where an Australian person born overseas hails from. These flags are on the same scale of the Australian state flags.  They conserve the original design to honor Australian heritage but with modified colours.

Please note these flags are not ethnic nor national flags.  Rather they are geographical in nature.  They simply represent the continent where an Australian was born.

For example imagine if an Irish-Australian family were working overseas at the Tokyo Embassy in Japan, and gave birth to a son in Tokyo.  The son born of Australian parents in Japan would not be Japanese, ethnically nor by nationality.  Japan is only his birth place, subsequently he would be entitled to fly the Yellow Aussie born in Asia Flag. 

For a grand lot of Aussies born overseas, they can fly this flag as it has the UK and Ireland under its fold.  Similar to the current national flag it differs with yellow stars and central white cross. 

Each flag has a simplified canton with a unique pallet of colours, except for the two flags beyond the Old Wold and Americas.These flags are designed to evoke an Australian spirit yet show off the diverse voices that now compose modern Australia.

Terry Irwin is currently the best known American-Aussie at the moment.  Although she was born up and over in the USA, she is now an Australian Citizen since 2009. 

In the future several million Aussies will certainly be born in Antarctica and the islands nearest to theTruely Southern Continent. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Christian-Hindu Flag

Interracial marriages may seem like an modern phenomena, but they are as an ancient as the Great Wall of China.  This flag is for persons of two faiths - Hinduism and Christianity.  This flag has a black cross and a rainbow pallet of colours.  The colours are reflective of the Chakra system of spirit and mind from ancient India.  In the canton is the meditative Ohm symbol. 

It was in the Dark Crystal that the Ohm element of Hinduism melded with a Christian Imagination in a fantastic work of art in 1982.  See the video below:

Flag for Jewish-Muslim Families

The ego likes to categorize people into specific boxes, but there are many persons who don't fit into the established set of standard boxes.  In this case, this flag is for persons who happen to have one Jewish parent and one Muslim parent, or some ratio of this match. These persons have a spiritual connection to the Islamic world and Hebrew world.  People of faith understand that a higher being can be present in more than one place at the same time, but imagine a higher mind that is able to perceive several truths from a higher multi-dimensional axis?

The colours of this flag are yellow, blue, and white.  The blue Islamic crescent has an Israeli star with a partition of blue and white near the fly.  The colour yellow symbolizes the golden richness of their culture and history.  Blue symbolizes the enchanting power of the heavens and oceans.  Finally white symbolizes the purity of a divine spirit shining through their souls.  

List of Famous Muslim-Jewish People
Jordan Zain Weiner - Child of Anthony Wiener and Huma Abedin 

Photo Credit: Weiner Family:

Flag for Christian-Muslims

In today's world the cultural melting pot has produced a new fusion of cultures.  In this instance, this flag represents two faiths that seem to be at perpetual odds.  Nonetheless, there is a small minority of persons who were born of one Muslim parent and one Christian parent.  Consequently here is the flag for this exceptionally rare diamond like generation who happens to have a spiritual and genetic connection to both the Holy Bible and Sacred Koran.

The Christian-Muslim flag is composed of six colours: black, green, sky blue, red, yellow, and white.  The imagery of Christian Cross and Islamic Crescent signify that this person has a divine connection to Islamic and Christian Heritages.

Flag for Christian-Jewish Persons

A sizable population of persons born of distant religions is making up a larger portion of the world year by year, especially in the United States and Canada.  In the wake of these 'hybrid' persons we have here the Christian-Jewish flag.  This flag represents persons who have one Jewish parent and one Christian parent, or some ratio of this combo. 

The white cross represents the purity of spirit for these persons born of mixed Jewish and Christian faiths.  The red field represents the courage and the natural ability of these people to bring healing and love to their families and the world.   The twelve five-pointed stars represent the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve disciples of Jesus.  Finally the six pointed star in the center is a proud reminder and badge of honor representing Jewish heritage. 
Persons born under these unique conditions have a connection to both spiritual worlds.  If you have a unilateral single minded point of view, it may seem perplexing that a person could be Jewish and Christian.  This situation is like a Spiritual Schrodinger's Cat's Conundrum.  A 'Chruish' individual can have a multilateral divine perception of Christ - in a quantum flux sort of way: as being a Divine Being and simultaneously an ordinary human.  However not every 'Chruish' person will have this ability. Some will choose a side, others will choose neither, and some will go elsewhere.  Others may have an obligate environmentally stimulated character, whereby they feel Christian around other Christians, or more Jewish around other Jews.  On the other hand, a few may be oppositely polarized feeling Jewish around Christians, and Christian around Jews.  It all depends, as you can make no assumptions on a person's faith.

If you happen to be a 'Half-Jew' you are not alone. Famous persons born under this flag include Bill Maher, Dorthy Parker, David Duchovny, Sarah Jessica Parker, Carly Simon, Matt Stone, Goldie Hawn, Paul Newman, Lenny Kravitz, and Courtney Love.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Hindu-Jewish Flag

Since the world essentially has transformed into a city, new persons of mixed heritages have become.  In this case, two of the world's most ancient spiritual paths co-mingle for persons born under one Jewish parent and one Hindu parent.  At first it may seem impossible to harmonize two distant world views.  But for persons born under this special waterfall condition, a certain kind of karmic heritage is inherited at their disposal.  Although a severe minority of people are of this path, their mixed Jewish-Hindu hearts beat a real love, life, and grace into this confused world of 10,000 faiths. 

The chants and prayers of the high priests from India and Israel have echoed for thousands of years whence living and breathing Pharaohs of Giza ruled the Earth, continuing unto the present day.

Coincidentally these faiths were born at polar opposite ends of the Earth which is reflected in this flag.  Israel blossomed in the deepest valley of our home in the Valley of the Dead Sea which is at the lowest point of Earth.  However Hinduism's origins is a mystery but in the Valley of the Loftiest Heights of Mt. Everest it matured and revealed some of the mysteries to life of our cosmos.

The colours reflect the modern colours of the two paradoxically young yet ancient nations born in the middle of the 20th century after the War of Endless Tears.  Israel became new again on May 14, 1948 while India was reborn in August 15, 1947.

The Christian-Buddhist Flag

The Christian-Buddhist flag combines the colours of the Buddhist Flag and Scandinavian Christian Cross.  Thus we still see the colours of blue, orange, red, yellow, and white.  In the canton is a white 'Noble Eight Path Wheel' which is similar to the Ten Commandments in the Christian Tradition.   

Just as their are Biracial people there are Dual-Faith persons.  It is not necessary to be born into a certain type of faith, but if one has a Buddhist mother and Christian father or vice verse the resultant offspring has a right to fly this flag.  The majority of people under this flag came into being when the West and United States earnestly colonized and made an effort to shape Eastern Asia.  Although persons under this flag may choose one path over the other, or perhaps neither, they have a karmic heritage and real connection to both spiritual worlds.   

Perhaps the most famous person of under this flag is Tiger Woods.  Woods was born of a Buddhist East Asian from Thailand mother yet his father is African-American and Christian from Kansas.  

Friday, July 10, 2015

End of an Era for the Confederate Battle Flag


The Confederate Battle Flag was lowered today at 10:00am EST on the capitol grounds of South Carolina.

This flag was a polarizing flag.  It stirred the heart of South to North and Black to White.  Its elegant design gave it a natural and beautiful essence, but its meaning was deeply and passionately charged in the eye of the beholder.  It had a Yin and Yang or rose like effect on the American Heart from pride to shame, guilt to innocence, victory to surrender, black to white, North to South, ignorance to knowledge, humour to all seriousness, pain to pleasure, and hate to love.

Mysterious scars remain upon the psyche of the American heart, and only the mysterious threads of history under the good guidance of time's gentle, healing hand, know when and where the fleeting screams from yesterday will stop.  With time and compassion, we will enlarge to that highest level of understanding and begin to love again.

Flag of Ahimsa and Hamsa flag of Fatima - East meets West

Two hands that advocate peace from the True Middle East and True Middle West, India and Arabia. When giving these hands, it is a peace gesture more a kin to Spock's 'Live Long and Prosper' or the two fingered peace salute. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Flash Gordon Airjet Scooter flags from 1980 Movie

Flash Gordon was the original pop-culture grandad of Wars Amongst the Stars. In 1980 Flash Gordon was rebooted.  Now that it's 2015, certainly another is in order.  Perhaps the most memorable aspect of this classic1980s film was the unique sound track by Queen, which glaringly dates this movie to the late That 70s Show-Jimmy Cater Era of the late 70s/early 80s.  The music matched harmoniously with the cheesy techno gaudiness of the late 70s/early 80s.  

Flash becomes a wing-man of a Hawkman, Prince Vultan.  The starboard pennant is pointing downwards, while the port pennant is flapping in the wind as it should be.

The golden lightening bolt upon the flag is best seen in this shot, as Sky City crumbles and explodes.  The bolt of lighting is one of the main devices or badges of Flash Gordon.  Although Flash does not have super human abilities, he is just a 'regular man' who is able to live up to his highest potential.  In this movie Flash protects all of mankind not from genocide or slavery, but rather from being duped into being "satisfied with less."

Monday, July 6, 2015

Lazarus Flag from Interstellar - 2014

 A unique flag appears in the movie Interstellar 2014, directed by Christopher NolanOf vexillological insterest is the Lazarus Mission Flag.  In this movie theoretical physics meets Hollywood under the smooth starlight of Matthew McConaughey. 

A tattered Lazarus flag can be seen beneath the flag of the United States on one of the mysterious planets.  Its poor condition is due to flying nonstop for over a decade in some distant galaxy far from Earth.
The mission patch for LAZARUS IV is on the right arm of Dr. Hugh Mann.  The story of Lazarus is related to reviving life after death.  Note that the resurrection of Lazarus after his death is accepted as Divine Truth by Jews, Christians, Muslims, Bahais, Mormons, Moonies, Sikhs, Druze, and Samaritans. However those of Hindu-Buddeic, Janian, Jedi, Pagan, Shinto, pre-literate faith, and athiest creeds need not accept it. 
In the conference room the 12 bravest persons to go on a Lazarus mission can be seen with the US flag on the left and what seems to be the Lazarus flag on the right.  Coincidentally 12 men have walked on the moon and 12 is semi-mystical number for all the races of Earth. 
The best close up of the Lazarus flag that is intact, but in a saggy indoor stance. Here the two heroes of the story are seen here hugging each other.  In the end, gravity and love are connected in the film as one of the greatest forces in the Universe, or is it a Multi-Verse? 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Greek Societies in Revenge of the Nerds 1984

In Revenge of the Nerds 1984 several unique flags appear in the film.  During the Greek Games festival hundreds of pennants can be seen flapping in the wind.  Some are decorative while others denote the Greek Societies with their organizations' colours.   Fraternities and Sororities are social clubs that are renowned for their exciting parties, social bonding, and enriching student life.  The founders of the Lambda Lambda Lambda formed by a rag tag union of socially awkward young men who were pushed together by the misdeeds of an arrogant fraternity.  The Tri-Lambs came about due to the arrogance and aggression of the Alpha Betas.     

The Adams College Greek banner can be seen heralding the opening of the Greek Games.  The faculty is seen here dressed in business attire, while the athletic director relaxes in a disrespectful manner as played by John Goodman.

Trumpet banners are seen in the opening ceremonies of the games.  The flags in this show are fringed in white.  The background is red and the writing is gold.  The writing is hard to discern, it would have been a good idea to outline the golden letters in white for better contrast.

The scoreboard shows who is winning.  Note that two Greek teams are never shown competing: fraternity Delta Kappa Gamma and the sorority Gamma Kappa Tau.  However several pennants and a sign can be seen waving in the background of these social organizations at the Greek Games.

Adams College Banners and Pennants from Revenge of the Nerds 1984

Adams College is the fictional University of Revenge of the Nerds.  The school livery is red and white. 

Here a student is wearing the school logo with school mascot which is Adam's Atoms.

Reversing the colours of the school is a common practice.  In this case the pennant is white and the print is red for Adam's Atoms. 

Here an athletic banner that plays on the theme of smashing atoms at Adam's.   In this case the 'O' of ATOM has been replaced with a standard model drawing of an atom.

Other Flags in the original Lambda Lambda Lambda Fraternity House - Revenge of the Nerds 1984

All kinds of flags appear in the Revenge of the Nerds film from 1984.  Flags are used as house decorations to set a festive atmosphere as social signal joke banners. The upper flag is the married signal joke flag.  It has a red background with a white ball and chain.  Not a slavery flag, rather it indicates that the persons here can not go out and party because she or he is married.

The other flag is the Beer Mug flag.  It has sky blue background and filled mug of freshly poured draft beer.  It indicates that a party is going on and persons are enjoying a festival for persons over 21 years of age, at least in the United States.  You can
also see the school pennant for Adams College in this shot.  It is a red pennant with the schools coat of arms. Another alcoholic flag can be seen on a bulletin board - the glass of wine flag.  It has white background with a red wine glass upon it.  It is visible when the pigs are let loose at the Lambda Lambda Lambda probationary party.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fraternal Livery of the Lambda Lambda Lambda - Revenge of the Nerds 1984

Long before the television show about a Big Bang Theory, snapper chat, digital avatar uploading, or the mass hypnosis of hand held silicon laden communication devices, there was in 1984 the revenge..... Revenge of the Nerds.  More than just a movie about bullying and misfits, it was destined to become Art Inspired Reality with the formation of an actual fraternity modeled after this film - Lambda Lambda Lambda.   The first real fraternity of Lambda Lambda Lambda was established in Connecticut on January 15, 2006 at the University of Connecticut.

The livery colours of Lambda Lambda Lambda are black and white, which are seen as the black and white streamers. At a party when the Tri-Lambs are having their probationary fraternity party, the black and white livery can easily be seen. 

Coincidentally the Machine Nation of ZERO ONE uses the same colours of black and white, as seen the Matrix animated prequels.

Here the racing pennant of the Tri-Lambs can be seen with their supporting sister sorority - Omega Mu.  The colours of the pennant are black with white writing, while Omega Mu's pennant has a pink background and white writing.

USA Flag in Revenge of the Nerds - 1984

In 1984 the world of academia was rebooted in favor of the technologically skilled. And greatest of all "N" word movies hit Hollywood.  Revenge of the Nerds 1984 is the classic original "N" word movie.  The flag of the USA appears in this film several times.  Its most centered scene takes place when we see it hanging in the makeshift gymnasium-dorm above the robot and next to the epic underdog heroes of the film Lewis & Gilbert, played by  Robert Carraoine and Anthony Edwards respectively seen in the photo above

The US flag also appears during the Greek Council room.  It can be seen hanging on the port side of the Greek Hall.

The US flag also appears as an arm patch on some of the college competitors before the beginning of the Beer-Tricycle Race.  It can be best seen on the blue and red dressed members of the race.

All through the 1980s techie movies were unleashed into the public sphere before the main launch of the internet in the 1990s.  Other such techno-computer oriented movies included Real Genius, Weird Science, and War Games.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Chris Rock's South Carolina Heritage Flag Proposals

The winning design was presented to then South Carolina Governor Jim Hodges.  The flag featured the stars replaced with stars from the WB network.

 In a satire to replace the Confederate Flag, Chris Rock went to the streets of South Carolina to ask people what they think about different flags to replace the Confederate Battle Flag.

This is the Silly Saltine on the blue background flag.
 This is the Malcolm X flag.
 This the odd South Carolina OKKK flag.

Another absurd flag is the OJ Simpson with female Caucasian flag.