
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Oklahoma and South Dakaota - Fraternal Flag Twins

Flags often looks a like, but would you believe that every flag in the union can be partnered up? two by two? For instance Texas and North Carolina are spitting images of each other, just like Kansas & Montana, or Pennsylvania & Michigan.

In this post the providence flag partners discussed are Oklahoma & South Dakota.

Both South Dakota and Oklahoma feature lighter shades of blue for the background, most states use navy blue. Coincidentally they match like yin and yang or rather day and night. Reason being, South Dakota has the outline of a sun around the seal while the square crosses on Oklahoma's Native American shield represent stars. Thus the essence of day is on the the flag of South Dakota while the hallmark of night - stars - are featured on Oklahoma.

Flag of Oklahoma
brown crosses symbolize the stars at night
flag of the NIGHT SUNS

Furthermore both flags feature sacred smoking technologies. The flag of Oklahoma has a Peace Pipe. Peace Pipes are more than mere means of nicotine insertion.

These pipes are considered sacred by Native Americans, in a similar vein to the Bible. Native American Peace Pipes are devices that allow one to connect to Mother Earth through a short lived narcotic effect.

Smokers often feel a sense of mental clarity and clam due to the 'magical' effects of the herbal agents within the tobacco leaf. But the sensation is short lived, highly addictive and dose not interfere with work productivity - sometimes improving labor costs. However there are health hazards and stinky smells that tag along.

The Pipes with Smoke - Flag of South Dakota
Industrial Smokestack and 'Smoking' Steam Boat

In balance to the smoking pipe, there is an active smoke pipe on South Dakota's Flag. The smoke stack represents the amazing ingenuity of the non-native Newcomer American. In a counter charge to ingesting smoke, the Western Mind has constructed a larger than man, man made pipe so as to go inside, in order to manipulate Mother Earth Herself. The result can be highly profitable business that can lead to a life of luxury. However there are negative consequences like labor issues, pollution, and criminal activity that often tags along with profitable industry.

Culturally speaking Oklahoma and South Dakota share a parallel heritage with the strongest of Native American Anthems. Native Americans live in all 50 states but usually as a super minority and are largely ignored. However in Oklahoma and South Dakota, Native Americans have clout and a pronounced undeniable presence.

In most states the percentage of Native Americans is consistently below 1%. Oklahoma is more than 10% Native while South Dakota teeters on 9%. 9% is a big number for any would be banker or marketing executive on Wall Street.

Flag of South Dakota
yellow triangles symbolize the sun
Flag of the Day Star

Coincidentally two modern tragedies took place in both states that deal with fighting the US federal government. Most recently the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 was the most destructive act of terrorism from a natural home grown American. In 1973 South Dakota Native American activists clashed with deadly force with the federal government - only three people officially died in the incident, but hundreds of people were murdered in the aftermath though political fighting.

The bombing of Oklahoma City and the Wounded Knee political assassinations tap into the deepest deep seated, sometimes overlooked wounds of America. In a weird way Oklahoma City carries the echo of the anti-federal outlook of the Confederacy. Likewise the 1970s Wounded Knee deaths were a karmic boomerang and echo of hate and vengeance between Native and Old World Newcomer Americans.

Both states carry historical Native American tombstones from the 1800s. Oklahoma served as the terminus of the Trail of Tears - when many Native Americans were forced from their homes in the South to live in Oklahoma. Even though most of these Natives Americans adopted western customs, dress, law, and religion they were nonetheless forcibly removed from their land at gunpoint under law. They were promised that the state would remain 100% in Native American hands, but that promise was broken, like many others.

A similar thing happened with Natives in the North, but with South Dakota at the terminus. The Trail of Tears that led to Oklahoma is balanced with the massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890. Although Native Americans were hit with genocidal policies in all 50 States, two key notes sung by Oklahoma and South Dakota are well remembered - the Trail of Tears and the Massacre of Wounded Knee.

Close up of South Dakota's Panhandle
New Albion Road passes through it
from Montana to South Dakota

But all is not tragedy. In the tragic wake of these dark chapters of American History came two stars of hope - Jim Thrope and Bill Mills. Thrope and Mills are the silver linings of the American Dream. Bill Mills was born in South Dakota later to become an orphan, US Marine, and gold Olympic athlete at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Bill Mills is the second Native American to win gold at those events, the first Native American was from Oklahoma - Jim Thrope. It was 100 years ago at the 1912 Stockholm, Swedish Olympics a Native American from Oklahoma brought home gold in the pentathlon and decathlon.

Geographically speaking both states have odd shaped handles. The pan handle of Oklahoma is distinguished and obvious for all to see. And believe it or not South Dakota has a pan-handle as well - it's really hard to see. The western line of North Dakota, Nebraska, and South Dakota has a little kink in it - in other words it ain't straight. Specifically at the tri-state corner of Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota there is a slight offset. Montana is about a mile more eastward than Wyoming. This gives South Dakota the faintest yet widest 'pan handle.' Perhaps it is better to think of it as a 'secret panel' than a pan handle?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

International Maritime Signal Flags in Back to School 1986

Thorton Mellon
Back to School 1986

Rodney Dangerfield is singing Twist and Shout on stage in front of an anchor light. Coincidentally Ferris Bueller's Day Off used this song as well. And both movies were released two days a part. Isn't it odd when Hollywood movies do that?

During this scene, international maritime signal flags are shown. These flags are often popular decorations, especially at bars that have any kind of maritime clientele.

Maritime Signal Flag
Back to School 1986

Along the upper archway are international maritime signal flags. Starting from the flag that looks like France it spells out "T-O-E-7-U-U-T-O-E-7-U." Apparently these flags are mere decorations rather that attempting to say something.

Maritime Flag for 'S'
Back to School 1986

Here Chas Osborne with a 'sister' at the bar sit in front of the maritime coded flag 'S.' Chases' little Greek sister is making a face because beer has spilled on her during the fight.

Flag for 'Yankee' or Y & other school pennants
Back to School 1986

Behind Rodney Dangerfield's head is a yellow and red diagonally striped flag. It stands for the letter 'Y' more commonly known as 'Yankee' in flag code.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Indiana Territory State Heritage Flags

Indiana State Flag

Indiana Territory existed for 16 years from 1800 unto 1816. Although Indiana is a small state, Indiana is an older brother to Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. In honor of that time period when those states were ruled by 'Indiana before graduation' - here are a few Indiana Territory Heritage Flags. They combine elements of the elegant Indiana State flag with the other states.

Illinois-Indiana Heritage Flag
The Illindianois Flag

For nine years from 1800 unto 1809 Illinois was 'schooled' about the American Way from Indiana. Although Indiana may be smaller than Illinois, Indiana is the classic familial oxymoron - the little big brother through Illinois' eyes.

Wisconsin-Indiana Heritage Flag
The Wiscindiana Flag

Wisconsin is also a part of the 'Indiana Territory Alumni Association.' But Wisconsin was in closer social status to big brother Illinois. They went their own way in 1809. In 1809 they formed their own territory - Illinois Territory. Wisconsin was basically a chip off of Illinois's shoulder.

Minnesota-Indiana Heritage Flag
The Minnesodiana Flag

Only the north-eastern portion of Minnesota was able to hang out with Indiana Territory. Thus only those parts of Minnesota can fly this flag. With regard to the twin cities - St. Paul can fly this flag but Minneapolis can not. Minneapolis didn't do the 'Indiana Territory U' - so to speak.

Michigan-Indiana Heritage Flag
The Indamichigana Flag

Michigan oddly has two Indiana Heritage histories that fracture in 1805 and merges in 1816. After Ohio became a state in 1803 all of Michigan fell into cahoots with Indiana.

But in 1805 the lower peninsula skipped out on 'Indiana Learnin.'

The upper peninsula of Michigan mostly continued to be 'Indiana's Bud' except for the very tip. Basically the part of the upper peninsula of Michigan that is due north Indiana didn't ditch Indiana and stayed for Indiana's graduation.

In 1816, Indiana 'graduated' to become the 19th state of the USA.

Unorganized Territory Heritage Flag of the USA

Unorganized Territory Heritage Flag - USA

There are parts of the United States that existed in limbo. They were not officially a part of a state or working territory. Rather they were classified as 'Unorganized Territory.' Thus this flag is for those regions of the US that were put in the 'other-whatever' category for a while.

This flag is post-historical and modern. It is based upon the fusion of the Federal Banner with the flag of Washington DC - since the federal government, Washington D.C, was in charge.

The 13 stars in the canton reflect the original 13 colonies and the shape of a cross reflects the Christian Heritage of America's Founding Fathers.

However, right now Palmyra Atoll, Midway, Johnston Island, Baker Island, Howland Island, Kingman Reef, Wake Island, and American Samoa all actively hold an Unorganized Status within the United States.

As for states that are no longer unorganized the states initials are to be written in between the canton and red stars. Also in middle of the red stripes, the years of when it was unorganized. But if a state had more than one unorganized time period then all relevant dates should be written. Thee second white lower stripe can also be used for dates.

State Michigan Territory Heritage Flags 1805-1837

Michigan State Flag

From 1805 unto 1837 Michigan Territory ruled over sections of the other states from time to time.

Michigan Territory was originally split off of Indiana Territory but only consisted of a big peninsula and a wee portion of the upper peninsula. But in 1818 Michigan Territory expanded over what was to become all of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and the eastern half of both Dakotas

In honor of that connection to Michigan, here are Michigan Territory Heritage flags that are to be flown. But only over the eastern side of North Dakota and South Dakota.

North Dakota-Michigan Heritage Flag
The North Michikota Flag

For 19 years east North Dakota was schooled by Michigan Territory.

South Dakota-Michigan Heritage Flag
The South Michikota Flag

Eastern South Dakota was also in the womb of Michigan for 19 years.

Iowa-Michigan Heritage Flag
The Iowichigan Flag

Like a college - Iowa developed for 19 years under the tutelage of Michigan.

Wisconsin-Michigan Heritage Flag
The Miwisaconchigan Flag

Wisconsin like all of her neighbors belongs the 'Michigan Territory Alumni Association.' Whereby by courts of law, land deeds, deaths, marriages, and births all took place under 'Michigan' law.

Yellow was chosen for two reasons. First it can already be found on the Wisconsin Shield. Secondly it is the most popular colour for cheese.

Minnesota-Michigan Heritage Flag
The Minnechigota Flag

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Flags in Back to School 1986 - The Hooter Owl College Pennants

School Pennant
Back to School 1986

Back to School 1986 stars Rodney Dangerfield, Robert Downey Junior and Kieth Gordon. The three men are seen here about to enter a revamped dorm room. Mr. Downey here plays as a left wing anti-establishment college kid Derek Lutz. In his hands are the schools pennant with name and mascot - an owl.

Cheerleaders with pom poms
Back to School 1986

The livery of Hooters is red and white. Pom poms are vexilloids in a primitive sense. In essence they are a bundles of hundreds of mini flags, when waved they make a distinct swishing sound.

School Pennant - 'HOOTERS' on the wall
Back to School 1986

Here Jason Melon passes by a trophy case with a school pennant on the wall. Jason is on the way to participate in a diving competition.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Washington Territory-State Heritage Flags

State Flag of Washington State & Territorial Seal

Washington Territory existed from 1853 unto 1889. Up until 1863 several future states made up parts of this territory - Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. They were united with Washington Territory for different amounts of time.

Nonetheless since all have a common Washington Territorial Heritage - here are Washington Territory Heritage flags that honor of their time in the 'Washington-Womb' so to speak. These flags are to be flown over land that was once Washington Territory - so only the western Pacific waster-shed of Montana, a small northwestern corner of Wyoming, and anywhere in Idaho.

Idaho-Washington Territory Heritage Flag
The Idawashingho Flag

For a decade northern pan-handle of Idaho was one with Washington, from 1853 to 1863. The lower part of Idaho or rather 'just the plain pan' joined a little later in 1859. Reason being, Oregon became a state and gave her left overs to Washington Territory.

Southern Idaho has four years of Washington Territory Heritage, while Northern Idaho has ten years . Think of it like this - the panhandle of Idaho earned a PhD. in 'Washington Territory Studies' while 'just the plain pan' of Idaho only earned a Bachelor Degree from 'Washington Territory U.'

The of seals of Washington Territory and Idaho mix due to common history. The man on plow with horse is missing and the big tree is replaced with the 'territorial' cabin trees.

The Montana-Washintonton Terriotry Heritage
The Washontana Flag

Only the western side of Montana has Washington Territory Heritage and like Idaho it lasted ten years. But the nose tip of Montana came late, like southern Idaho.

Again the seals merge with a 'territorial' lady in pink and the word's 'AL KI' which is an Native American word for 'By & By.' She is also facing east towards Montana.

Wyoming-Washington Territory Heritage Flag
The Wyoshimington Flag

For four years a small eastern triangular section of Wyoming was a part of Washington Territory.

The central seal of Wyoming is completely replaced with the Washington Territorial Seal.

Washington Territorial Seal Source

PS Isn't it fun to jumble up the state names - if feels so funky!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Flags in Batman Begins 2005

Flags from Batman Begins 2005
On the Tibet Highlands

Batman Begins 2005 was an extraordinary remake of the Batman. Directed by Christopher Nolan it retells the origins of Batman though Bruce Wayne.

Here Mr. Wayne is hoping to get access to a mystical martial arts group who have powers beyond compare.

Notice Flags behind Bruce Wayne
Batman Begins 2005

Bruce Wayne begins his formal training in the Dark Arts. The hidden sect of warriors from Central Asia nurture him like student yet he fails his final test - which is to murder a guilty man.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dead Space Flags - 2008 Video Game

Flags in Dead Space 2008

Dead Space 2008 is a survival zombie sci-fi video game set in the future. It combines gore, alien invaders, action, horror, politics, and dives fist first into cult religious fundamentalism.

This is not a game for children. The gore factor pushes the envelope as do the cut scenes. The core fear factor resides in musical score. The result is Alien 1979 looks like mere child's play.

Military Recruitment Poster with flag
Dead Space 2008

You play as Issac Clarke, whose name pays homage to pioneering science fiction writers Issac Asimov and Arthur Clarke.

In Dead Space mankind meets up with a hostile alien demonic species that uses telepathic means to control and subjugate people in its own way, people are mere objects to a means.

Some of the scenes are psychologically disturbing.

Ship Logos of the USG Ishimura and USM Valor

Flag of the USM Valor
Dead Space 2008

Friday, July 6, 2012

South Carolina State Heritage Flags

Flag of South Carolina

The following flags are based upon a mesh of various states with the theme of South Carolina. Soon after independence South Carolina like most of the other colonies laid claim to lands west to the Mississippi River. Back then it seemed a tiny sliver of Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi was gonna' be a part of South Carolina.

At least until 1787 - during USA version 1.0 under the Articles of Confederation. After 1787 South Carolina learned to make due with her relatively small size.

So in honor of the short period from 1776 unto 1787, when SC had a western claim, I have created state history heritage flags for states that have become a forlorn twinkle in South Carolina's eyes. These flags are to be flown over the parts of the modern day states that should'a went to South Carolina, but didn't.

Georgia-South Carolina Heritage Flag
The South Carolorgia Flag

The northern crown of Georgia once belonged to South Carolina. But since all the original 13 colonies were giving up their Mississippi shore front, South Carolina had to follow suit. One for all and all for one? Or is it monkey do monkey see?

Mississippi-South Carolina Heritage Flag
The South Carolississppi Flag

Back in the 1780s, South Carolina was fixin' for an international border. Only if, if alternate forks of history were to'a of been done.

Some people even say you still hears ol' South Carolina prospector ghosts walking around the tippy top northern portion of Mississippi.

Tennessee-South Carolina Heritage Flag
The South Carolinessee Flag

Just'a wee nibbly spickle and speckle of southern Tennessee were'on track to be parts of South Carolina.

Alabama-South Carolina Flag
The South Carolabama Flag

The crescent moon and pine tree were doubled in that fancy Nancy heraldic like fashion to keep it balanced.

Map Credit SOURCE
Kmusser, between 1782 and 1802 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Georgia Heritage Mississippi & Alabama Flags

When Georgia became a part of the United States in 1788 part of its official territory was composed of what would become Alabama and Mississippi. In honor of that time period when Georgia bordered New Spain and the Mississippi River I have created Heritage flags that combines elements of Georgia's Flag with the would be 'Daughters of Georgia.'

Mississippi Georgia Heritage Flag

The Missigeorgia Flag

The canton was made mostly blue like Georgia State flag and yellow was added since Georgia has a touch of yella' in it.

From 1788 unto 1802 the northern part of Mississippi was a part of Georgia. This is when Georgia bordered the Mississippi river, for 14 years. Georgia fought tooth an nail to hold on to her Mississippi shoreline but the federal government thought otherwise, thanks to President Jefferson.

Alabama-Georgia Heritage Flag
The Georgibama Flag

Alabama borders Georgia and was once a part of her in the same time frame from 1788 unto 1802. Here the canton of Georgia's flag is replaced with Alabama's flag.

Tennessee North Carolina Heritage Flag

Tennessee-North Carolina Heritage Flag
North Tennolina Flag

Until 1790 Tennessee was a part of North Carolina. Thusm this flag was made to honor the North Carolina Heritage of Tennessee.

The pattern is similar but both horizontal bars are red. Instead of a 'N' and 'C' there is a 'T' and 'N.'

Likewise the dates are different. They refer to the admission of Tennessee as an American State. Tennessee was the first of the 'Born Again American States.' On June 24, 1866 it was readmitted under a coincidentally North Carolina born President - Andrew Johnson. Tennessee was first admitted into the United States on June 1, 1796.

Map Credit
Kmusser between 1782 and 1802

Wyoming Territory Flag and Heritage Flags 1868-1890

Wyoming Territorial Flag 1868-1890

Something like Back to Future, this flag was made official 101 years after the Wyoming Territory ceased to exist. Thus Wyoming is the first state to instate an official flag for a time period that had already happened!

But there is an authentic element via the seal and coat of arms which were official when Wyoming was indeed a territory.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

New Brunswick-Maine Heritage Flag

New Brunswick-Maine Heritage Flag
The New Mainswick Flag

This flag is to be flown over the region in Maine or New Brunswick that was claimed and lost by Canada or the United States.

Basically it's the New Brunswick flag with a United States twist. The Royal English Lion is replaced with the Constellation of Leo the Lion. It maintains a 'Royal Lion' but in a 'new constellation' in honor of the US Flag. The water waves are changed to red and white in Yankee Tradition.

Although the 4th of July is an American Holiday, it is also a vital moment in Canadian History. This flag is appropriate since it was 100 years ago that Canada and the USA were at war with each other. But since then relations between these sibling nations is as good as it gets, relative to most of the nations of the world.

Domestically Maine and New Brunswick are like border states/provinces between the North and the South as it is in Kentucky or Maryland. But the historical division is wider between these 'brother nations ' who went their separate ways in 1776.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Flags in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle 2004

Harold and Kumar by US Flag in White Castle

In 2004 the void left by Cheech and Chong was filled up by Harold and Kumar, with the release of the movie Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.

The coincidence is that Cheech and Chong are somewhat analogous to Harold and Kumar. Cheech is a mix of Indian and Chong is mix of Asian. Likewise Harold is Asian while Kumar is Indian.

Cheech and Chong were a comedic duo of a 1/2 Asian person with a 1/2 Indian person who were both glued together by a common 1/2 Caucasian heritage. Just in case you forgot, people of Mexican identity are generally a mix of Caucasian and Native Indian. Also Chong was a 50/50 mix of Chinese and Fine Canadian White.

But Harold and Kumar are full blooded - Asian and Indian. The funny thing is that Europeans thought they were in India thus the name stuck with the aboriginals of America, however most Native Americans look more East Asian than India Indian.

To complicate matters further, the term Asian in the US is warped to signify East Asian people only. Officials and the media overlook that India, Israel, and Arabia are also a part of Asia. What this means is that New York has a higher percentage of Asians than what's normally considered Asian when you factor Middle Eastern, Israeli and India people into the ratio.

Confused? Basically you're average American Joe (Asian or not) usually considers people of only of Mongoloid features to be Asian, but Asia is bigger than that. Suffice to say that most of the people in the Torah, Bible, and Koran were Asian.

Nonetheless, Cheech and Chong were West Coast go with flow Cali-style, but Harold and Kumar are East Coast New Jersey Nutballs, like George Carlin. Finally note that, although Harold and Kumar are younger than Cheech and Chong, Harold and Kumar's ethnic family trees are much older. Mexican people have been on the planet for less than 500 years.

Announcement flag on poster
pennant in the background

There is a green and white commercial ad flag on the wall above the fire extinguisher. You can also see the livery of White Castle - which is blue and white, via the pennants. Also Neil Patrick Harris plays himself as a famous person who runs into 'regular folk.'

White Castle Pennants close up
Harold and Kumar

Kumar and Harold seen here walking in front of White Castle. The white and blue pennants are the would be livery or corporate colours of White Castle.

The John Hewson American Revolution Pine Tree Flag from 1776