
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

New Brunswick-Maine Heritage Flag

New Brunswick-Maine Heritage Flag
The New Mainswick Flag

This flag is to be flown over the region in Maine or New Brunswick that was claimed and lost by Canada or the United States.

Basically it's the New Brunswick flag with a United States twist. The Royal English Lion is replaced with the Constellation of Leo the Lion. It maintains a 'Royal Lion' but in a 'new constellation' in honor of the US Flag. The water waves are changed to red and white in Yankee Tradition.

Although the 4th of July is an American Holiday, it is also a vital moment in Canadian History. This flag is appropriate since it was 100 years ago that Canada and the USA were at war with each other. But since then relations between these sibling nations is as good as it gets, relative to most of the nations of the world.

Domestically Maine and New Brunswick are like border states/provinces between the North and the South as it is in Kentucky or Maryland. But the historical division is wider between these 'brother nations ' who went their separate ways in 1776.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Flags in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle 2004

Harold and Kumar by US Flag in White Castle

In 2004 the void left by Cheech and Chong was filled up by Harold and Kumar, with the release of the movie Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.

The coincidence is that Cheech and Chong are somewhat analogous to Harold and Kumar. Cheech is a mix of Indian and Chong is mix of Asian. Likewise Harold is Asian while Kumar is Indian.

Cheech and Chong were a comedic duo of a 1/2 Asian person with a 1/2 Indian person who were both glued together by a common 1/2 Caucasian heritage. Just in case you forgot, people of Mexican identity are generally a mix of Caucasian and Native Indian. Also Chong was a 50/50 mix of Chinese and Fine Canadian White.

But Harold and Kumar are full blooded - Asian and Indian. The funny thing is that Europeans thought they were in India thus the name stuck with the aboriginals of America, however most Native Americans look more East Asian than India Indian.

To complicate matters further, the term Asian in the US is warped to signify East Asian people only. Officials and the media overlook that India, Israel, and Arabia are also a part of Asia. What this means is that New York has a higher percentage of Asians than what's normally considered Asian when you factor Middle Eastern, Israeli and India people into the ratio.

Confused? Basically you're average American Joe (Asian or not) usually considers people of only of Mongoloid features to be Asian, but Asia is bigger than that. Suffice to say that most of the people in the Torah, Bible, and Koran were Asian.

Nonetheless, Cheech and Chong were West Coast go with flow Cali-style, but Harold and Kumar are East Coast New Jersey Nutballs, like George Carlin. Finally note that, although Harold and Kumar are younger than Cheech and Chong, Harold and Kumar's ethnic family trees are much older. Mexican people have been on the planet for less than 500 years.

Announcement flag on poster
pennant in the background

There is a green and white commercial ad flag on the wall above the fire extinguisher. You can also see the livery of White Castle - which is blue and white, via the pennants. Also Neil Patrick Harris plays himself as a famous person who runs into 'regular folk.'

White Castle Pennants close up
Harold and Kumar

Kumar and Harold seen here walking in front of White Castle. The white and blue pennants are the would be livery or corporate colours of White Castle.

The John Hewson American Revolution Pine Tree Flag from 1776

Monday, July 2, 2012

An Appeal to Heaven Flag Fun

One of the Early Flags of the
American Revolution in 1776

This flag was used in the early part of the revolution by continental forces at large. Generally it represented the Northern States.

A Keebler Elf Version of the Pine Tree Flag
US Revolution meets cookies

This flag is a mash up of the US Appeal to Heaven Pine Tree flag with the Keebler Cookie Elf Tree - so familiar to people who grew up on television. Although not a pine tree per say - but hey, isn't it funny? And no, the Keebler Company does not give me money nor do I have any relations business or familial.

The Giving Tree fused with the
US Patriotic Appeal to Heaven Flag

The Giving Tree was a children's book written by Shel Silverstein in 1964. It is a touching story about giving and what it means to love. Another non-pine tree sitting in, but this is one of the most famous trees in the childhood universe. Makes you wonder will there be anymore famous trees coming up? Hopefully it'll be pine, maybe in the next 20 years. I think we are due.

The Lego Version of the
Pine Tree-Appeal to Heaven Flag

Here Legos pose as the Pine Tree US Revolution flag. So appropriate and matches very well.

The flimsy Peanuts tree fused to US Patriot Pine Tree Flag
A Charlie Brown Christmas

This little poor Christmas Tree chosen by Charlie Brown back in 1965 has echoed across the imagination of American Youth. The word 'Heaven' has been switched with Linuses' favorite word when things go awry, 'Good Grief!'

An Appeal to Heaven Flag - Lego Style

An Appeal to Heaven - Lego Style

Legos are toys for the youth or adult? Here they are used to remake the American Revolutionary 'Appeal to Heaven Flag.'

I wonder why this flag does not have mas much popularity as the Gadsden Flag? Perhaps in balance to Tea Party Folk - Occupy Wall Street Folk could use this flag?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Coily the Snake Don't Hop on Me - Gadsden Flag Gone Mad!

The Coilysden Flag

Gadsden Flag Fun

The Gadsden Flag is a popular flag of protest. In contrast to the red, white, and American blue or even the Confederate flag, it is a stark contrast with a yellow background and a snake. Here is a list of some pop-art mashups with the Gadsden Flag. It reminds me of the Chinese Emperor's flag but instead of a Dragon we have a snake. And in some mythologies snakes are often thought of as 'little' dragons.

From GI Joe
The Cobradsden Flag

From Q*Bert 1982
The Q*berdsden Flag

From the Never Ending Story 1983
The Orinsden Flag

From the Harry Potter Franchise
The Slytherinsden Flag

Another Coily Flag from Q*Bert
Don't Hop On Me Coilysden Flag

The Original Gadsden Flag
the modern version

A reboot of a contemporary version from 1776
The Hewson-Gadsden Flag

Original drawing and text by John Hewson probably made in 1776.

Bhutan Version of the Gadsden Flag
the Bhutansden Flag

The Chinese version of the Gadsden Flag
The Ghungxisden Flag

Harry Potter Gadsden Flag - House of Slytherin

House of Slytherin Gadsden Flag
The house of Slytherin is one of the four divisions at Hogwarts. Its emblem is a snake. Thus it makes a good fit for a Gadsden Hogwart's Flag.

This flag is based upon the Gadsden Rattle Snake flag but with arms of Slytherin and 'TREAD' is changed to 'CAST A SPELL.'

'When Harry meets American Patriotism'

The Modern Gadsden Flag

Gadsden Flag, Rattle Snake Flag Cobra Commander Sytle from G.I. Joe

The Cobra Commander Rattle Snake Flag
Don't Tread On Me Flag - Cobra Style from GI Joe

Cobra Commander is the villain in the GI Joe cartoon/comic book universe. Its symbol was the head of cobra, about to strike, but only the head. In this case, a body has been added so it can pose as the Gadsden Flag.

The Gadsden Flag Q*Bert Style with Coily

The Q*Bert Don't Tread On Me Flag

Q*Bert was classic hit from 1982 during the age of Tron when video game arcades were in their glory. In this game you play as a what looks like a mutated echidna who changes the colours of square cubes and are chased around by a purple snake known as Coily.

The Gadsden Flag of 1776 by John Hewson

Modernized 2012 Version

The Rattlesnake Rebel flag of 1776 has become a popular icon. Here is an updated version based upon the work of John Hewson of Philadelphia. The drawing of the rattle snake is from his own had. Hewson also used a slightly different text by using 'upon' instead of 'on.' Finally the snake is facing right towards the upper fly instead - facing sinister it is would be.

Enlarged Original Print in 1776 Philadelphia
by John Hewson

This flag is an element in a larger picture from a personalized handkerchief printed circa 1776 at the request of Martha Washington when she had passed though Philadelphia.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Jack of the Wonkatania

The Wonkatania with Jack
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 1971

The jack of the HMS Wonkatania is a blue swallowtail flag with a letter W. The letter W is white and in a matching font of the Willy Wonka chocolate factory corporation.

Wonka and guests arriving at the destination

The flag of the HMS Wonkatania does not flutter. It is made of a stiff material to appear as if it is blowing in the wind.

Flags in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 1971

Notice German flag upon the entrance way
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - 1971

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is an epic movie about raising children the right way. It shows that children are often a reflection of their parents. Starring Gene Wilder it is a film for kids and adults. It entertains with a positive hopeful message. The original story originated from a WWII Ace Fighter Pilot, who also wrote James and the Giant Peach.

UK and US flag
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - 1971

The Chocolate Factory is located in the UK. Strange as it seems Willy Wonka and Charlie are Americans in England, likewise there are many British in America as well.

Mike Teavee from the USA
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - 1971

The big mouth know it all bully is played by Mike Teavee from the United States. He is spoiled rotten and is not afraid to push adults around. Mike picked up his pushy disrespectful unscrupulous, I know how to put you in a box attitude from his ninny whinny parents.

Violet from the USA
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - 1971

Violet is a negative stereotype American girl with a big ego Lucy-complex who does what she wants when she wants. She has no respect for authority. Her behaviors originate from her push over and slick and greedy parents who always let her have her way, and has little respect for others.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - 1971

Augustus is a German boy who is a glutton allowed to consume and get everything he wants. His parents allow or enable him that he harms his own body. Not really a bad kid, but he is a kid without limits.

US flag with Charlie
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - 1971

The hard luck case, unspoiled and gives respect to his elders. But Charlie, like all children is prone to make mistakes. However his heartfelt humble respect for honesty saves the day. He is the rare poor American kid living in England.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Alaska and Nevada - Fraternal Matching Flags

Flag of Alaska

The 'flag twin' of Alaska is Nevada. Their simple designs and rich blue backgrounds unite these bucolic semi-alien wonderlands of America. Both flags feature stars in their corners - Nevada with a single white star in the upper hoist while Alaska has a yellow star in the upper fly. Alaska has eight stars while Nevada only has one - echoing the motto of 'Out of One, Many.'

The corner stars of the these flags reflect that ever so enchanting notion of of 'Silver and Gold.' These two elements were epic in shaping the initial culture of both states with the Comstock Lode silver find in Virginia, City Nevada and Klondike Gold Rush with Alaska.

Both states are tied to the West Coast via the Pacific Watershed. Alaska and Nevada are heirs to big and wide open spaces, everyone knows that Alaska is the biggest state in the union but did you know that Nevada holds the title as the largest internal state? Alaska is the largest state with an international border, while Nevada is king of the states without an international border.

Flag of Nevada

Of cultural symmetry linking these expansive and quite dangerous environments are the Iditarod and Pony Express. Both were basically one time deals that have become epic footnotes in American History. The Iditarod was a one state show for Alaska and it eventually turned into a state holiday. However the tale of the Pony Express involved several states but arguably the most difficult part of the journey was though the lonely dry expanse in Nevada, ask any trucker who must drive though this state into or out of California, "Hey Trucker can you imagine crossing Nevada on horseback without ac or cold drinks in the middle of summer?"

Both states have their modern cities with creature comforts that supports modern cyber-civilization. There are hard working heaters in Alaska just as their are always on air conditioners in Nevada. But both states are home to grizzly gun men and strong bush women who know how kill, skin, and eat a moose or rabbit. Likewise both states have wild and virgin expanses that only trained nature lovers should venture into.

Technologically both states are power plants or virtual mitochondria for our communal American Dream. What I mean is, that the Hoover Dam and Alaskan Pipeline were amazing instruments of technology in their time, and quite frankly still are. Both of these man made or rather woman willed wonders are often featured in movies. However they are often overlooked by ordinary Americans who live far far away. Although these states don't get much to do attention during federal elections, due to the low electoral college vote, they are important understated power players.

Of geographical significance is both states sit in the cross hairs of Africa, Asia, and Europe. What does this mean? Well for Nevada a portion is parallel to Europe, while its southern regions are parallel to Africa. So depending on which part of Nevada you're in you can call it African or European like weather. As for being like Asia - Nevada is similar in stance to Afghanistan, Iran, and Afghanistan. Thus the wild grizzly gun men of Nevada would feel at home in these areas.

Now for Alaska it's obviously not at any latitude of Africa, but when you look at it's longitudinal coordinates it lines up with the Africa-Europe-Asia overlap with the Middle East. Juneau is like Moscow, that if you travel due north or south past the poles you will cross over Asia, Africa, and Europe. Note most of the United States is aligned with Asia when you travel due north or south past the poles. And geographically speaking the most western islands of Alaska are a part of the Asian Continent - but don't tell this to fundamentalist geographer.

So what does this mean? Interesting geography and an alignment of providence between these two states of similar flags, I suppose. Basically if you are praying to the Holy Land in Jerusalem or Mecca you can pray east or west if you are in Nevada, and north or south if you are in Alaska.

Thus people in Christochina, Alaska are over the pole due north or south of Israel, likewise in the town of Eagle, Alaska all mosques should face due north.Coincidentally both states have 'outlaw' reputations.

Gambling, concubine work, and smoking cannabis are ancient activities that are partially kosher or rather halal between these two states. Do it in the wrong place and the police will throw you in jail, but do it in the right place, right time, and right way and the police will protect you.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Flags of Somewhere in Time - 1980

It was 100 years ago that Richard Collier was able to travel back to 1912 to find love. He used the power of his mind rather than relying on machines and gadgets. The first and perhaps the best time travel drama of the 20th century.

Somewhere in Time 1980
Richard Collier in front of the Grand Hotel

This was the plot to Somewhere in Time 1980 that starred Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour.

Somewhere in Time was filmed on an island resort in the Great Lakes - Lake Superior to be exact. The power of this film made it a cult-classic, whereby fans hold conventions every autumn at the film's primary location.

In the pictures above you can see the US flag and a yellow flag of the Grand Hotel with its name written on it in red cursive.

Richard with antagonist - the Manger Mr. Robinson
Somewhere in Time 1980

The plot line of this movie was elegantly recycled in James Cameroon's 1997 version of the Titanic. Coincidentally both story lines take place 100 years ago in 1912. And both films were love stories.

It illustrates the timeless dimension of love whether it be a century or fifteen years ago - even now in 2012. Love is love as it will be in 2112.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Eurorica the Subcontinent - a.k.a. Greenland

Flag of Eurorica
the Subcontinent Greenland

Since Greenland is so large - some geographers believe that it fits the definition of a continent. If not a full member, it qualifies as a subcontinent like India or the Middle East.

The flag of Eurorica takes elements of Scandinavia, America, and Quebec. The cross is of Scandinavian design like Norway, Sweden and Finland. The stars stem from the several American nations that use stars in their flags like the USA, Panama, Cuba and Venezuela.

Blue directly matches in colour with Quebec's Flag. Orange and white was chosen to match the color scheme of the Antarctica Flag designed by Whitney Smith.

The core of this subcontinent is Greenland. Geographically speaking Iceland and many of the 'Canadian North Indies'- Ellesmere Island, Devon Island, and Axel Heiberg Island. Part of Svalbard would be classified purely as a part of Eurorica too - Prins Karls Forland, Nordaustlandet, Kivtoya, and Kong Karls Land. Even a small portion of Russia's Franz Josef Land is a part of the 'Dwarf Continent' of Eurorica - Alexandra Land.

Narwal Photo Credit

Monday, June 25, 2012

Flags in a Christmas Story 1983 - it's time for Christmas in June!

Parade Flags - A Christmas Story 1983

Merry Christmas! I know it's June, but since it's the 'Twenty Fifth' of June, a little Christmas Cheer wouldn't hurt anyone?

Christmas in June make more sense since its fairly warm in the Holy Land. FYI Israel is at the same latitude of Louisiana - just about.

Christmas Flag - A Christmas Story 1983

This film is one of those precious timeless gems that was made for little yet had the deepest of impacts.

Getting your tongue stuck to a flag pole
A Christmas Story 1983

Raphie here got his tongue stuck on the flag pole! Hey kids never ever do this!

US Flag in the Clasroom
A Christmas Story 1983

Jeepers would you look at that a chalk board! How quaint.

US flag outside of the class room
notice the neat rows of the 48 starred US flag

Top Gun, Vexilloids & Patches on Leather Jacket of US Naval Aviator Lieut. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell

Back of Maverick's Aviator Jacket
Top Gun 1986

The flags on the large central patch are - the United States, United Nations, Japan, and Taiwan.

Left side of Maverick's Leather Jacket
Top Gun 1986

Here Maverick shakes his hand with Mike "Viper" the teacher. As he does the port side of his leather jacket is visible. Always remember that Portugal is on the left-port side of Europe.

Front side of Jacket
Top Gun 1986

Notice the flag of patch of Texas on his left shoulder. In 1986 the threat of nuclear war palatable in the media. In the US Navy, the top gun vehicle was the F-14 Tomcat, before the age of covert drone planes. In a quantum stretch you can think of a fighter jet as being simply a flying gun. It's a real fancy gun with wings and can do all kinds of tricks.

Right side by Airport
Top Gun 1986

Here Maverick played by Tom Cruise sits on a motorcycle by the military landing strip for fighter jets. The right-starboard side of his jacket is visible. Remember to reach for the star-board stars with your right hand like a right wing patriotic American - otherwise you'll be a left wing cosmonaut.