
Monday, February 13, 2012

Mill Island Antarctica

Flag of Mill Island Antarctica

The flag of Mill Island uses the colours black, orange, and blue. The design is honor of Norwegian explorers of Antarctica.

Mill Island takes its name after a Scottish geographer.

Flag of Bear Island Antarctica

Flag of Bear Island Antarctica

The Flag of Bear Island uses the colours black, white and orange. These colours are based upon Antarctica's most famous residents - the penguins. The design of the flag is based upon the flag of Iceland but with altered colours.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Good Morning Vietnam 1987

Official Title of Good Morning Vietnam 1987

Starring Robin Williams, an epic and hilarious film about Vietnam. A ground breaking war film that ran the gambit of sorrow, joy, humor and love. Produced under Touchstone Pictures, it was a total polf, the opposite of an expected flop that became a super smash hit.

In the title credit is a unique logo created for the film. It featured an old time bar shaped microphone tilted to the left with air force wings of three stripes.

Robin Williams with Air Force hat
and Forrest Whitaker with Vietnam Sword Badge

In this shot the Airman Adriane Cronauer the military disc jockey that dared to play modern music is played by Robin Williams. To his right is first class private Edward Montesquieu Garlic played by Forrest Whitaker. On private Garlic's left arm is a military badge - it is a shield with a white sword facing upwards and composed of the colours red, yellow, and white.

US Navy Gunboat with US Flag

The US flag makes several appearances in the movie. Here it is proudly flown on the US river gunboat.

Official Trailer 1987

Pulp Fiction Flags - 1994 Quintin Tarintino's epic 90s gangster film

The Modern Confederate Flag with US flag

Pulp Fiction 1994 directed by Quintin Tarintino was a smash success gangster movie. Raunchy, racy, wild, entertaining and yet philosophical. It broke the Hollywood public consumption formula with retro sounds and cutting edge plot twists.

Here Butch Coolidge played by Bruce Willis stays at the River Glen Motel. A neon green and red "Drive In" sign is shaped like a pennant.

Official Trailer 1994

Tolmania Flags from the Great Dictator 1940

Flags of Tolmania

A year before the start of World War II, Charlie Chaplin gave his greatest speech that has echoed though time. The national symbol of Tolmania takes several forms. There are pennants, long banners, and in the four corners of the car we see the traditional rectangular version of the Tolmanian Nation. A parody of the times done to mock Hitler and Nazi Germany. Note this movie was created and released before the attack on Pearl Harbor and invasion of the Soviet Union.

Coincidentally Hitler and Chaplin were born in the same year - 1889. Likewise the swastika like Chaplin's mustache was corrupted by Western history to become a symbol synonymous with evil, at least in the Western Mind. Chaplin also wore a small square under nose mustache long before Adolf. Likewise the swastika has been a symbol of pride and peace for hundreds of years long before its 'Western Corruption' in World War II.

Mel Brooks humor before Mel Brooks cinema. Mr. Brooks would have been 14 or 15 years old when he saw this movie - that's eighth or ninth grade American. It is the famous thinker statue mocking the Nazi Reich arm salute. But notice its the left arm that is saluting the Great Dictator and not the right.

The flag of Tolmania consisted of two white 'Xes' on a field of black, presumably on a red field. Here Tolmanian Vexillums stand in the background. Their is an additional symbol that looks like a torch with two arrows pointing to the left and right.

Harry Potter Flags from the Triwizard Tournement - Drumstrang Institute of Magical Learning

The colours of Bulgarian School of Magic are black and red. Waved in the fourth Harry Potter film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Magic in 2005.
The Bulgarian School of Magic flags first wave at a tournament.

Bulgarian quidditch magician extraodinare - Victor Krum. Here Bulgaria meets Ireland at the international quidditch match. The colours of his school are apprently black and red. Krums talents shine and cause the Potter crew to adore his name and talents.

These are not the official colours of Bulgaria, rather they are the livery of the Drumstang Institute for Magical Learning. But the official colours of real Bulgaria use red and white, with green. But no black.

Harry Potter Flags from the Triwizard Tournement - The Beauxbatons Academy of Magic from France

The French Team is an all girls school

In 2005 the Harry Potter franchise saw the release of the its fourth film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. In it there is an exchange program between schools for the Triwizard Tournament. Two other schools of magic come to Hogwarts to compete - one from France and the other from Bulgaria. Coincidentally a stylized letter 'B' on a quartered shield of arms are represent the French Academy of Magic.

Dark and light blue colours

Someday J.K. Rowling will release the rights and allow writers, hopefully French to expand and write about the Adventures at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. French Harry Potter heads would probably consume Beauxbaton Adventures like popcorn-crack.

The all girls school of magic from France
with Champions Banner

Beauxbaton allows no boys! It's an all girls school and some women would prefer to learn all about magic without men to influence or distract them from their magical talents.

A small pennant for Allez

Cheers form the French "Allez," which basically means "come on" in English or "ganbate" in Japanese. Five pointed stars are important symbols for Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.

Harry Potter Vexillum - Banners from the Goblet of Fire

Banners and Vexillums

A few Harry Potter Vexillums and banners wave in the Goblet of Fire 2005. In the fourth film Harry is chosen to compete against two other schools of magic in the Triwarzads Tournament. Suffice it to say Harry is mildly successful. On the left and right are banners held up by two poles while the vexillum is held up by a cross pole - to permanently unfurl a flag without the need for wind.

Golden Harry Flag with Gold Stamp

Once Harry opens the Golden Dragons Egg a horrible shriek shouts across the room. In this scene, clear glimpses of Harry's vexillum's are shown. On a background of red, Harry is scrawled in gold in chief above a yellow square like icon.

Close up of Yellow Potter Dragon Vexilloid

Harry gleefully opens his Dragons Prize with a frightful surprise. To the right of the egg is a yellow vexillum to honor and encourage Harry on this quest to outwit the dragon. Behind Harry's head is another banner for Gryffindor.

Harry's name with yellow lightning bolt border

Everyone is excited to see the egg open up! The banners or vexillums made in Harry honor are clearly seen.

We Love Harry Potter

The banner to Harry right has the shield of arms for Gryffindor. It has a white lion rampant on a quartered shield with Gryffindor's livery - yellow and red. To the left of Harry is a vexillum with livery and his first name outlined with a lightening bolt.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Customers Bank and Bank of America

Bank of America Logo
notice US Flag Motif

Using the US flag as a commercial logo is considered by some and the US Flag Code as inappropriate. However two companies that successfully use the US flag in their logo are Bank of America and Customers Bank. Customers Bank does it in totality while Bank of America uses a stylized version of the US flag.

Bank of America and Customers Bank are two banks from different ends of the spectrum. Bank of America is a Mega-Bank with a global reach and an ocean of power, while Customers Bank is a small Micro-Bank with a small and efficient reach and full of puddle power. At the moment they illustrate the difference between a strong big vs a small quick business. No doubt if Customers Bank grows to 250-500 outlets, will it be taken over or absorbed by a Mega Bank as happened with Commerce Bank with TD Bank. When this happens the Customers Bank icon with go the way of the red, white, and blue Commerce Bank logo.

Customers Bank is headquartered in Pennsylvania and led by Jay Sidhu. The current company logo consists of the US flag on a red disc. It is coincidentally a combination of the Japanese and US national symbols. Bank of America traces its origins to the West Coast in California in 1904 of the efforts of Amadeo Giannini.

Customers Bank Logo
A mix of Japanese and US Symbols

Banks are basically legal loan sharks with open rules. Rules that operate under official law. They are supposed to help others by helping themselves. Banks are like bacteria, most are good, but a few go bad and harm the system. Bad banks only help a few, while good banks help many.

Good Bank dolphin, Bad Bank shark.

Link to Bank of America

Link to Customers Bank

Flagship Paper Products

Flagship Paper Products Logo

The logo of Flagship - W.B. Mason utilizes the US flag and elements of heraldry. The US flag is on the left and right sides of the portrait in the traditionally supporter position.

Link to corporate website

Flag of Livingston Island, Antarctica

Flag of Livingston Island

The colours and design are based on the Sami Flag in Scandinavia - red, yellow, green, and blue. White is added for emphasis for snow. The stars represent the most southern constellation - Octans the Star Compass with the Southern Star represented by the green eight pointed star with a white fimbration.

Similar to the Sami Flag yet it has elements of EU flag as well.

Flag of Hearst Island - Antarctica

Flag of Hearst Island

Hearst Island Antarctica flag is based upon the flag of Greenland in conjunction with the constellation Octans the Star Compass.

Flag of Rothschild Island - Antarctica

Rothschild Island

The design of Rothschild Island is based upon the Nenets flags of Russia. The Nenets are a group of people who live in between Asia and Europe. Reindeer herding is a national way of life for these polar men of Eurasia.

The colour scheme is based on colours found on penguins - black, white, red, orange, and yellow. The constellation above represents Octans the Star Compass.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Flag of King George Island, Antarctica

King George Island Flag

The flag of King George Island is based upon three flags - the flag of St. George, Colonial Era Imperial China and space age China.

The red cross is the primary element of St. George. The red quartered sections with yellow stars are modeled after the flag of modern China. The two quarters with yellow backgrounds have stars - the upper fly has the Southern Star from Octans the Eight Sided Star Compass while the star in the lower fly represents the sun.

King George Island Flag reflects duality of Eastern Taoism. The flag combines elements of the East and West, modern and Imperial China, and finally the Southern Star with our local Star. Like the flag of China it has five stars, but in different positions.

The flag of King George was created in honor of its name sake and the establishment of China into the polar explorer club. China's first base in the Antarctic region was at King George Island - established on February 20, 1985 with the Great Wall Station.

Flags of Modern China, St. George, and Imperial China

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kansas and Montana - Fraternal Flag Twins

Flag of Montana

Did'ja ever notice some of the state flags look familiar? I did, but I didn't stop there. I went the distance and paired each state with a so called sibling look a like. And for the record, Montana's look a like twin is Kansas.

Both banners are locked and loaded by fields of blue with yeller' letters. On top of that both have matchin' seals of a similar nature. Since they both show us an idyllic scene down by the river. But they differ like potential and kinetic energy. Or rather like dawn and dusk. Ya see, the flag of Kansas is the busiest of busy flags. It has the most people, animals and activity. How many persons can you count? How many animals are there?

Flag of Kansas

No other flag in the union comes close to Kansas. There are at least five people on the flag, and more than 13 animals. On the other hand, Montana is the essence of quiet tranquility. No people, no critters - only the eye of the observer. The hustle and bustle of Kansas reflects the morning rush hour, while empty calm of Montana is like dusk when everyone has gone home ands' settlin' in for supper.

Furthermore the position of the sun in transition over the hills on each flag is in the proper place that map makers consider east and west. You can orient a map any which way, but in the USA we usually mark the forward/up position as north, the right hand side as east, the left hand side as west. Likewise the sun on Kansas is in a would be eastern-right side, while the sun of Montana is on the would be west-left side.

Close up of Montana Flag

Kansas is snuggled in the heartland of America in between the West and East. Although Kansas gets first dibs as being the heartland of America, in a way Montana is the heartland of the continent. When you look at a map of the USA, Kansas snuggled in the middle, likewise when you look at a map of North America, Montana is a would be monkey in the middle.

A key historical alignment of matching caliber is that both Montana and Kansas took a bullet for America, or rather both states were pierced in the heart by an arrow of historic proportions. The events of Bleeding Kansas are considered the opening pre-game season of the US Civil War. The War officially started on April 12, 1861 but little bits of terror were breaking loose all over from Harper's Ferry, Virginia to Lawrence, Kansas.

Close up of Kansas Flag

The matching event for Montana to Kansas is related to the closing phase of the Native American Indian Wars. The key note sung by General Custer. Officially the War on Native Americans ended in 1890 at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. But the sharpest footnote of the violent struggle between Natives and Newcomers transcends time at Little Bighorn, Montana

But before the outbreak of succession of the Southern Slave Holding States, the debate between ending slavery and letting it expand in the new states reached a raucous roar in Kansas. The congressmen of America passed the buck to the settlers of Kansas. Subsequently pro-slavery and abolitionist groups raced to Kansas in order to make it in their own image. In the ensuing chaos, the rash of violence and the political bloodshed became known as Bleeding Kansas.

Sisters of the Prairie - Kansas and Montana

Less than a generation later, another golden bullet was shot into the heart of America, with the tragic story of Custer's Last Stand. General Custer was a dashing, brash, and high held hero of the US Civil War for the Union Side. However his intuitive one man rambo style tactics resulted in his death and the death of the men under his command. The painful fact was that it happened on the eve of America's 100th birthday - late June 1876. The US was steadily recovering from the madness and scars of civil war, and feelings of higher hopes were in the air. But news of this lopsided battle put slight damper on America's Centennial.

Custer's Last Stand and Bleeding Kansas are two Aces of American History. They are tragic yet hopeful echos of our past. The Native American and Confederate are united in a similar destiny but under different stars. Both groups saw their ancient way of life come to an end under violent restriction from the US Government. No longer would the nation tolerate the right to own a man or the right to roam freely across the plains. Even today a lingering pain remains on all sides.

Likewise General Custer lost some luster as a hero of the American West. As America grew into maturity she reevaluated the status of Native Americas. The limelight of history shifted in remembrance and favor for the Native American. The fall of Custer and his men challenge us to remember our past. General Custer risked his life for the Union and in a serendipitous line gave up his life, so we wound not forget the Native American.

Forlorn are America's ancient ways of life, but perhaps America is ready for a new kind of limelight that sparkles on all sides, where an unlimited range of colours shine upon the past. Where all men and women can be seen as heroes rather than villans?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Balleny Islands Flag - New Zealand

Balleny Islands Flag

The colours of the Balleny Islands are navy blue, white, red, and orange. The four red stars with white fimbrations are taken from the New Zealand flag. The colour orange in honor of the 'Orange Antarctic Flag' designed by Whitney Smith. The cross is cut as low fly square canton.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Flag of Snow Hill Island, Antarctica

Flag of Snow Hill Island

This flag is based upon the design of Sweden, essentially a counter charge of colours. Its character as an isle was discovered by a Otto Nordenskiold.

Flag of Blaskimen Island, Antarctica

Flag of Blaskimen

Parts of this island were originally charted by a joint UK-Swedish-Norwegian expedition in 1950. Thus this flag has elements of the UK and Norwegian Flag.

The Soviet Union discovered that Blaskimen Island was a separated from Novyy Island in 1961.

Flag of Novyy Island, Antarctica

Flag of Novyy Island

This island of Antarctica was mapped out by the former Soviet Union in 1961. The colours of this flag are red, white, yellow and black. The design combines elements of the old socialist republics with colours of the Russian Imperial Flag.

 However there is no hammer or sickle, instead the constellation Octans the Star Compass is shown. The eight pointed star represents the 'South Star.' Along the bottom are colours of Russian Empire but upside down, since this island is in the Southern Hemisphere. The white and yellow 'stripes' are shaped with a wavy design - doubly for the white stripe and singly for the yellow. While the black stripe is solid.

Flag of Coulman Island, Antarctica

Coulman Island

Although the Japanese were not the first to land on this island, Japan came by it on their first expedition to the Antarctic in 1911.

It was quite an amazing trek for a nation that was living in medieval times technology nearly 60 years earlier. The Japanese team was led by Shirase Nobu and was the first nation to land on King Edward the VII land.

The flag is based on the national flag of Japan.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Flag of Charcot Island, Antarctica

Flag of Charcot Island

Charcot Island was recognized as an island by an Australian - Sir Hubert Wilkins in 1929. The colours of Charcot Island flag - orange and blue - are based upon the two popular flags for Antarctica designed by Whitney Smith and Graham Bartram.

The constellation represents the most southern constellation Octant the star compass.

Spaatz Island Flag, Antarctica

Dundee Island - Antarctica

Flag of Dundee Island

The flag is based upon the islands namesake - Dundee which is a town in Scotland. Basically a it's a Scottish Canton on it own matching field with the dexter bend extended the whole way across. The constellation is Octans the Star Compass. The eight pointed star represents the 'South Star.'