
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Chatham Islands Flag

Kermadec Islands Flag

Flag of New Zealand's 'Earth Quake Islands'
Kermadec Islands Flag

These group of islands in the South Pacific are administered by New Zealand. They are named after Captain Jean Michael Houn Kermadec who visited the area at the end of the 18th century. This flag is thus a merge of designs of the French and New Zealand Flags - current and future. Future because whenever New Zealand chooses a new national flag the southern cross will be used and the star design will be red outlined with white.

The saw tooth design shows that this part of New Zealand lies along one of the most active boundaries of the Pacific Rim and is witness to many earthquakes every year.

They also represent the five main islands.
(1) Raoul Island - the largest
(2) Macauley Island - 2nd largest
(3) Curtis Island - 3rd largest
(4) Nugent Island - northern most
(5) Cheeseman Island

Heard and McDonald Islands Flag

Flag of Heard and McDonald Islands

At nearly the midpoint between Antarctica, Australia and Africa are the Heard and McDonald Islands. The islands were named after two different US American Captains. First Captain John Heard charted the islands on November 25, 1853. The next month and year later a UK ship under the command of William McDonald charted the new 'McDonald' Islands. But the first person to set foot on any of these islands was Captain Erasmus Darwin Rogers in 1855.

The flag of Heard and McDonalds islands is based on the current national flag of Australia. However the stars have been replaced by snowflakes and the UK Canton has been altered. Both the English Red Cross and eight Scottish triangles are white. Likewise the interstitial white is blue like the rest of the flag. Only the cross of St. Patrick remains in its original format. Another interesting fact is that it is home to Australia's tallest mountain - Mawson Peak. However since Mawson Peak is closer to Antarctica it only holds the tallest tallest of tall via a political rubric. Mount Kosciuszko is still the tallest mountain on the continent.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Flags from Titanic film from 1997 by James Cameroon

Flag on the Titanic
British Blue Ensign

The HMS Titanic was a part of the the White Star Line and nationally flagged under the United Kingdom, 100 years ago. It flew the British Blue Ensign at is stern as it was accurately depicted in the film.

The most recent and grand retelling of this tragic story was told by James Cameroon in 1997. Its ground breaking special effects, top notch directing and stellar acting led it eleven academy awards.

Flag pole where Jack and Rose met

1912 was a tragic bitter sweet year for the world and technology. Once again in 2012 we stand at a great precipice of change, technology, and society. No matter what, there will always be Jacks and Roses who choose to stare down the unknown and fear, in order to follow the dreams of their heart, as did the director of the film.

Don't let go, if you fall I'll fall with you

District 9 - the flag of the Multi-Nation

Multi-National United Flags

District 9 (2009) was an science fiction movie that crosses the line on contemporary society. What if aliens landed twenty years ago and were not what we expected?

The story goes like this, a mother ship 'crash' lands on earth in South Africa, Johannesburg. The population of aliens are apparently from the lowers classes or casts of society, who were never taught the proper know how of running the ship. Subsequently they quickly wear off as novelty and wear out their welcome. Unable to adapt to modern earth society they become a burden on society.

Subsequently the cold blooded heart of a new kind of inter-species racism rears its ugly head.

Edward Scissor Hands - Bland High Livery

notice bland high pennant in the background

The school district of Edward Scissor Hands 1990 is known as Bland High. It is an economically fit well groomed school district.

The school pennant of Bland High makes an appearance in the movie when Edward is in the room while his adoptive foster mom tries to put the shirt on him. The livery colours of Bland High are blue and yellow.

Kim Boggs with Bland High Livery

Their daughter - Kim Boggs- is a cheerleader for Bland High. On a photo we see her holding up the colours of the school on the most basic and essential of sports vexilloids - the pom pom.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Afro-European American Geocentric State Flags

There 17 US states that share a latitude with both Europe and Africa. They are North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona. The second group includes Virgina, Kentucky, Kansas, West Virginia, Colorado, Utah and Illinois. And finally for the last group there is Missouri, California, and Nevada.

Furthermore these geographically Europe and African aligned states can be broken down into three categories.

There are seven states that have a southern tilt. Geographically they have soil that is totally south of the European Continent and a small portion crosses into the Continental Afro-European Belt. The Afro-European Belt is a small region where Africa and Europe are at the same latitude. It is approximately 36 degrees North to 37 degrees 21' North.

The Southern Tilted Geographically Afro-European States include
the upper south

(1) North Carolina
(2) Tennessee
(3) Arkansas
(4) Texas
(5) Oklahoma
(6) New Mexico
(7) Arizona

The next group of is the geographic compliment to the Southern tilted states. Thier northern reigions are parallel to Europe while their southern halves cross into the Afro-European Belt.

The Northern Tilted Geographically Afro-European States include
the light south

(1) Virgina
(2) Kentucky
(3) Kansas
(4) West Virgina
(5) Colorado
(6) Utah
(7) Illinois

Finally there are three states that have territory that extend beyond both ends of the Afro-European Belt into wholly pure European and African latitudes.

North & South states include
(1) Missouri
(2) California
(3) Nevada.

The other 26 northern states are totally Euro-centric with respect to their latitude.

All African American Geocentric State Flag

African American Geocentric Flag
US States that are parallel to Africa

There are seven US states that are completly at the same latitude of Africa - South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and Hawaii. These are the states of the Deep South.

African American Flag - made by an American

This flag was made by Davis Hammons originally born in Springfield, Illinois 1943. The neat coincidence about Illinois is that it has a partial Afro-Centric geographic orientation. There are 24 US states that have some or all land on par latitude with Africa. Seven are totally below the continent of Europe and seventeen are on par both continents - not including islands of either continent but the mainland only. Hammons later settled in New York and created an African USA American Pride flag.

Unlike the horizontal tri-bar Marcus Gravy black, green, and red flag - Hammons' flag was created by a home grown American. Marcus Gravy was born in Jamaica. Although the famous Pan-Nationalist African flag was created in New York City. That flag is for persons of African Heritage all over the world.

However Hammons' flag is for persons of African heritage who are United States Citizens.

American Dad - altered mini US Flag Pin

Dad from American Dad
his lapel pin is supposed to be the American Flag

American Dad is an adult cartoon parody on Conservative Patriotic American Families.

The lapel pin of Dad is supposed to be the American Flag but due to the complexity of 13 stripes the artists draw it differently. Usually it only has three stripes and varies in pattern between white-red-white or red-white-red. In either version the canton is simply a blue rectangle minus the stars.

If the artists would have settled on four or more it would have looked more like an American Flag.

American Dad
created by Seth MacFarlane

The other version of the Dad's lapel pin that looks more like the original Confederate Flag.

Close Encounters of the Thrid Kind - 1977, the Mayflower Flag

Reconstructed Mayflower Flag
The Secret International Agency on Alien Affairs

1977 was a cosmic year with the release of Star Wars and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. In the latter a fictional flag appears that represents the government agency responsible for the study, coordination, and cover up of extra terrestrial alien civilization.

The flag consists of a white background with the agencies logo centered in the middle. The logo consists of a black isoceles triangle with the words 'MAYFLOWER' written along the bottom and a radiant light blue star near the apex.

The International Alien Agency Flag
in between the US and French Flags

Apparently in this movie the French and US government are working together under the 'black triangle' flag to study and welcome extra terrestrial life to earth. The triangle is already an important symbol in the US as the 'Eye of Providence,' which can be found on the back of a US dollar bill.

Notice the 'triangle' agency alien flag is centered, while three alien aircraft hover overhead. In the upper left are blue lights, the upper right are red lights, and a small ship or probe is over the runway.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Eurocorp - a fictional icon for the G 57 network

In 2069 the net will be beyond Generation 57, if they are still using that archaic term.

The logo of Eurocorp in the Syndicate Universe consists of three pentagonal shaped arrows - two white and one orange. 2069 will be a strange world. People will be able to tap the brain waves players and coaches during the game and not just observe but feel.

Credit Card Flag from School House Rock

The US flag is portrayed as a credit card. But it only has 11 stripes - six red and five white. Instead of a field of stars on the canton it is written 'Credit Card'.

Viewing government debt as a monster or dinosaur does not help. But remember we the people created that debt or monster. Rather look at it as a crying baby that needs a lot of tender love and care. Our debt baby kept us free from communism and helped Grammi and Grampi live longer.

Focus on fixing instead of fighting. In the 1960s Americans looked at the travel to the moon as an inspirational challenge instead of it being 'Nerd Dragon' that will eat millions of US tax payer dollars. America was happy to feed the 'moon monster'. Or rather take care of our Moon Baby.

Futurama Olympic Flag of the 31st Century

The Olympic Games are apparently still held in the 31st century. Naturally robots about make the best judges.

The Olympic flag of the 31st century features two extra rings and different colours.

French's Flag - the Classic Yellow Mustard

Contrary to what the name suggests, French's mustard is not made in France. Rather it is made in the USA in New York State.

The important part of this logo is that it utilized a flag as its center piece. On a red field is the name written in white - 'French's.' Underneath the ch's is the registration date 'Since 1904.'

They claim to be 'America's Favorite'

Link to Corporate Website

Devil's Island Flag from Futurama

Devils Island Flag from Futurama

It uses the colours blue, green and red.

Nation of Joe Flag - Futurama

From Future Rama, this flag consists of Joe's face on a red field. This flag is universa- substitutive. Thus any person with Joe in their name can use this flag.

USA Peace Flag and USA Corporate Flag

There are two popular protest flags that have removed the 'constellation' of stars and replaced them with symbols. This is a common phenomena for artists and political activists. The US Corporate flag usually features 30 trademarked logos of official companies, while the US pace flag simply has a white peace symbol.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Peace Flag from Contact 1997 - in the wake of Carl Sagan

The Earth Peace Flag
Contact 1997

There are all sorts of flags that appear in Contact 1997 when the public becomes aware of an extraterrestrial intelligence.

Something of a wild circus-super bowl-phish concert forms as people swarm to the locale of where the signal was first detected in Socorro County, New Mexico.

The Contact Peace Flag uses several colours - white, black, red, yellow, blue, and green. Centered on a white background was the planet earth. In the crest position it is written "Earth Flag." Across the middle it is word 'peace' in all power case letters. Each letter is a different colour with its own background panel. In the compartment position are other words written in black that are unintelligible.

This film professionally presents a sequence of events showing the cascade of events Earth would go through if it were to make hard scientific contact with a civilization outside of our solar system. At the moment there is no hard scientific evidence, but it'd certainly be a waste of space if it's just us.

And if other extraterrestrial life were to exist in a similar form and at a similar stage of development with semi-harmonious nations states, I believe that the various vexilloids of their planet would align like my fraternal flag twin idea.

Is there anyone in these universe that gets me?

Delaware and Kentucky - Fraternal Twins

This one is for Mr Biden, Joseph

Your home state of Delaware is fraternally bonded to the state of Kentucky. They are the middle state at the cultural divide between the North and the South. Kentucky has a southern tilt while Delaware has a Northern tilt. Both states were firsts and leaders in their own special way. Delaware that the first state to believe in the American Constitution. While Kentucky was second of the second thirteen. In the middle phase our nation evolution Kentucky was chosen to lead both the North and the South via Lincoln and Davis.

The men of Delaware are dressed in complementary attire. The man on the right is a county gentleman dressed in an exquisite green suit. The man on the left is dressed in the simple plain attire of a country farmer. The flag of Kentucky also shows two men looking face to face in complementary attire. The gentleman on the right is wearing a business suit, while the man on the left is dressed as a rugged frontiersman.

The Blue Blood State of America
Delaware and Kentucky

Blue is a common motif adopted by both states - whether Bluegrass or Blue Hens. Both states are virtual Blue Blooded states like Delawares famous blue blood horseshoe crabs. They are union of the beginning upon the Atlantic Shores unto the heartland towards the mighty Mississippi.

Thanks for Visiting Doylestown,

Christopher Maddish

Friday, January 13, 2012

Edward Scissor Hands - US Flag in the School

US Flag in Edward Scissor Hands

The US Flag makes a brief cameo in Edward Scissor Hands 1990. This film is a dreamlike confessional allegory by Timothy Burton. The story centers on a man with a heart made from a cookie whose temporary scissor hands became permanent by accident.

He becomes famous in his small town and his gifts are used at the pleasure of the 'bland' community. But tragedy strikes and the origin of snow for this community is explained.

Edwards is a reverse Cinderella trapped in a castle and lives melancholy ever after with his gift.

With hands of sadness glazed with love,
snow falls gently from a castle way above.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Breakfast of Champions Flags by Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut was a luminary novelist in the 1960s from Indiana. He was witness to the controversial bombing in Dresden Germany during WWII. Vonnegut was a POW kept in slaughter house 5. In Breakfast of Champions he adds his own illustrations which include a variety of flags.

The Kilgore Trout Flag is similar to the British Ensign.  But instead of one dominant central square cross, as asterisk with a fimbration is the central icon, making eight triangles upon a square canton.  On the field is a rectangle with a strange inkblot. 

The Goodbye Blue Monday flag is simply a swallowtail streamer with its the wording written upon it.

Note, the background colours of red and blue have been added by myself, but the original drawing is of Kurt Vonnegut's hand.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Owl City - Fireflies, song: Vexilloid of Merlin in the Crystal Globe

Merlin with white cane vexilloid

There is one vexilloid that makes an appearance in Owl City's Fireflies song. It is the white globe staff of Merlin in a crystal. It is a white crystal and slightly bent up top.

Afghanistan and Darfur - Fraternal Twins from Asia to Africa

Afghanistan Flag 21 Century Colours
Red-Green and Black-White Flag

Ever since the fall of the British Empire in the 1950s, two regions of Asia and Africa have become perpetual war zones. Sudan has recently - 2011 - saw succession of its southern region in to the new nation of South Sudan. However the south-western region - Darfur - is still in conflict. The primary colours of the Darfur rebels follows in rhythm with the colours of Afghanistan.

Likewise in the heart of Asia, Afghanistan has been host to the uncomfortable and obnoxious guest of 'CIVIL WAR.'

Rebel Flag of Darfur, South Western Sudan
White-Black and Green-Red Flag

Both Darfur and Afghanistan have been in a state of chaos and civil war for all of the 21st century. The combatants are of a similar religion - Islam. Yet can not agree on the rule of law and lines of division.

We are the world, and these two regions of Earth have been thrust into the limelight of our intelligence agencies. In the afterglow of the Cold War they continued to simmer and boil, eventually catching the attention of the west and the wealthiest of nations. It illustrates the ancient proverb that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Fraternal Colours - Afghanistan and Darfur

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

US Navy Commission Pennant and the Flag of North Carolina

The US Navy Commission Pennant is an American flag with a distinguished look for military use only. It consists of seven white stars near the hoist and a tail of red and white, with red on top. Its design resembles the State Flag of North Carolina the most. Since both flags have the same basic pattern in order.

There is one coincidence with the number of stars - seven. The first version of the Confederacy's Naval Jack consisted of seven stars on blue, since there were originally seven states in the Confederacy before the shelling of Ft. Sumter in 1861.

7 Stars on first design of CSA Jack
7 Stars on US Navy Commission Pennant

(1) South Carolina
(2) Mississippi
(3) Florida
(4) Alabama
(5) Georgia
(6) Louisiana
(7) Texas

Texas comes in with a close second. Its basic design is arguably a nice match for the US Navy Commission pennant but the it'd be an upside down comparison. North Carolina has the red bar up top as does the US Navy.

Besides North Carolina is the original and King of the Hill for the Original 13 colonies. There is no mountain higher than King Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina in all of the lands east of the Mississippi. The great synchronicity is that this flag is flown from the highest part of the ship mirrors the flag design of the tallest state in the original 13 colonies - North Carolina.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Raiders of the Lost Ark, part 6 - the Third Reich Vexillum

Indiana Jones infiltrating the Nazis
Indie is facing us, the Nazis are facing away

The term vexillology originates from a specific type of flag that was flown during the Ancient Roman Empire - the Vexillum. A Vexillum is a specific kind of flag that is carried from a cross bar, to keep the face of the flag unfurled. Modern rectangular flags are dependent on the wind to keep the face of the flag open. When there is no wind a modern flag can be easily mistaken or misidentified.

Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 used proper vexillums to represent the antagonists. Nazi vexillums are shown when they shuttle the Lost Ark of the Hebrew Covenant to a mountain altar.The Ark of the Covenant is the key point of the holy of holiest in Hebrew Custom. It was a source of power, protection, and wrath of the divine. In its most modern and most powerful portrayal it, the Ark of the Covenant is ironically shuttled to a remote Greek Isle by a team of Nazi Archeological Researchers.

The Ark of the Covenant is under the Purple Linen

They are successful in opening the Ark and seeing its inner spiritual splendor, but there are harsh consequences for their actions. But before they are privileged to witness the supernatural phenomena reveals itself to them, all of the electronic recording devices are magically disabled. In the picture below the modern technological electronic equipment is rendered useless by some kind of supernatural means.

Notice Third Reich Flags on cross banners
the recording devices are extinguished by the Ark, before revealing its glory

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Flag of Asbestos, Quebec

Aasif Mandvi next to Asbestos Flag
Asbestos, Quebec

Did you know that Asbestos has a flag? Asbestos, Quebec that is. It used to have the world's largest Asbestos mine, but due to the association with cancer it has led to decline in economic activity.

The flag of Asbestos employs the colours red, blue, grey, white and black. The name is written in white with a white underline and white over-line.

Raiders of the Lost Ark, part 5 - the Nazi Flag

Indiana Jones being rescued by a Nazi Flag?

Raiders of the Lost 1981 was an epic movie that enshrined some of the best elements of American Cinema. The hero of the story is an Archaeologist who has the amazing ability to over come the odds with wit and grit - Dr. Indiana Jones played by Harrison Ford.

The time frame of Raiders of the Lost Ark is set in the late 1930s during rise of the Third Reich. In this scene Indiana Jones is dressed as an Arab in order to infiltrate an Egyptian map room. His partner - Sallah - was supposed to use a regular rope to rescue him back out, but it was confiscated. Since Sallah didn't have access to a proper rope, Sallah rescues Indiana Jones with a makeshift rope made partly from a Nazi Flag.

Indiana Jones dressed in a Nazi Uniform

In this scene Indiana Jones has taken on the dress of a German Military Officer in order to infiltrate the secret military base. His objectives are to recover the Lost Ark and rescue his true love - Marion.

The Nazi Flag is considered an inflammatory symbol and banned by various communities. However in the context of Raiders of the Lost Ark, it became a not so offensive yet essential movie set prop.