
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Anti Flag Album Covers

Debut Album of Anti-Flag

Anti-Flag is a punk rock group that lives up to its name. As the title suggests, flags can often be found in the art and music associated with Anti-Flag. Anti-Flag combines elements of the counter culture movement with music and political activism. Their musical riffs lie at a polar opposite of patriotic American Country music - like Toby Kieth.

Their debut album was Die for the Government released in 1996. It featured the US flag held upside down and members of the band blind folded with punk rock haircuts.

The People of the Gun album cover 2009

The album covers and shows with Anti-Flag often have the US flag hung upside down. Hanging the US flag in this manner is not necessarily an insult, officially it means that the situation is dire and help is needed.

Their shocking use of the American flag is purposeful. Their anti-establishment message and harsh judgement on certain aspects of US corporate culture is intended to garner attention and jolt people into thinking about larger global and social issues beyond personal consumerism.

A New Kind of Army 1999

Perhaps their most controversial cover was the on artwork on A New Kind of Army released in 1999. On this album the four members of the band are raising an upside down distress US flag signal in a similar manner as in the famous Iwo Jima flag photo of 1945.

A typical video of Anti-Flag

Friday, November 18, 2011

Total Recall - Mars Colony Insignia

Martian Immigration Officer
notice Mars Colony Patch on left arm

Total Recall 1990 is a science-fiction adventure set in the not to distant future. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the hero who fights his way to Mars and fulfills an ancient alien mystery. It is an action packed, suspense filled mystery. It's a great wonder why a modern video game or sequel has not been in works.

Total Recall asks us to question reality and wonder about who has control.

Upon 'Douglas Quaids' arrival upon Mars he has to clear immigration. Here we see a Martian Immigration officer with the colony patch on his left arm. It features the planet and its two moons - Phobos and Deimos.

Immigration Stamp Admission to Mars

The passport of the future isn't so different. You can see that Mars is a 'Federal Colony.' The stamp features a striped red Mars with counter charge lines that pass through.

Colonies on Mars? It is very possible, and we may be much closer than anyone thinks. However people will likely have computer chip implants on the brain before a colony is made permanent. People are already enchanted/addicted their I-phones and smart phones. "Chips-heads" (Borg like people) will be apart of society before Martian settlement.

Portal Flags and Logo

Portal Machines taking over the UN

Portal 2-2011 is the sequel to another video game Portal -2007. Portal was a ground breaking video game that used less violence, rather it yet made the player use his or her brain in order to advance.

First time users often get a slight headache or brain itch when first playing this game.

The game theme is man versus machine. Usually this rivalry is set in a melodramatic life and death struggle for the soul of man and earth.

But in the Portal Universe the anti-human machines have an edge of humor and element of likability. Unlike Hal 9000, the Terminator or the bots from the Matrix Trilogy - the 'enemy' robots have depth of character and charming personalities.

Flags appear in one of the early entrance elevator way stations. The flags are shown at a digitized government forum, during a public service announcement. The announcement is that an 'Animal King' has taken over with no capacity or refuses to listen to reason. There are six flags - Ghana, Sweden, Austria, Bulgaria, and Argentina. There is one more but it can not be clearly determined - it may be the flag of the EU?

Video with flags and humanized Opera and ending song

Matrix Flags from the prequel animated series

Burning Human Flag?
reminiscent of the Iwo Jima flag photo

The Animatrix was dazzling sequence of short movies that further expanded and explained some the back story to the Matrix Trilogy. In the Second Renaissance the origins of the human and machine conflict are explained. During the battle sequence we see a burning flag being lowered by the humans as the machines - AI - succeeds in overtaking humanity.

Insignia of the High Court during the
age of human mastery over machines

The first court case of a machine murdering its flesh and blood master because it didn't want to be destroyed causes a sequence of events to unfold.

During this fictional dramatization the insignia of the high human court is shown. It is composed of a bald eagle, in its right talon is a four leaf clover. In its left talon and a human skull. The eagles head is facing dexter - towards the four leaf clover. On the chest of the bald eagle is a square shield with a balance that is black and white.

Flags of the UN shown in The Second Renaissance

After the machines are expelled to the wasteland deserts of Asia, they eventually demonstrate a greater business capacity than humankind. This causes panic, fear, and jealousy to arise amongst the nations of the world. The nations then unite against the machines. In this shot, the flags of Azerbaijan, Malaysia, and Maldives are clearly visible.

A robot on a machine horse with flaming flag

Even the machines utilize flags during war to better coordinate offensive tactics. Here we see a humanoid robot figure on a machine horse holding a 'trumpet' upon making battle with the humans.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kiki's Delivery Service Flag

This one of the flags that appeared in Kiki's Delivery Service. It is orange saltire on a purple background.

Back to the Future Flags - Part XIII, behind the scenes flag shots

Hard to See in Movie but here
is a the California State flag

The California flag is never in a good shot but in the behind the scenes video you can see it.

48 Starred US Flag

The only clear shot that shows a 1950s 48 starred flag. If you didn't know the current flag has 50 stars.

The Director of Back to the Future
Robert Zemeckis sitting on a no landing mark

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jeff Corwin next to flag on a Swamp Air Boat

Jeff Corwin on a Fan boat in Florida
notice the flag

Jeff Corwin is a famous nature show host showcased on Animal Planet. His show is the aptly named the Jeff Corwin Experience. His wit and charm add to the Nature Show experience, as he allows himself to interact with wildlife being filmed. His show is noted for its spontaneity.

In this episode Jeff rides an air boat in the Florida Everglades. The boat has a flag extending from its back, as every boat should.

Another Angle of the fan boat flag

The flag is a red with some markings that are hard to distinguish. Corwin is also wearing a headset due to the extremely loud noise generated by the air boat.

Northern Exposure Flags - Alaskan and the US Flags

Alaskan Flag as it appeared in Northern Exposure

To the left is the state flag of Alaska as it appeared in the television series Northern Exposure 1990-1995. It was set in a fictional Alaskan town - Sicily, Alaska. However most of the footage was shot in Washington State.

Here we see Maurice hanging from his roof under the Alaskan State flag in the pilot episode.

The odd fact about the Alaskan Flag is that it became the official flag before it became an official state. Most state flags were made official only after they had become states.

Dr. Fleischman and Maurice Minnifield
Maurice has the American Flag Patch

The lead role of Northern Exposure starred Rob Murrow who plays as Dr. Joel Fleischman - a New York City Slicker in wild Alaska. The shows main premise is the classic formula of a fish out of water. On the right is the most powerful man in Sicily, Alaska played by Barry Corbin - a lovable conservative patriotic former astronaut and multi-million entrepreneur.

Chris in his cosmic groove speaking about light

Back to the Future Flags - Part XII, Other Flags

Flag way back in the Background

There are three pennant shaped flags flying on poles in the far distance. The colours are red, blue, and yellow.

Flags of Hilldale Housing Community

Marty McFly and Jennifer Parker are in the black Toyota. Marty makes the right choice by avoiding a drag race with the red truck. This again alters their future in amazing ways. One really has to move past the paradox to understand the different realities that Marty McFly has jumped to.

DeLorean on Rail Road Track
next to Hilldale Housing Flags 
The flags of Hilldale McMansion community use skyblue and yellow horizontal tri-bars in an alternating pattern.  Some of the flags have a yellow-sky blue-yellow pattern while others have a sky blue-yellow-sky blue pattern.

 link to blog post "Flags in Back to the Future Part I"



Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Beyonce "Party" featuring J. Cole - American Flag Shorts

Close up of US Flag Shorts

Beyonce pairs up with J.Cole in the official video for the song Party. In it we are privy to an idealized party life at the mature trailer park.

Of vexillological interest is a girl wearing the American Flag as pair of shorts. Her patriotic apparel sends a strong signal of her intentions to let freedom ring.

Wide Angel Shot of the TP Girl with Patriotic Shorts

The behavior exhibited at this trailer park may seem odd, but on college campuses and universities all across the United States, students seem intent on living at least in small doses - the 'fun' aspects of Trailer Park culture exhibited in this video.

Video that features the revealing US flag shorts and top outfit

David Guetta - Without You - featuring Usher

Brazil is one of the featured flags in the video. It is held up by one of the audience members on a beach.

The good vibes from the music and call of love end up causing a seismic shift in the earth's crust. The music literally brings the world together.

US flag being held up by several people. Who does a flag belong to? Somebody, everybody, and nobody? Here, flag waving is an essential part of the party.

Flags! Flags! Dance with those FLAGS

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Who Says "Taxi Cab Badge"

Taxi Cab Logo/Badge

In the official video produced with the song 'Who Says' by Selena Gomez & the Scene a taxi cab picks up our lead singer. The video is devoid of flags and regular symbols except for one - on a taxi cab.

It is a yellow cab. The badge features a two pairs of wings extending beyond the circle. It reads in the upper ring - TAXI CAB. On the lower side of the ring it reads CO-OP.

Video with Taxi Cab Co-op

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Flags and vexillology

PE Teacher with school patch
Home of the Westmore Middle School Hornets

Diary of Wimpy Kid was written Jeff Kinney. This is an immensely popular children's book series that nearly every American Kid has come into contact with. It's kind of like Dilbert in Middle-Elementary School? Part confessional, part chicken soup, and part humor. 9 out of 10 kids agree it's good and can relate to the social challenges presented by Mr. Kinney.

Running with the flag during a game of Gladiator

Wimpy Kid concerns itself with that magical period just before young adulthood - those twisted teenage years. The joy of childhood reaches its peak just before puberty. Biologically teens are adults but mentally - they need a lot more cooking in today's modern society.

Here the younger boys are dominated by the older kids during a game of Gladiator.

Halloween Costume with Safety Pennant Flag

Although the flag may seem out of place, knights from the middle ages often carried lance pennons. The flag stick is not safety device but lance pennon. In either case they serve to protect and identify the person carrying it!

Animated Version of Halloween Adventures
It's not a safety flag - it's a lance pennon!

Back to the Future Flags - Part XI, other non traditional US flags

Calvary Guidon in Back to the Future III - 1885

In Back to the Future III, Marty travels back to 1885 in order to save Dr. Emmit Brown from his tragic end. Upon returning Marty happens to jump back in the middle of a US Calvary and Native American Chase. The US soldiers carry a specific type of military swallow tailed flag - known as a guidon - that originates from a heraldic battle standard.

Back to the Future II - 2015

In Back to the Future II - Marty travels into the future to save his son from making a big mistake in Cafe 80s. There is a US flag sticker or print on the the wall that you can barely see. It is behind the television, but you can see the US flag in the holes of the auto-television servers. The pop star on the television is supposed to be Michael Jackson.

Pink! - Alecia Beth Moore

In this alternate 2015 Hill Valley where George McFly is a science fiction writer, the world has changed and robotic tele-servers were created in the mid 1990s as well as hover technology. We exist in the Hill Valley were George McFly never became a science fiction writer and subsequently never inspired others.

Also in this alternate 2015 future our musical pop star artist 'PINK!' does not pursue a musical career. Instead she moves out to California in Hill Valley to become a famous movie star in 2017. The weird thing is that pop star Pink! is sitting at the counter looking at another classical American pop star - MJ - who is also still alive in this alternate happy technology inspired future by George McFly.

Nancy Reagan with an American Flag Dress
Cafe 80s - 2015

Also in Cafe 80s there is a cut out of Ronald and Nancy Reagan dancing on the wall. Mrs. Reagan is wearing a dress made out of an American Flag. This is so appropriate since the 80s were Reagan's decade. He was elected in 1980 and was in office until 1989. Because of medical advances inspired by George McFly and stem cell research - Ronnie and Nancy are alive and well in this alternate happy techno future. In this timeline Ron and Nancy can still do the Fox Trot - Ronnie is 104 and Nancy is 94.

You don't see too many flat screen TV is Back to the Future II because it's Cafe 80s and they wanted give it a real 80s feel. Besides in this alternate 2015, society tends to recycle TVs instead of throwing them away.
 Link to Part XII

Monday, November 14, 2011

Two and a Half Men - Alan's Welcome Home Nightmare Banner

Welcome Home Banner

In the immensely popular television series Two and a Half Men the character Alan Harper is a loveable neurotic off beat dad whose own worst enemy is himself. In one episode the stress of life even permeates his dreamworld.

In his dream-nightmare sequence Alan is forced to live in his storage unit. Hanging in the entrance way is a welcome banner. It reads 'WELCOME HOME ALAN.' The colours are green, yellow, and orange.

Back to the Future Flags - Part X, The California State Flag

Back to the Future III - 1990
California Flag Flying Alone

In the Back to the Future trilogy the California State flag makes an appearance in all three movies. In Part 3 the modern version of the California State flag can been seen outside of the bar when Buford Mad Dog Tannen calls out 'Clint Eastwood' for a gun fight. The flag is flying in the upper right corner.

The appearace of a modern California State flag in 1885 is highly unlikely but not impossible, since the modern flag was adopted in 1911. It's interesting to note that the flag with the original Bear Flag is also flying in the movie.

Back to the Future II - 1989
California Flag is never alone

In Part 2 the California Flag never appears alone but always side by side with the US flag. You can see a mini California flag on Principal Skinners desk in between the US flag and school trophy.

Back to the Future 1985
California Flag Alone in Hill Valley

By far the best shot of the California State flag flying alone in Hill Valley. You can see the white shoes and skate board of Marty McFly under the tree branches on the left. The California State flag is barley visible. It is flying from a pole on Bank of America above the Hill Valley welcome sign.

Link to Part XI - Back to the Future Flags


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back to the Future Flag - Part IX, Biff's Butthead Cane

Biff Hitting Marty with his Golden Fist Cane

In Back to the Future Part II we travel to 2015 and see an elderly Biff harass Marty McFly. In this episode the cause of trouble starts with Marty. In a way Biff is less not the guilty party, rather Marty can only blame himself for the sequence of negative consequences.

Subsequently Marty must face the music of his own making, that leads him and Doc into a nightmare universe, that must be fixed.

Biff holding his Vexi-Cane

Biff's cane has a golden fist for its finial. The handle is has a shimmering black coating.

Although vexillology mostly concerns itself with flags and fabrics, a pole with a decorative icon or totem falls under the general term of vexillology. The Egyptians were famous for using such objects.

 Link to Part X - Back to the Future Flags