
Monday, November 28, 2011

Confederate Flag and Cyndi Lauper

Notice Confederate and American Flags

Cyndi Lauper's She Bop topped the Billboard Charts in the spring of 1984. The song was off her She So Unsusual album. The song's controversial nature subsequently was reinforced with a wave of the Confederate Flag in her video.

As Cyndi leaves her car she meets the hunky and bad boy biker wearing a Confederate Flag. It can be seen on the upper left side of his jacket. On the other side is the American Flag.

Beef Cake Biker Gang

The icon of the fanciful Beef Cake Biker gang consists of a four pointed yellow crown with three black trapezoids.

The director of the video associates rough and tumble biker gangs with the Confederate Flag - at least controversially.

She Bop Video from 1984

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dances with Wolves - part 4: the eagle father flag

Lakota Indians from Dances with Wolves

The Lakota where the people portrayed in Dances with Wolves 1990. The background of this shot was in perfect harmony with Native Americans. Note that Every spear or lance is intricately decorated as to indicate the user. Used in a similar manner to heraldic lance pennons.

A heavily feathered Native American 'Pennon'

A close up image of the highly symbolic and decorative lance of one of the Lakota. It is safe to assume that the amount of feathers and the more elaborate, are proportional to rank and position. Note the Native American lance pennon was used in a similar manner as a flag in a cavalry unit.

Another Image of the Lakota on Horse

In this picture the Lakota have taken John Dunbar's advice and found the trail of the desperately needed herd of buffalo.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Flagology - the scientific study of flags, only

Flagology Definition: the study of flags, only.

Vexillology is a big word that covers all types of poles with decorative items. It includes heraldry, aircraft markings, ancient Egyptian pole markers, and even military medals and pins. But Flagology only concerns itself with flags. Flagology concerns itself with flags and their depiction in various media - such as art, prints, movies, and in photographs.

Flagginese - the various terms associated with Flagology. Ex - The jargon and code for Flagology is Flagginese.

Flaggist - male, female, or inter-sexed person who studies Flagology, with published articles. Ex - Dr. Scmidt Witty is a Flaggist.

Flagmen - a male person who studies Flaogology, with published articles. Ex - The flagmen were required to wear jock straps when playing capture the flag.

Flageress - a female person who studies Flagology, with published articles. Ex -The flageress gave birth to two sets of triplets, so they called her the Sextomom.

Flagtastic - something that garners attention about flags. Ex - The Confederate Battle Flag is Flagtastic in Canada and the United States but no where else.

Flagee - a person who studies flags as a hobby but has never been professionally published. Ex- The flagee read over 300 books about flags and knew all of the world flags by heart, and knew more about flags than anyone but was never published so was ignored on important flag issues.

Flagish - the apparent non verbal communication between a flag and observer. Ex - Many Native Americans and wise men from the East recognize that flags can communicate beyond words.

Flagosity - when a flag captures your attention and penetrates your soul. Root Curiosity.

Flagalicious - When your heart pounds when a flag you love speaks 'Flagish' to your heart. Root to delicious. Ex - Sports fans enter a flagalicous state of mind before the game began when the cheerleader waved their flag.

Flagatecht - A person who designs flags. Ex - The Flagatecht was paid with bananas for her design of Banana Republic Flag.

Flaggit - a person who negatively judges another flag, and not open to another positive point of view of the flag in question. Ex - The flaggit mocked and burned Rudolph's flag because it had too many colours, patterns, and the word 'love.' OTHER DEFINITION - a person who flies their sports team flag from their car window.

Dances with Wolves - part 3, the US Civil War Flags

Union Flag in Dances with Wolves

The epic drama Dances with Wolves 1990 is set during the US Civil War. The movie opens with a battle scene between the North and the South. John Dunbar does not want to live as a cripple and is worn of war. He tried to end his life but ends up giving the Union an accidental victory.

Confederate Flags in Dances with Wolves

The South flying the Confederate Battle Flag which is the square saltire. Behind it is the official flag of the Confederacy which at this time had 'three' thick stripes - red, white, and red with a 'Betsy Ross' canton of several stars.

Note the Confederate Officer has a feather in his cap. Perhaps he has some Native American heritage?

Friday, November 25, 2011

UK flag in Disney's Tarzan 1999

UK flag in Tarzan 1999

The UK Union Flag makes an appearance in Disney's Tarzan. When the gorillas explore the camp of the humans Tarzan's big sister climbs a pole with the flag on it.

The cosmic coincidence about Tarzan is that in the novel Jane comes into contact with the 'Ape Man.' Nearly 50 years later a real life Jane would make personal contact with 'Ape Men' of central Africa.

As Tarzan was a fictional being that bridged the gap between ape and man, Jane Goodall is a non-fictional being that also bridged the gap between man and ape.

Dances with Wolves, part 2 - Ten Bears' Vexilloid

The elder of the John Dunbar's adopted tribe in Dances with Wolves is Ten Bears. Ten Bears was witness to comming and passing of the Spanish and French, before the arrival of the Yankee.

Ten Bear's vexilloloid consists of a hook shaped fuzzy candy candy cane decorated with various items.

Close Up of Ten Bears with primitive flag

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dances with Wolves & Kicking Bird vexillology, part 1

John Dunbar with US Military Guidon Flag

Released in 1990 Dances with Wolves became a sparkling jewel cast in gold. The movie is set during the US Civil War period and a US Army Officer sick of fighting and the bloodshed gets a fateful opportunity to see the American Frontier before it disappears.

Kevin Costner plays as the semi-fictional John Dunbar. His distaste for war and curiosity to see the disappearing natural and wild American Frontier leads him on a winding road of war, romance, and a spiritual journey towards the inner and true heart of America.

Kicking Bird with Vexilloid

The wise medicine man - Kicking Bird - of the plains senses that John Dunbar is different from his wild American brethren. Kicking Bird is able to see that Dunbar is more that just a visitor and more of an man deserving a real name.

In this picture Kicking Bird is holding his personal vexilloid - a primitive flag. It consists of a several Eagle feathers and a red woven fabric with a white fringe attached to a bow.

Wind in the Hair & Kicking Bird
meeting John Dunbar of the US Army

The decorated spears that the Plains Indians carried had as much symbolic meaning as the US flag did for John Dunbar. However the Native American flags were of a personal nature like heraldry. The flag that Dunbar carries represented his tribe but not John Dunbar the individual.

John Dunbar with US Guidon

In other words, Newcomer Euro-Americans like the Native Americans carried decorated poles that served to identify and represent themselves. Native Americans had very individualized organic flags while Newcomer Americans had refined manufactured flags that represented a large community.

Happy Thanksgiving!