This is the Jericho Flag from the television show Jericho. The series had a two year run on CBS from 2006 until 2008. A key marketing element used a new American Flag design.
Jericho is a post-apocalyptic action-drama that took place in Kansas.
Although the series was canceled in the first year, a dedicated fan base was able to resurrect the show for a second season. Jericho has found new life in comic books. There are even dreams of a Jericho movie in the works some day.
Jericho transferred to comic
book from TV land, although
there is little comedy in this comic

This Jericho flag has 13 stripes in a vertical pattern with twenty one stars in an octagonal position.
Another TV show that jumped into the comic book universe was Quantum Leap. Comic books provide an excellent respite for shows that cultivated a strong fan base.
Maybe Northern Exposure, X-files, the Greatest American Hero, and other shows with cult fans could find new life in the comic books?
Hey TV executives!!! It's cheap, fun, and profitable!
Imagine ABC TV Comics Issue #1 that plays out beloved and canceled shows? Love Boat, Fall Guy, MASH, etc?
Link to one Jericho Fan site of many jericho.wetpaint.com