Tis' the season for red and green, and there is no better match than Mexico with Italy!
What are the chances of this happening? It's pretty solid, the design symmetry clearly links these two nations separated by the Atlantic. There is no need to explain why they are similar.
But the interesting note here is the cosmic historical connection these two nations are entrusted with. For starters both these nations were for time the paramount civilization in the old and new hemispheres: the Roman Empire and the Aztec Empire. During their reign as hegemonic Pagan Empires, they were the industrial leaders of their times, a kin to being the USA as it is of now in 2009.

But the ending of their old faith was of the lion and lamb. First Pagan Rome was slowly Christianized like a sacrificial lamb. Christians made heroic efforts to ensnare the people unto a higher path. The iconic image being sacrificed in Colosseum and turning the other cheek.
In Mexico the old faith passed a way like the roar of lion, with the advent of Spanish Conquistadors and courtesy of Cortes. After witnessing literally heart wrenching ceremonies, these Christians who prayed to Rome, disestablished the old ways of the Mexico like the roar of Lion with steel, gun powder, and blood.
Thanks to Christianity people stopped watching people murder each other for entertainment and gambling purposes in ancient Italy, while in ancient Mexico, Christians stopped people from performing psychotic sacrificial human ceremonies.
Geographically Italy and Mexico both have peninsulas at the center of it all. Italy of course juts into the Mediterranean Sea between all continents: Europe, Asia, and Africa. Mexico has the Yucatan that extends into the Caribbean Sea in between North and South America.
The United States went to war with Mexico in 1845 and passed her final international test before coming the dominant power in the New World that was followed by the 'Civil War.'
100 years later the United States in 1945 passed her final old world challenge after making war with Tokyo, Berlin, and Rome. Soon then she became the dominant power in the New World, that was followed by the Cold War, which was basically a global 'Civil War.'
When Mexicans and Italians get patriotic and wave their flag in a cosmic sort of way their formulas of national enchantment nearly match. They are birds of a feather, in colour and faith.