Colour of the Bloods

In either case of shedding innocent blood: 'too bad...that's just a part of war' and if a non gang member gets shot by a stray bullet 'that's just the law of the concrete jungle.'
Nations are organized gangs working within the law under the colours of a flag, however street gangs work outside the law under certain colorz in the underworld.
Blue Bandanna is the
gang colour of the CRIPS
gang colour of the CRIPS

Corporations work within the confines of the law and provide legal services for public, street gangs provide illegal services for the public beyond the confines of the law. Both illegal and legal systems operate on the fundamental economic law of supply and demand. Corporations are keenly aware of maximizing marginal utility while street gangs know how to do this free ball style.
What would happen if you were able to combine a Blood with Crip?
Purple CRUD (Crip+Blood) or
Violet BRICKS (Blood + Crip) or
Tripping BLIPS (Blood + Crip)
You can get three varieties of underworld solider-thug when you mix a Blood with a Crip:

Interesting parallel between Crips and Bloods with their colours is also reflected in Japanese folklore. There are two types of legendary monsters are thought to be a root of mischievous and heinous acts the Red Demon Oni and Blue Demon Oni.
Image of Japanese Blue Oni and Red Oni

Blue Cripz Oni Mask