Thursday, December 31, 2020

Golf Flag from Space Jam 1996


A unique golf course flag can be seen in the epitome 1990s movie, Space Jam.  When Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Bill Murray and Wayne Knight are playing golf.  Jordan mysteriously gets a hole in one and they pose for a picture. 

WB Looney Tunes Flag

In 1996 the official Looney Tune flag was presented to the public in the epic movie of the 1990s, Space Jam.  On the right side of the stage you can see a green and white flag.  We can assume it represents the flag of Warner Brother's Toon Land.  On the left side of the stage you can see the US Flag. 

From a distance you can see that there is white area near the bottom.  We never get to see the entire flag unfurled.  A proper Roman vexillum would solve this issue, but cultures are adapted to seeing flags in this draped non-discernable mode.   


Tune Squad Team Colors - Space Jam 1996

 In the 1996 the keystroke moment in culture and sports was a combo of Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny.  Jordan was the epitome athlete of the 1990s.  He rounded out his dynamic persona in Space Jam that bleeds the spirit of zany 1990s.  

In this cinematic wonder, Jordan is drafted into to save the Warner Brother's cartoon gang to fend off intergalactic slavery.  The toon gang is challenged in a basketball game and they recruit Jordan, for to save their race.  

The livery of the Tune Squad is blue, orange, and white.  They have the circular bullseye WB cartoon logo with the word Tune Squad written upon it.  It should read as Toon Squad, but it is a moot point.  

Another 1990s decaderal institution is Wayne Knight, who played as the lovable pudgy sidekick.  He was the 1990s King Fatman.  Previously John Candy reigned as the Fatman in the 1980s, but Knight was the 90s' F-man of extra space, due to this presence on Seinfeld and Jurassic Park. On Knight's jacket, you can see the generic Toon Logo with a capital letter T.   

Jordan in the Tune Squad uniform.  This was a unique movie that captured the zeitgeist of the 1990s.  Space Jam was a movie for children, but it was a strange hybrid of cartoons and sports that gave way to the collective memory of America. 

Jordan will always be remembered as a Bull, but he was also a Wizard, a Tar Heel, Olympian, Baron, and Buccaneer.  Perhaps his highest note of fame for any child who grew up in the 1990s, was a his number as #23, for the Tune Squad.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wayne's World Flags 1992


It started with Bill and Ted, then there was Beavis and Butthead.  The 1990s seemed was focused on a pair of jokers, one with blonde hair as the side kick, any the other and lead brunette. Wayne's World started as a skit from SNL and became a feature movie.  It was one of the few times that a movie made from a short segment became reality. 

Along the stairways to the basement you can see the pennants of the Chicago sports teams.  Missing is the ultimate 1990s team of the Bulls.  

In the professional studio you can see the six flags of Texas, they always forget about the Republic of the Rio Grande, this is due to a myopic Western bias.  This republic was short lived, and was a rebellion led by Mexican-Texans.   Thus, it should be the 7 flags of Texas.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

UK Iceberg Submarine Cap


The flag of the UK appears in the ultimate 1980s James Bond film, A View to a Kill.  The British ensign appears atop a clandestine iceberg sub.  




Thursday, December 17, 2020

Rick and Morty - Flying Ship Flags


Science fiction is something recycled every generation.  From the twilight zone to today, ideas find their way into our imagination.  With Rick and Morty, they were able to take that charm and make their own in this adult oriented animated series for Sci-fi fans, yet dipped in that modern cartoonish glow. 

In the homemade sailing UFO of sorts a flag can be seen aloft on the rear mast.  It is small pennant with a green field and nearer the hoist is light green/whitish stripe.  A political kind of side-bumper sticker can be seen on the side with a partially visible American flag for an election in 86'.  

Also in this episode, you can can see another green pennant in Morty's room.  It has the words SCIENCE written in all caps in white on a field of green.  Again a thick white horizontal header near the hoist is visible.   This indicates that Morty really has fondness for 'SCIENCE.'  The posters youth post on the wall indicates their interest and lofty goals.  In this case.  Missing from Morty's room are athletic posters of any kind of major league broadcast sports.  A person who decorates their room with a science pennant is unlikely to have any kind of ball game posters in his room.  But the two are not mutually exclusive. 

 The inside of the flying ship is deeply reminiscent of Back the Future.  This was done on purpose, as the the name of our hero Morty is so very close to Marty.  However Morty is few years younger.  And the Doc of this show has perfected trans-dimensional travel, in that Buckaroo Banzai kind of way. 


Friday, December 4, 2020

Machias Seal Island, Maine or Machias Island, New Brunswick


Many people have heard of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  Some know about the Cyprus-Northen Cyprus conflict.  And fewer have heard about the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict.  But are you aware of the Canadian-American Machias Island territorial conflict?

Machias Seal Island is one of the last of divided lands that sits at the tipping point between two nations.  The two stars represent two peoples divided, or rather united?  The beautiful maple leaf represents the highest honors of respect.  

The dispute is longstanding, on one hand the islands are claimed by Canada by a certain interpretation of a treaty.  However on the US side, the US is closer in proximity since Machias Island.  The islands are ½ a mile closer to the mainland shores of USA.

Both nations have purposefully avoided bringing the issue to settle in the international courts of justice.  So like Palestine and the West Bank, this little slice of Earth is in limbo as of 2020, and for the foreseeable future. 

So what is at stake?  Pride, ego, and the bounty of the sea—mostly a rich lobster income.  In the big picture a loss, or win, for this 20 acre bird refuge would neither hurt nor benefit either nation, yet the impact on several families would be heartfelt.  

Perhaps leaders can try that overlooked middle path option?  Machias Island could become bi-national territory.  This had already happened with Oregon Territory before it was divided, by the 'UK-Canada' and the 'US'.  For 28 years, from 1818 until 1846, Oregon Territory and British Columbia were bi-national.  This land was both American and 'Canadian-British.'     

Reverting to a bi-national territory would give Machias Island special status as both Canadian and American.  

Of course one would have to be a resident of Machias Seal Island to have this automatic dual-Canadian American citizenship.  There are already a lot of Americans and Canadians who hold both passports (Jim Carey and Elon Musk). It would be a controlled experiment of sorts, whereby US and Canadian Coastguards could team up.  

Likewise a small portion of the Island would enter the private sector for residents to set up a tourist bird watching and lobster restaurant.  Indeed it would become a creative experiment.  No doubt the tourist dollars generated by such a political oddity could be used to protect wildlife along the shores of Maine and New Brunswick.  If such a place were to exist, popularity and interest would peak to visit, this inter-sexed land of sorts. 

No doubt a lot could be discovered by such an enterprise.  Such an endeavor may inspire other nations like Russian and Japan, which have a long standing dispute over several islands in the North Pacific.  It'd be like that special customs zone in the airport, whereby both Canada and the US will maintain unique intelligence on such a place.  Finally, the third, bi-national option would acquiesce any bruised egos, so that both nations benefit and something new is created.  

On the other hand, the easy out of this conundrum is to give way and have a winner and loser.  A few families will benefit and this island will become...just another isle.  However if the 'third' option is taken, no doubt the world will watch and learn. 

The two stars represent two nations and two peoples.  The beautiful maple leaf represents the highest honors of respect.

This flag was created to heal the rift between North and South.  In the wake of 2020 to bring clarity and balance.  It is directly inspired by GĂ©rard Gallienne flag proposal from 1931.

 Photo of Machias Island,-67.1018474,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipM2bPvaN3iXwghgpmQhD5qNnznE9cBvtf-Pm6Gv!2e10!3e12!!7i2048!8i1354!4m5!3m4!1s0x4ca8e246778dae61:0x75cadc05562582ee!8m2!3d44.502302!4d-67.1012682

Friday, November 13, 2020

Gazorpazorp Flag - Rick and Morty 2014


It is classic theme of the re-separation of the sexes in some dystopian future.  Rick and Morty tackled this Sci-fi staple with a new level gritty honesty.  Of vexillological note is are flags on the 'male' side of the planet where, a spartan design of alien who kinda' looks like Dr. Rick with brownish orange triagle on the bottom that the wider at the hoist and comes to point at a ripped fly.  This seems to be a unique flag where by the fly end is purposefully ripped, as its design.

The planet is called Gazorpazorp.  Robots are used a breeding chambers were he burly red protein coated men pollinate their species.  The men are totally unaware that the females of this planet are hidden away. 

Here is a close up of the 'Male Gazropazorp' flag. Notice that the eyes are closed, the hair style is similar to Dr. Rick and the fly is ripped, on purpose.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Black Live Matter Flag and the Similarity to the Parental Advisory Logo


It is no small coincidence that the Parental Advisory Explicit Content looks like the Black Lives Matter flag.  The advisory lyric logo was prompted by the gritty and often raunchy lyrics that became an anthem for a select generation.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Mini Hotel Flag - A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 2019

Mr. Rogers is an iconic personality from American childhood.  Somewhat of a preschool-kindergarten kind of teacher.  His sincere, Plain Cain, simple demure was something a breath of fresh air in a noisy, clownish cacophony of broadcast television.   Rather than lusting after the audiences dollars and cents, Roger's was selling free, wholesome advice for a better life.

Hollywood released a film dedicated to his spirit in 2019 entitled A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, starring Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers.  Perhaps the opposite of Mr. Rogers is Mr. Herman, Pee Wee?  Pee Wee was less the education and more of the Pop-corn style.  It is too bad that Mr. Roger's wasn't a guest on Pee Wee's show, or vice versa.

In the film the mini flag of the USA, Spain, Italy (Mexico?), and Canada appear in one of the transition sequences.  A white hotel flag with corporate logo is also visible, but it impossible to discern from the video.


Mr. Roger's Flag patterns in the Curtains

Mr. Rodger's is an American classic from Pennsylvania.  His calm, low key delivery of infotainment made its deepest impact on Generations X, Y, and Z.  Usually media is over the top and off the wall to gain the 'consumers' attention, with witty humour and wacky special effects, like jingling keys.

However, Rodger's put the jingling keys away and spoke directly, unafraid of that oh so precious silent space.  Most people growing up in American learn to hate the quiet, and find it necessary to fill the void with talk or jokes.  

In a way, many have this backwards as the quiet is good.  Most people don't have any idea the importance of quiet in the mind.  And when you share the quiet with another person or stranger, it is good.  If you are uncomfortable with the 'awkward silence' — that is your ego, that judgemental inner voice that dislikes the silence.  In fact, the ego hates silence and will often negatively blame and judge the other person or yourself for that 'painful' silence.  'Awkward Silences' are sign that you ego is out of control, and you need to learn to control better manage its constant noise and often negative judgements.

Of vexillological note were the curtains along Mr. Roger's windows upon his set.  They changed throughout the seasons, but every so often the patterns of flag were visible.

The style of curtains was stark contrast to Mr. Roger's style.  They were often loud, brash, and zany patterns that were of young boy's room, of that 1950s Americana. One flag was similar to the American flag but had three stripes of green, blue, and white.

In 2019's A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, starring Tom Hanks, a near perfect match of curtains can be found.  However the hone flag looks is visible, which is difficult to make out.  It has a hoist-canton with seven stars.  The most popular US flag to have seven stars within it was the original flag of the Confederacy when it was originally made up of 7 rebel states.  On the curtains in the movie it looks like a date is written in the lower field and something in the upper blue field.  Perhaps it reads Civil War and 1861?

 To the left is guess of the curtains, that appears in 2019 homage film to Fred Rogers of Western Pennsylvania.    No doubt a Confederate flag would have been a big no no in 2019.  Thus modified version of the Confederate flag would have been okay.

There was also a green pennant with a blue vertical pattern near the hoist with writing on the flag.   Note before anger management became real therapy, Mr. Rogers tackled this problem head on.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Comix Zone—Super Hero Logo 1995

Comix Zone oozes with the spirit of the 1990s.  Typically, media and art made at the midpoint of a decade (example 1995-1996) sets the gold standard for the spirit of the decade.  1990 is too much like the 80s and 1999 is too much like the mighty Ohs.  Comix Zone is a key note from the SEGA™ Genesis lineup. The music, the outfit of our hero, and style sings of the 1990s grunge movement.

1995 was when video games were offline, not-monitored, and gamers could trade, sell, or lend their truely private property of a game to their friends without interference or observation from Big Sister™.    Power ups were simple and achievements were personal, instead of being a public document for the various Videogamer-Corps™. 

Of vexillological note, when the protagonist of the story, Sketch Turner, gets his superhero power up, a unique logo appears on his chest: it is a red semi-circle with an ×, that appears on a white shirt.   The livery of our superhero is white,
black, and red.  He has black tights with boots, a white shirt, and a red cape.  Turner also dons sunglasses and is able to blast all baddies on the screen, with a comic zap.

When Turner is in normal mode, he is a Kung Fu master of the 1990s sort.  The pants and haircut are of the Niffertastic Nineties™.

The bad guy logo also appears on the bombs in some of the abandoned ships.   It is red painted face outline of a man with hat, sunglasses, and long mustache.

Comix Zone is one of the few original masterpieces with original content, rather than being an established pop-icon or a spinoff of some other established property, like the Amazing Man Spider, Mr. Bat Ma'am, or the X-Them. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 Headband

Sonic the Hedgehog was family friendly, nostalgic wonder spark.  Most movies based on video games flop.  Typically the fans and Hollywood directors are out of sync.  But finally in 2020, the directors got it right.

Finally 1990s get some respect, as a separate decade from the semi-tacky 1980s.  Reason being, the first Sonic video game was released in 1991.  Likewise, the star of this movie Jim Carey was able to soar to top shelf of comic spirits.  Although the movie was set in modern times, 2020, Sonic and Carey are class clowns from the 1990s that took up a big chunk of people free time, and made a momentous comeback in 2020.

Of vexillological note is the headband that Sonic wears in the movie.  The logo design is modified black and white pattern based upon the intro screen from his first game, back in 1991.

Sonic the Hedgehog is of the original Platformer—basically a jump and run to side action game.  These type of games are continually remade each generation.  The basic plan of the game is to run to a goal, via an obstacle course, using the simple rules of gravity, power ups, and of course timing the right time jump at the right moment.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Green Hills Police Badge, Montana—Sonic the Hedgehog 2020

Green Hills was originally the round of levels, where we Sonic came into existence back in 1991.  Thirty years since conception, this flagship character from SEGA was live on with a hit movie: Sonic the Hedgehog 2020.

During a credit scene, a welcome sign to Green Hills can be seen, in glorious 16-bit 1990s video glory.

Checker Flags in Sonic the Hedgehog movie 2020

The checker pattern is associated with Sonic the Hedgehog, as this pattern can be found all throughout the game.  In the 2020 Sonic the Hedgehog film, several real life checker flags could bee seen is several scenes.  In his burrow underground, Sonic has an kind of altar of checker flags, that can be seen in a montage, when we see what his daily life is like.

To the left, notice the crossed checker flag lamp that Sonic gets in his new bedroom above his new besties.  Sonic has a big smile, as he gets comfy in his new bedroom, that is above ground.

When Sonic is in the bar, he grabs a pennant streamer that just happens to have checker designs.  The image has been flipped to 'right side up.'  Thus the people in the bar look normal and Sonic zooming around the bar is running on the ceiling.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Pentagon Flag - Sonic the Hedgehog movie 2020

In 2020 Sonic the Hedgehog movie, an original and imaginative flag for the US Pentagon appears during the meeting of generals.  The design of the flag does not match to the official seal in our universe, but in this alternate sector of the Multiverse it is the official flag.

The Sonic Pentagon flag is on a field of navy blue with the colours of yellow and neon blue.  Neon blue makes up the rings and outer dimensions of the Pentagon shape, while the yellow hash marks fill in the Pentagon in four levels with broken spaces at the mid-points of the flag. In the outer ring it is written THE PENTAGON *** THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ***—the US flag is also visible on the left side of the seal on the wall.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Alex Schibli American-Swiss Heritage Flag

Besides Liberty Island, there is another island in NYC that has its own monument, Rat Island.  It was recently purchased by Alex Schibli in 2011 at an auction for $176,000.  Now the Goddess of Liberty has some stiff competition, Rat Island has a statue of William Tell—a folk hero of Switzerland.

In American consciousness Tell is portrayed only as playful archer to shoots an arrow at an apple seated on a person's head.  However, for Switzerland, Mr. Tell is a folk hero a kin to King Arthur and Robin Hood all wrapped into one.

When the New York Post interviewed the owner of Rat Island, Alex Schibli, he was wearing a unique Swiss-American fusion flag: see video below.  Schibli's flag has a lower-fly canton with 26 Swiss crosses on the field, arranged the four rows of: 6-7-6-7.  The 26 Crosses represent the 26 Cantons of Switzerland.
Rat Island is also home to three flags: New York State, the US flag, and the flag of Switzerland.  However, Rat Island is missing a flag for the island itself.

During the interview with the New York Post in 2018, Schilbli was wearing a shirt that contained a unique US-Swiss fusion flag.

He was also making a statement that the monument on Rat Island is a 'sister statue' sight to Liberty Island.  Like Yin and Yang, the Statue of Liberty represents the freedom all Americans, while the statue of William Tell represents one American's point of pride.  However, NYC's Statue of William Tell is completely within NYC's official waters, unlike Liberty Island which is actually in NJ's waters.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

A Walmart Flag

Walmart issued a flag for itself sometime before July 31, 2018.  It is most likely that this flag was created in 2017.  It is a vertical tribar flag of grey-blue, navy-blue, grey-blue.  In the center is the Walmart * in yellow.

The original leaflet advertises the Walmart's capacity to send money across the world.  Walmart is only a business, yet its economic lifeblood pulsates all across America and the planet.  No doubt Walmart has a larger economy than some third world nations.

Walmart rose the global dominance as did once the too Hudson Bay Company.  However, Walmart started in Arkansas.  Perhaps a nick for this coorporation could the Dixie Bay Company.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

ALT Left Flag: ←

The background colours for the Alt Left flag are violet and orange.  Orange is coded to 2 and violet is coded to 7.  Together they make the number 27.  One is supposed to read this flag from left to right like the alt key arrow:←.


ALT Right Flag : →

This ALT right flag has a field of orange and blue.  Orange is coded to 2 and blue is coded to 6.  Together they make 26.  When you hit the Alt Key and 26 you get a rightward arrow →.

ALT → 


Monday, August 10, 2020

JERK or FUN —Stamp of Approval: boat-ed®

In that semi-official way of things, boat-ed® has created the mark for a choice being for Fun or for being a Jerk.  Both stamps have the overall basic design of circular seal with rings that have five, five pointed stars in the out ring and six stars on the inner disc, with three above and three below the work Fun or Jerk.  The Jerk Stamp is coloured red and the Fun Stamp is Coloured Green.

Logo of boat-ed®
Comedy is like this as well, jokes can be fun or they can be jerky.  But humor is on a spectrum, different segments of society have set the jerk mark at different places.  This has led to the outrage mob in recent times.  Best to listen to you heart before you post, and only go positive.

Perhaps someday there will be rating system for the Internet on user apps where by you can set your jerk standards to your personal preference.  Banning the consumption of steak because to feeding it to a baby could be deadly, is, the worst form of censorship.