Thursday, December 17, 2020

Rick and Morty - Flying Ship Flags


Science fiction is something recycled every generation.  From the twilight zone to today, ideas find their way into our imagination.  With Rick and Morty, they were able to take that charm and make their own in this adult oriented animated series for Sci-fi fans, yet dipped in that modern cartoonish glow. 

In the homemade sailing UFO of sorts a flag can be seen aloft on the rear mast.  It is small pennant with a green field and nearer the hoist is light green/whitish stripe.  A political kind of side-bumper sticker can be seen on the side with a partially visible American flag for an election in 86'.  

Also in this episode, you can can see another green pennant in Morty's room.  It has the words SCIENCE written in all caps in white on a field of green.  Again a thick white horizontal header near the hoist is visible.   This indicates that Morty really has fondness for 'SCIENCE.'  The posters youth post on the wall indicates their interest and lofty goals.  In this case.  Missing from Morty's room are athletic posters of any kind of major league broadcast sports.  A person who decorates their room with a science pennant is unlikely to have any kind of ball game posters in his room.  But the two are not mutually exclusive. 

 The inside of the flying ship is deeply reminiscent of Back the Future.  This was done on purpose, as the the name of our hero Morty is so very close to Marty.  However Morty is few years younger.  And the Doc of this show has perfected trans-dimensional travel, in that Buckaroo Banzai kind of way. 


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