Thursday, August 20, 2020

Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 Headband

Sonic the Hedgehog was family friendly, nostalgic wonder spark.  Most movies based on video games flop.  Typically the fans and Hollywood directors are out of sync.  But finally in 2020, the directors got it right.

Finally 1990s get some respect, as a separate decade from the semi-tacky 1980s.  Reason being, the first Sonic video game was released in 1991.  Likewise, the star of this movie Jim Carey was able to soar to top shelf of comic spirits.  Although the movie was set in modern times, 2020, Sonic and Carey are class clowns from the 1990s that took up a big chunk of people free time, and made a momentous comeback in 2020.

Of vexillological note is the headband that Sonic wears in the movie.  The logo design is modified black and white pattern based upon the intro screen from his first game, back in 1991.

Sonic the Hedgehog is of the original Platformer—basically a jump and run to side action game.  These type of games are continually remade each generation.  The basic plan of the game is to run to a goal, via an obstacle course, using the simple rules of gravity, power ups, and of course timing the right time jump at the right moment.


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