Monday, August 10, 2020

JERK or FUN —Stamp of Approval: boat-ed®

In that semi-official way of things, boat-ed® has created the mark for a choice being for Fun or for being a Jerk.  Both stamps have the overall basic design of circular seal with rings that have five, five pointed stars in the out ring and six stars on the inner disc, with three above and three below the work Fun or Jerk.  The Jerk Stamp is coloured red and the Fun Stamp is Coloured Green.

Logo of boat-ed®
Comedy is like this as well, jokes can be fun or they can be jerky.  But humor is on a spectrum, different segments of society have set the jerk mark at different places.  This has led to the outrage mob in recent times.  Best to listen to you heart before you post, and only go positive.

Perhaps someday there will be rating system for the Internet on user apps where by you can set your jerk standards to your personal preference.  Banning the consumption of steak because to feeding it to a baby could be deadly, is, the worst form of censorship.

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