Monday, September 7, 2020

Mini Hotel Flag - A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 2019

Mr. Rogers is an iconic personality from American childhood.  Somewhat of a preschool-kindergarten kind of teacher.  His sincere, Plain Cain, simple demure was something a breath of fresh air in a noisy, clownish cacophony of broadcast television.   Rather than lusting after the audiences dollars and cents, Roger's was selling free, wholesome advice for a better life.

Hollywood released a film dedicated to his spirit in 2019 entitled A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, starring Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers.  Perhaps the opposite of Mr. Rogers is Mr. Herman, Pee Wee?  Pee Wee was less the education and more of the Pop-corn style.  It is too bad that Mr. Roger's wasn't a guest on Pee Wee's show, or vice versa.

In the film the mini flag of the USA, Spain, Italy (Mexico?), and Canada appear in one of the transition sequences.  A white hotel flag with corporate logo is also visible, but it impossible to discern from the video.


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