The Cardinal Animal Poles are an organic system poles that point in the direction of North, South, East, and West. The animals on the finials always point toward the direction of the origin. Since Polar Bears are native to the North Pole they point Northward. On the other hand, Penguins are native to the Southern Hemisphere, thus they point Southward. Consequently, the Polar Bear and Polar Penguin are facing opposite directions.
Likewise the Rooster is associated with the East due to the rising of the Sun in the East. Also, chickens all over the world are though to have been domesticated from the Jungles of East Asia, namely Thailand. The wild bird that looks remarkable like the standard cartoon Rooster is the
Gallus gallus.
"On the other foot"... the
Jaguar is native to the Western Hemisphere. Specifically the Black Jaguar is the best fit. Reason being West is associated with coming of Night. The Sun always sets in the West and the Jaguar is native to the Western Hemisphere, get it?
These Cardinal Animal poles should be placed on the most Eastern, Western, Southern, and Northern point of schools and universities. Or at the compass head of an immobile direction indicator.

Also the colours of the pole should follow the pattern. They don't have to be exact copies. But since red pole of North is red due to the Northbound Red Star of Orion, known as "Beetle Juice." Also Santa is associated with the colour red. Thus the Blue South Pole is associated with the Southbound Blue Star of Orion, known as
Rye-Jell." The Yellow Pole of the East is associated with a risen Yellow Sun of Morning. Finally a rainbow motif should be found on the Western Pole, as to represent the many colours of the setting sun, as the black darkness of night takes over from day.

So there we have it, you can finally show off your East Pole with Rooster or West Pole with Jaguar.
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