Spokesman of Bartertown

Long long ago, before the Hunger Games there was Mad Max and a Thunderdome...
In 1985 the third movie of the Max Mad trilogy came out - Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome presents a clear and enchanting view of a post apoctylipic world. In the final quarter (1980s) of the Cold World the threat of a nuclear holocaust was real and present, every more so than terrorism.
But Mad Max presents a story where the world goes on. Things have changed, but the human drama stays the same. Politics and power struggles never go away.
Two Men Enter,
Once Man Leaves
Once Man Leaves

But at Bartertown - disputes are resolved on an individual basis. Instead of a complicated legal system with lawyers - the community preaches that people with unresolved issues duke it out to the death and leave the rest of the community alone. People with disputes face off in the Thunderdome. The chant is "two men enter, one man leaves."
During the Thunderdome sequence a vexilloid makes an appearance. It features an elegantly fashioned black and white pole. The finial is a black ball topped with a silver wheel with wings.
Also note the Master of Ceremonies also has wears a Freemason pendant as a necklace.
Mad Max franchise is one of those odd series that arguable gets better with the sequels. But it is an Australian film after all and things often spin the other way down under.
Thunderdome Fight Scene: Mad Max III 1985
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