One version of the Retired
Canadian Red Ensign

If you haven't noticed, the flag of Canada looks a lot like the flag of Peru. This uncanny match of red and white is what I have termed, 'Flag Symmetry.'
But most people (Americans and younger Canadians) don't realize that the Canadian Flag is a 1960s love child flag, so to speak. Since it was made official in 1965. The current design is fantastic but I hope Canadians never forget the UK Canadian Red Ensign, this flag is richly seeped in history. During the 1900s Canadians proudly fought under the red ensign during the Cold War, WWII, WWI, and Boer War.
The Retired
South African Red Ensign

Coincidentally the partner of the Canadian Red Ensign is South Africa's Red Ensign.
Both nations are spiked with a dynamic tribal rivalry between their two leading 'white tribes.' South Africa has been bitterly divided between her British and Dutch elements, while Canada is nearly in perpetual friction with her British and French states of mind. Canada is were the sons and daughters of London and Paris live in harmony, while South African is were the daughters and Edinburgh and Amsterdam live in a steady symbiosis.
Shield of arms Canada
still official

still official

The four most powerful tribes of the Canadian Nation. Starting from the one o'clock position - Scottish (red lion), French (triple lily), Irish (harp), and English (triple yellow lion).
Previously (1910-2000) it represented the four most powerful tribal states - Cape (woman by rock), Natal (two horned cows), Orange Free State (orange tree), and Transvaal (Boer Wagon that looks like baby carriage or old time race car). To get a better grip of the tension in the former arms of South Africa imagine a nation solely composed of Massachusetts, Minnesota, Texas, and South Carolina.
New Shield of Arms for South Africa
since 2000
since 2000

South Africa changed her arms in 2000 since it represented a minority of white tribes. No doubt in the near future, as diverse Canadian ethnic identities that do not associate with England, Scotland, France, and Ireland grow stronger, Canada will follow in the footsteps of their South African cousins and change her arms.
But not all is negative. It is through these challenges that give Canada and South Africa their unique powers and grand view of the what it means to be human.
South Africa and Canada are cousins by Mother Britannia but have radically different 'in laws.' The relations with the first nation's peoples have been challenging but recently amended for the better.
It is a cosmic union of the Canadian Musk Ox with the Great South African Buffalo. Although worlds away their histories have similar parallels, as do their retired red ensigns. They are a combination of fire and ice. Canada has a region that is in perpetual winter, while South African has a region that is in perpetual summer.
The Paleolithic Wooly Ox Lives on in Canada
(it it were extinct it'd be more popular)

The Eocenic South African Buffalo
these curly long horns are meant for fighting
these curly long horns are meant for fighting
This means South Africans can be polite as a Canadian and Canadians can fight with the ferocity of a South African. Respect the Canadian and South African. Finally, hockey^ is to Canada to what rugby^ is to South Africa.
The South African information is nearly correct. The Union of South Africa had 3 versions of its coat-of-arms: 1910, 1930 and 1932. The 1910 version was simple; the 1932 one embellished. Actually it was the simple 1910 shield used on the Red and Blue Ensigns. The 1932 shield would have been a bit late!