
Friday, October 4, 2019

Platelette Flags - Cells at Work! はたらく細胞!

血小板 - The Platelet Flag

Platelets are overlooked cells, or rather they are cell bits known as cellicles.  They are the opposite of muscle cells which are united cells—like Voltron or the Devistator from Transformerers.  Rather cellicles undergo a special kind of cell division called cytobudding.  In cytobudding, is a kind of semi-asexual reproduction.  In this case cells bud off of the mother cell to make new cells.  However the new cells have no nucleus, as their is no copying of genetic information.  Yet these cells have mitochondria, organelles, and an outer cellular membrane.

Platelet with Yellow Flag - Cells at Work! はたらく細胞!
Platelets are like red blood cells, since neither have nuclei.  But red blood cells loose their nucleus and platelets had one before they underwent cytobudding.

Funny thing is red blood cells do not have mitochondria but platelets do, and neither have nuclei.  So what gives?  Since platelets are so small they are discounted as cells by many scientists?  I guess for biologists, size does matter.  Platelets are much smaller than red blood cells, yet they carry out metabolic activity.  Infact, they do indeed carry a tiny amount of genetic information, since they have actively working mitochondria.  Platelets are cells!  A primitive kind of regressive cell, that has an important function in the human body.

In the Japanese Anime Cells at Work! はたらく細胞! Thrombocytes are portrayed as little children directing traffic when repairs are being made along the blood vessels.  And believe it or not, these wee cells have the ability to take down a bacteria or two on their own.  Although these little cells are primarily used for repair, research has shown that even the smallest cell can fight back!

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