
Friday, December 24, 2021

Yukon Territory and Northwest Territory have their flags North Polarized for Christmas


Merry Christmas! It is that time to deck the flags with the Spirit of Christmas! In this case the fraternal flag pairs of Yukon North Polarized with the Northwest Territories flags.  The dog from the Grinch replaces the Huskie of Yukon, likewise the Holly replaces the 'provincial' flower of fireweed.  The flag of England has is made Christmas present with big blue bow.  The heraldic designs have been made into Christmas Trees.  

The Flag of the Northwest Territories is only slightly modified.  The fox is wearing a Santa Hat and the gold bars are changed into a multicolored rainbow of light bulbs. Finally, the blue river line has become the aurora borealis.  

Joyeux Noël! C'est le moment d'arborer les drapeaux avec l'Esprit de Noël ! Dans ce cas, les paires de drapeaux fraternels du Yukon Nord polarisé avec les drapeaux des Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Le chien du Grinch remplace le Huskie du Yukon, de même que le Houx remplace la fleur « provinciale » de l'épilobe. Le drapeau de l'Angleterre est fait cadeau de Noël avec un grand arc bleu. Les motifs héraldiques ont été transformés en arbres de Noël.

Le drapeau des Territoires du Nord-Ouest n'est que légèrement modifié. Le renard porte un bonnet de Noel et les lingots d'or se transforment en un arc-en-ciel multicolore d'ampoules. Enfin, la ligne bleue de la rivière est devenue les aurores boréales.


Alberta Flag North Polarized for Christmas and the Winter Holiday!


Here we have the Alberta flag that has been North Polarized! Below it is with its 'Fraternal Flag Partner' which is Washington BC.  BC can mean by Canada, below Canada or beside Canada.  

Ici, nous avons le drapeau de l'Alberta qui a été polarisé au nord ! Ci-dessous, il y a son « partenaire de drapeau fraternel » qui est Washington BC. BC peut signifier par Canada, en dessous du Canada ou à côté du Canada.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

US Flag in the SantaClaus, The Movie 1985


An extra large wholesome Santa movie from 1985, SantaClaus The Movie stars Dudley Moore as the original Elf Story.  Like Buddy the Elf, this Christmas movie captures the core feels of the 1980s, since it was released in 1985, far from the 1970s and 1990s.  

The US flag makes a cameo in several scenes.  When a greedy captain of the Toy Industry, pitches his idea for Christmas II for March 25th, a US flag can be seen in the background.  The US flag also appear in a larger form during a court case dealing with poor toy making policies of a Biz Toys. 

The US flag also appears as painted wood working over a portrait of George Washington.  

No expense was spared on this million dollar Christmas Play.  It has faded from memory somewhat, but it captures the feels of the 1980s.  It is fun reminder of classical Santa. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Winter Holiday Christmas Inclusive Santa Hats


The color of a Santa Hat can convey your preference!  Red is for Christian, Green for Islam, Blue for Jewish, Orange for Sikh, Yellow for Buddhist, Black for Shaman, Brown for Hindu, White for the Hippie, Purple for Whatever, and Pink for the Atheist.  

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Free City Flag from Free Guy 2019


The movie Free Guy 2021 is your modern Pinocchio story for the 21st century.  In this movie a computer program becomes self aware and touches on those tried and true tested themes of following ones dreams.  Like any good movie it recycles old themes and packages them into something new.  

In one sequence we are privileged to see the flag of Free City which has light purple field with the city seal in the center.  It has yellow ring that reads "The Municipality of Free City."  The seal design features the silhouette of the skyline with the Sun at the horizon in the background.

In one scene you can see the NPC come to life walk by store that is selling post card flags for the virtual city of Free City.  By coincidence there is an orange flag in the background behind Free Guy's right shoulder.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Texas-Nunavut Connection- Texas Looks a Bit Like Nunavut!


Or rather, it is Nunavut that looks a little bit like Texas!  You decide.  For the record, California is the linked like this to British Columbia, Idaho looks a bit like Yukon Territory, Minnesota looks like Manitoba, Wyoming looks a bit like Saskatchewan, and finally Nevada fills her up like Alberta. 

It's as if somebody smashed Texas with a hammer and it broke into 100 little pieces.  Or if you were to smoosh all the islands back, it'd be the spitting image of Texas.

Ou plutôt, c'est le Nunavut qui ressemble un peu au Texas! Tu décides. Pour la petite histoire, la Californie est ainsi liée à la Colombie-Britannique, l'Idaho ressemble un peu au Territoire du Yukon, le Minnesota ressemble au Manitoba, le Wyoming ressemble un peu à la Saskatchewan, et enfin le Nevada la comble comme l'Alberta.

C’est comme si quelqu’un avait brisé le Texas avec un marteau et qu’il s’était brisé en 100 petits morceaux.  Ou si vous deviez ramener toutes les îles, ce serait l’image crachant du Texas.