
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Flag of Palo Alto, California

The flag of Palo Alto is a tribar of blue, white, and green.  In the center is the famous redwood giant El Palo Alto.  On top is a seal with the date and the word California.  If you were take off the yellow seal with words and date, it would make a 'Good Flag.'  In fact it would a sibling flag to the Cultural Cascadian Flag.

Palo Alto City Flag, Redone as a 'Good Flag'

Palo Alto is famous for having the Harvard of the West Coast, Stanford and being a part of San Francisco Bay Community.  Additionally it is at the epicenter of Silicon Valley.

City of Palo Alto Seals for Christmas

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Northern Mariana Christmas Flag

The Christmas Mariana Flag has a few alterations.  Primarily the five pointed star is now a Star of Bethlehem.  Also several of the decorations are glowing yellow.  The background is also a darker shade of blue.

Holiday Guam Flag

Since Guam has palm tree upon it, it can easily be turned into a holiday themed flag.  In this case, white lights are added.  It is also night time.

Although a world away Guam is that other extra part of the United States like Washington DC and Puerto Rico that does not get a star on the national flag.

Christmas is celebrated in similar fashion to the mainland, with added Guamanian dishes, minus the snow and ice.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

California and Washington DC Christmas Flags

Christmas in California can vary.  Up north you have the Germanic Christmas with snow and darkness, but down south you have a Holy Land style kind of weather.  Because Southern Cal is at the same latitude of Israel, thus Mary and Jo would most likely feel at home in San Diego, rather than say Sacramento on December 25th.

In any case, the California flag with a Christmas theme has the bear in a Santa outfit, minus the boots.  The bear is walking on snow covered ground and it is snowing.  Finally the word 'Republic' is replaced with 'Christmas.'

Since the fraternal partner of California is Columbia: District of Washington, the flag of DC too has a Christmas theme.  For DC the upper stripe is green and so is the middle star.  It also has 'Merry Christmas' written in the stripes.  The upper green stripe has it in red, while the lower stripe has it in green with matching coloured balls.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Flags in Krampus - 2015

Several flags appear in the True to Life Nightmare Before Chirstmas...Universal's Krampus 2015.  In the opening sequence plastic red holiday pennant flags can be seen at the entranceway.  The store is obviously having a Christmas blowout sale, and the shoppers are show a corrupted spirit of Christmas.  It seems contagious as the staff, children, and older folks act in ugly and greedy fashions.  There is no famine, no natural disaster, no war threat, yet, their avarice and selfish spirit is a common place behavior during the American holiday season.  

The US flag makes a brief cameo in Universal's Krampus 2016.  During the introductory scene the 
US flag appears as a badge on the security store staff at the fictional Mucho Mart.  The flag is on the left shoulder of the security agents who have fired their tasers.  

The UK flag also makes a small appearance in Krampus as a bedroom decoration for the more than cool for family teenage daughter.  It is just barely lit in the background.

Krampus 2015 is the key note film that captures the feels and style of the 20-teens.  Cell phones, aggressive shoppers, and ghoulish bystanders who record heinous acts for joy as voyeuristic scandal-standers.

Flags in Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever - 2014

Grumpy Cat became more than a meme, a kind of institution in her own right.  In the movie Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever several flag make an appearance.  The US stars and stripes appear as a vest for the supporting heroine of the Lifetime movie.

The Grumpy Cat Christmas Special is light farce, something of a cartoon with silly antics for the whole family.  Grumpy steals the show.  It is packed with that spirit of the 20-tweens, wry and dry internet humor galore.   If you are a fan of Grumpy Cat, this is a cheesy delight for people who love cats.

Another vexilloid of interest are the frozen blue plastic pennants at Santa's Village.  You can just barely make them out on top of the candy cane towers on either side of Santa.   Santa at the mall is a staple in most subruban American communities.  Beforehand, Santa used to appear at larger general stores.

Another unique logo to appear in this movie is the 'Louieton Animal Rescue' seal.  It features a dog and a cat and typical circular seal.