
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Fun Flag for Element 13, Aluminum or Al: an Honorary Echo for the Mystrerious Element of Alabamine

Element 13 coincidentally has an abbreviation that matches the state of Alabama.  Alabama is AL while Aluminum is Al; there is a slight difference since element has a lower case L while Alabama has an upper case L.

The cosmic coincidence is that, scratch that, the QUANTUM COINCIDENCE is that Aluminum's number is 13 and 13 atoms on the flag of Alabama echo of the flag of the South.  If you didn't know the Battle Flag of the Confederacy had 13 stars in a similar position.

Also the funny thing about the "Fun Aluminum AL flag" is that an atom on the periodic table of scientific elements was almost named after Alabama.  A scientist from Alabama, Fred Allison, thought he discovered the atom with the atomic number of 85.  He was wrong, but a few
periodic tables were made that included the symbol 'Ab' for Alabamine for element 85.  Perhaps he was right in a quantum-Mandela sort of way in another universe?  Thus the key to traveling into another dimension is to use laser crystals made up of Astatine or Alabamine, depending on your originating universe.  Thus in the the other universe, element 85 in indeed called Alabamine and Astatine is the false name for the this element.  There are other rumors that there is a third quantum-worm hole where element 85 is called Alabanium, and was discovered by a Albanian scientist. 

You can see other 'maiden names' of elements that were changed by the high priests and priestess of IUPAC.  Element 41 was once called by Columbium and represented by Cb, now called Niobium or Nb.   Likewise element 43 was represented by Ma which was Masurium, now called Technetium or Tc. 

Alabamium Images & Fred Allison:

Monday, November 11, 2019

Fun Calcium Flag - The Ca Republic of Calcium

California is just one of those places that is all over the Periodic Table of Elements.  Although element 20 has the same abbreviation as California—Ca—Ca does not represent California on the table.  Instead Cf is the symbol for element 98.  Nonetheless, the fun Calcium flag has the skeleton of the California Grizzly, since one the key atomic components of bone is calcium.

Finally the star has been replace with an atom with 18 elections.  Since Calcium is usually ionized to +2 oxidation state.  This makes sense.  Finally in the star position is the two letter symbol for California, oops, I mean Calcium.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

University of Nottingham Logo

Fun Krypton Flag - Element 36 Flag

The fun Krypton flag is based upon the Superman logo.  Instead of an 'S' we have the two letter symbol for element 36, Kr.

Fun Samarium Flag - Element 62 Flag

Samara is based upon a name which just happens to be a place in Russia.  Consequently the fun Samarium flag is possible.  It is a slightly altered version of the flag for the City of Samara.  Instead of a deer, atom 62 and a its name is below.

Fun Silver Flag for Element 47 — Argent — aka Ag from Argentina

Element 47 is known as silver, but its symbol is Ag.  This based upon the Latin word for silver, which is where Argentina gets its name.  Thus the national flag is used for the fun flag for Silver, better known as Argent or Ag.

Instead the Sun of Splendor of Argentina's flag we have the Atom of Splendor.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Delaware River Flag and Tributary River Metric Flags

Delaware River Flag
Rivers are often linked to other rivers.  But the core river of any river system is the river that empties into the the ocean.  In this example, the Delaware River is used to model the different types of river flags.  The order of the colour in the diamond indicates how the tributary rivers are connected to the core-main river.  This order of colours follows the rainbow pattern.  If a river empties into the Delaware River then it gets an orange seal.  If a river empties into a secondary tributary river, then the seal is yellow.  This pattern follows the rainbow-metric order.  Every river that is connected to the Delaware River consequently has a Liberty Bell, as this is the key icon of the Delaware River.

To the left are several river flags that drain into the Delaware River.  They are all orange because orange is the second colour of the rainbow and they are second to their final destination of a body of salt water.  The stars on the left or right side indicate which bank of the Delaware River they reside, east bank or west bank.