
Sunday, June 2, 2019

§ Section Symbol Flag

The 21st Alternate Key in the USA code is the double S, or more formally the section symbol that is quite popular in legal documents.  The number 2 is coded to orange and the number 1 is coded to red.  This is based on the order of the rainbow; red is the 1st colour and orange is the second colour.

Sometimes mistaken as a racist SS from the War of Endless Tears, it has several names.  Perhaps the coolest is the Silcrow.  Most people recognize it was the Section Mark or Section Symbol.

So what this means is that blackjack, 21 is also a certain code for a certain kind of black bird—the crow!

Link to Crow Painting for SALE!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

♀ Woman Symbol Flag


 The female symbol is coded to the number 12 with the ALT key.   The background is red and orange to represent 1 & 2.  One is red because red is the first colour of the rainbow, and orange is 2 because orange is the second colour.  Yes, I know that there are an infinite number of tones and colours, but in the general scheme of things the basic seven colours are coded to pattern in the raibnow.

An easy way to remember is that there are twelve moons per year, or 12 months.  Usually the moon is associated with the woman as well.  Capeesh?

♂ Male Symbol Flag: ♂ Flag


The male symbol key is coded to the number 11.  Since red is coded to one, the flag for the Male Code key in ASCII is red.  But there are two male symbols to indicate that the one key must be hit twice for the number 11.  A good way to remember is to think of the 11 Lords that are a leaping in that Christmas song of about a Dozen days?

○ The Circle Flag, ALT+9 ○○○○○○○○○

The Circle Flag is based upon the ALT+9 key stroke.  You can try it now.  Hold down the ALT key and then press 9, and let go of the 9 key and a circle should pop out.  This usually works with ASCII boards only. ○○○○○

Bullet Point Flag •••••••

In the USA there is not bullet point key?  You don't shift, rather you Alt with a number 7.  Thus the seventh colour of the rainbow codes for the bullet point flag.

ALT+1 and ALT+2, Smiley Flags ☺☻

☺Press ALT+1 and you get a ☺

The Smiley flag is based upon the ALT+1 Code.  If you press ALT and 1 on an American Key Board you'll get a white smiley face.  The reason the flag is red is because red is coded to 1, because red is the first colour in the rainbow.  Coincidentally, the assigned contrast indicator is white, and ALT+1 codes for the white smiley face. ☺☻

☻Press ALT+2 and you get a☻
A secondary coincidence is that ALT+2 codes for the black smiley.  Orange is the second colour of the rainbow so it gets an orange background.  The main coincidence is that black is the assigned contrast indicator!

No matter the colour of a person, we can all smile.  Keep that smile in your heart!


Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Ace Flag of ALT+6 ♠♠♠♠

Everyone loves aces! Normally aces are black but for the Ace Flag of the Alternate Key, it is white.  Reason being, due to colour metrics.  Since blue (or dark blue) is the 6th colour of the rainbow, it is coded to the 6 Alternate Key for the Second Standard of the Columbia. Likewise white is the assigned contrast indicator.