
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Flags in the Thing 1982

The hero of the story is seen here standing amongst black flags at the Antarctic base.  A threatening environment with a threatening life force, from beyond.  Or maybe an ancient life form?   This movies is a hybrid classic that lightly traces the original seed to The Thing From Another World 1951 and Who Goes There? 1938 novella by Don A. Stuart.

Sci-fi horror from the 1980s by John Carpenter hit a high note in a reconstituted version, made more real and visceral than the lighthearted romp of the, now cheesy by today's standards, 1950's The Thing.  However, both films effectively capture the unknown and paranoia in a bottle, and release it unto the public. Black  flags can be seen next to the US flag in draped-tie mode.  Also visible is an orange pennant upon the tractor.

This movie is a grotesque masterpiece, that does not end like a typical horror movie, with a tiny bit of dread mixed with a drop of hope.  It is a counter note to E.T. which was also released in 1982.  This is one alien that you don't want touching your finger.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The State of New Jersey Looks like a Pharaoh's Bust

The secret is out! 

The shape of New Jersey looks like a Pharaoh's bust, when you put it upside down.  There is a New Egypt, New Jersey after all.  The fire department of New Egypt, New Jersey even uses an ancient Egyptian camel on its banner.  It's one of the few American fire departments to use Middle Eastern designs, Station 39.

New Egypt, New Jersey is in Burlington County, in Plumsted Township, as an unincorporated community.  This is the part of New Jersey that puts the garden in the Garden State! 

Really! This part of New Jersey looks like Nebraska and they grow the best tomatoes and blueberries.

All-doe' New York may be da' Big Apple, New Jersey is da' Zesty Tomato!  The A to da'  Z of America!  

For youz who don't understand wit' da' dense skull... da' A represent da' A in Apple for New York, and da' Z represent da' Z in Zesty Tomato for New Jersey!  Capeesh? Like' da' Alpha and Omega?   And a don't forgidit!

  Interesing fact is dat' apples... are a from da' Asia, and da' tomato is a from da' America!!
(...and so dida' Ala'berta Einstein)

So Watta'  you likes betta' ... Apple Pie or da' Pizza Pie?  You like da' Pizza' ... you like da' New Jersey! New Jersey a litta' mor' cheesy dan' a New York.  Yeah, apple pie is a sweet and good, but a nutin' like a Jersey Pizza Pie!  

Don't believe me?  You go to da' Jersey Shore, and trya' Manco see, its'a very good!  And a rememba'  New Jersey is a home to da':



Thursday, July 5, 2018

Flags in the Adjustment Bureau - 2011

Notice Unique Yellow Water Taxi Flag

Sometimes it feels like there are persons or entities out there that work against your intended desires and dreams, blocking your path on its intended purpose.  

For instance, when five random extra-ordinary events happen in one day that change your destiny.  Imagine if when you go to your dream job interview, and then, a car accident happens, followed by a construction crew that appears soon afterwards, after you pass the accident.  This makes you late for the interview, of your dream job,  you end up missing it, and you are denied entry into the building. 

Is this a Miracle on 48th Street? And Notice Italian Flag
Or the one time you forget your cell phone because you were helping somebody in need, and then you miss a very important call for the deal of a life time! Are there spirits blocking your path?  Angels?  Or higher beings?  Well, this is the plot of the Adjustment Bureau -2011.

Striving for your Destiny is common story telling device
Surely in the near future such technologies will allow people to play judge and jury as the gatekeeper to your ultimate destiny.  As most youth already post nearly everything of mild to no importance online, an AI will be able to calculate your points of destiny and map out your life, without your consent, likewise everything you do online is absorbed and used in a multitude of ways with out your consent.  It already happens with texting with the auto-fill spelling options.  It's only a matter of time when machines are able to predict every permutation of human behavior.

Nonetheless, the Adjustment Bureau is thought provoking film that takes on these themes.  Well made, it is a small treasure on the nature of human life.  Part fantasy, yet it can be considered science fiction.  This movie takes this the theme of path-blocking, and turns it into a homily of happiness.

((WARNING ENDING SCENE: Please watch the whole movie first))

Homestead Logo from Passengers - 2016

The Homestead logo from the movie Passengers 2016 features a kind of bee hive like hexagonal structure.  It has 38 hexagons in three different sizes.  In a way it reflects the class system of passengers upon the ship, large sizes for higher classes near the center and small sizes for classes on the outer rims.

Class is an ancient structure of society and communal animals.  In the modern day, many try to ignore and attempt to make it disappear.  But the need the separate and judge others according to ability and awareness seems to be natural phenomena, be it academically, by physical capacity, or by organic nature with identity politics.

Often, children especially relish judging others by their capacity to be athletic, beautiful, or intelligent, demonstrating the human appetite to put others in different classes, subsequently forming different cliques or "classes."  As with identity politics, wolf packs or any type of colonial insect, people are born or grow or fit into different castes.

Previously, new social perspectives would take decades to ferment and cause effective change. Usually younger generations would judge their ancestors as prejudiced-backwards thinking persons.  However as we go forward, the restructuring of the social class class dynamic has accelerated to about a five year span, whereby view and opinions from 2013 are deemed old fashioned by updated by socially progressive leaders.   Perhaps in the near future the dynamic will shift to a yearly cycle?  Whereby, last years viewpoints are deemed inappropriate?
The logo of the homestead company, which is shipping Earthlings on a one way trip to another planet, can be seen on a screen.  The hero/bad guy's name is seen on the screen, James Preston.  

An officer is awoken to help rescue the ship.  Only after a high ranking member is awoken can change be made.   On his right arm, the logo of the Homestead company can just barely be seen.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

US Flag in Needtobreathe - Something Beautiful

Music is a strange type of speech that is a mix of prayer, chant, and release of spiritual energy.  In the Needtobreathe's Something Beautiful, the hopeful enchantment of this song mixes into le land of prayer, making it a kind of Sprayer or Sprong?

Is that Mr. Seagull, Johnathan L.?  With one of his disciples?  

The US flag appears in this song several times. Likewise there are also fireworks in this video.  Making this so so appropriate for today's holiday, the 4th of July!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Mercer County, New Jersey - Looks like a King's Head

Mercer County, New Jersey has a humble flag.  It is a green tree on a buff background, with ribbons announcing its name and established date, 1838.  But there is something neato about the shape of the county.  It looks like the head of a king! 

The crown portion is mostly Hopewell Township, which runs into Hunterdon County.  If you can imagine this king with a beard, then the city of Trenton is where the ear would be.

But the best association is, that, the nose is where Princeton Township is located.  This is so appropriate since many (but not all) academic egg heads are snooty and stick their noses up at common folk who do not have a substantial amount of letters that follow one's name like Ph.D., M.S., LL.M., S.J.D., or MD. If you can't find the nose, it's sniffing Somerset and Middlesex Counties.   Rumor has it the King of Mercer County is looking at NYC, in admiration, or is that jealousy?

As for the eye-ball of the Old King of Mercer County, it would be the area on the southwestern side of Mt. Rose, New Jersey.  Specifically the three roads when you line them perfectly outline the eye: Carter Road, Elm Ridge Road, and Pennington Rocky Hill Road.  Thus if you run around this area, you have run around the eye of King of Mercer County. 

The Original Canadian Tribar Flags: Newfoundland and Acadia

Happy Canada Day 2018!!!

Before the Canadian tribar flag was adopted in 1965, other Canadian flags have were adopted soon after Canada was confederated in 1867.  It was during the Wilfrid Laurier Era, Canada's French speaking founding father, that these flags were created.

Acadian-Canadians differ so slightly from the Quebec-Canadians, likewise Newfoundland-Canadians differ from the Continental-Canadians, since they were the last part incorporated into Canada after WWII.  Every so often you hear that some of the old British Caribbean Colonies might join up with Canada some day?  Like Turks and Caicos?
Although these flags have no official rank to represent geography, they are heritage flags that commemorate two honorable and distinct voices within Canada.