
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Staint-Martin/Sint Maarten Union Isle Flag


Saint Martin is a divided isle in the Caribbean.  The parent nations are France and Netherlands.  Consequently the patterns of the French and Dutch flag are visible in this unity flag.  The green corners represent the lush green trees and other non-French, non-Dutch natives.

Likewise there is a small minority of people who are mixed French-Dutch Matin, so they can use this flag to represent their unifying Saint-Sint heritage.

If you unite the two sides of the island it looks like two hands coming together in prayer. Likewise, love happens, and knows no boundaries.

(In French)

Saint Martin est une île divisée dans les Caraïbes. Les nations mères sont la France et des Pays-Bas. Par conséquent, les motifs du drapeau français et néerlandais sont visibles dans cet indicateur de l'unité. Les coins verts représentent les arbres verdoyants et d'autres indigènes non-français, non néerlandais.

De même , il y a une petite minorité de gens qui sont mélangés Matin français-néerlandais, afin qu'ils puissent utiliser ce drapeau pour représenter leur patrimoine fédérateur Saint-Saint.

Si vous réunissez les deux côtés ses regards comme deux mains qui se réunissent dans la prière. De même, l' amour arrive, et ne connaît pas de frontières. 

(In Dutch)

Saint Martin is een verdeeld eiland in het Caribisch gebied. De ouder landen zijn Frankrijk en Nederland. Bijgevolg de patronen van de Franse en Nederlandse vlag zichtbaar in deze eenheid vlag. De groene hoeken vertegenwoordigen de weelderige groene bomen en andere niet-Franse, niet-autochtone Nederlanders.

Eveneens is er een kleine minderheid van de mensen die worden gemengd Frans-Nederlandse Matin, zodat ze kunnen deze vlag gebruiken om hun verenigende Saint-Sint erfenis te vertegenwoordigen.

Als u verenigen de twee zijden zijn uiterlijk als twee handen komen samen in gebed. Ook liefde gebeurt, en kent geen grenzen.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Bucks County Daughters of the American Revolution

The Bucks County DAR flag is a vertical tri-bar.  It maintains the DAR logo in the center.

Planters Peanut Bus, Permanent Pennant Flag

The Planters Peanut Bus visited Lansdale, PA today!  There is a pennant flag painted on the bus that is permanently waving.  If you eat a nut, you become the nut... a wise squirrel. 

The Orange Bicycle Flag

This is a bright orange safety flag for use with a bicycle.  The one company that dominates this market is Bell.  This picture was taken at the in transition to history Toy's R US.  Like Circuit City, Walden Books, Borders, and several other public market places, they are places no more.  Perhaps someday McDonald's or Starbucks will follow in the wake?  As society changes these once invincible stores do eventually shift or disappear.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Getting Over It - Flag Pole on Kids Castle Video Game by Bennet Foddy

Bennett Foddy - Playing Getting Over It

Getting Over It is mouse video game created by Bennett Foddy.  This game is majestic pile of  rage inducing puzzle that has the ability to pierce into the holes of the human heart.  No death, no shooting, no guns, just a man with a hammer who is suck in a pot, trying to get the top.   The closest thing to vexilloid is the flag-less flagpole on the children's jungle gym.

The game is something like a near perfect drug.  It is easy to get hooked into game play; human the curiosity and desire to win fuels one's addiction.  During the game play, perfectly positioned philosophical quotes and music underscore each fall, being simultaneously supportive and taunting.  Although just a video game, it's more of an experience.  In the end  those that persevere and practice make to the top in a moment of cosmic ecstasy.

This is based upon Sexy Hiking, but was rebooted with charming, philosophical bells and whistles.  Surely a sequel is sure to come.  Perhaps one will be climbing downwards against an up wind current?

Bennett Foddy is a creative, mad genius who was able to unlock a sweet secret spot in the human psyche.  Dare you play the game?  You will have to 'get over it' if you fail and if you succeed, you will 'get over it.'  This game can be therapy for the mind or lead to madness.  All in all, everyone one way or another will get over it.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Saimesophase Explanation with Flags: When Sister-Siamese Chromatids are United from G2 to Metaphase

Siamesophase happens when the genetic (N) number is (2N+2N').  Siamesophase crosses over from Interphase into the M, Mitotic Phase.  To be more specific, Siamesophase lasts from G2 until Metaphase.  This is when the original number of chromosome 'data' is doubled on each chromosome.

Just after Metaphase (from Anaphase until Late Cytokinesis) there is a quadruple number of Chromosomes (4N) in a single cell.  This is when somatic cells are Quadraploid.  Cells are Quadraploid for a short amount of time; it may seem strange but it is a natural state of a cell's life cycle.  Consequently nearly all human somatic cells have a history of having 92 chromosomes in each cell (from Anaphase until Late Cytokinesis).  Thus 'normal' human cells can have 23, 46, or 92 chromosomes. Nearly every biology book published today has overlooked this fact!

Siamesophase was named after the famous Thai-American Conjoined twins - Chang and Eng Bunker, who were born in Siam.    Like Nihonium and Tennessine, the name Siamesophase was chosen to put Thailand on the map of genetics, since Thailand's old name was Siam. Likewise the first human to recognize and name this part of the cell's cycle that crosses both Interphase and M Phase is Siamese.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Irish-Arab Pride Flag

Some people have the pleasure of belonging to group, yet some are born in between cultures.  This flag is for persons of Irish and Arab heritages.