
Saturday, March 17, 2018

Irish-African Pride Flag

Happy St. Patric's Day!  It is the one day for the year that the world turns its attention to Isle of Erin.  As many people in the US and Canada can relate to, there are is a sizable population of Irish-African people.

Ireland Harp Forever Flag

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Here we have the Irish Harp flag in English but with two hidden clovers upon it.  One is on the harp the other is in our maiden's hair.  May the luck of luck follow you today!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Irish-Dutch Pride, Harp Flag

Although worlds apart, Ireland and the Netherlands have mixed to some extent in the United States.  Religious traditions separate yet the fiber of America unites.  Here is a flag for the celebration of Irish and Dutch peoples who mingle all across the world.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Irish-Italian Pride Harp Flag

The day of wearing green is upon us.  And in the United States the mix of the Irish kin and Italian kin has been a big factor for many families.  Thanks to good old Catholic Schools there be plenty of opportunities for the love bond to create such a fair and passionate minded folk.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Japanese Pac-Man, Puck-Man Flag

A Pac-Man flag made in honor of Japan's flag with original Japanese writing that say's "Pakku-Man".  Without those lovable and intelligent ghosts, they'd be no game.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Vexilloids in Dark City 1998

The badge of the police in Dark City 1998 consist of an eight pointed star of the 53rd Precinct.   Another flag like item that appears in this movie is upon the implanted memory of beach mailbox.  Quite a peculiar place for a mailbox, but such things are not unheard of.
Dark City is an original sci-fi movie of the hero who overcomes a corrupt establishment.  But in this case the mystery of memory plays a key role of the one who overcomes the system of oppressive control.  In winning he becomes the just ruler of the a new age.

There will always be forces at work that seek to 'educate' the youth and or the public mind upon a single corporate line of thought.  But often, the harder they push, the harder resistance becomes and eventually it  manifests like the ignition of starlight under the pressure of gravity.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

An Appeal to Heaven, Charlie Brown

When Charlie Brown tried to fly a flag in Massachusetts while visiting family, would you believe the trees over there ate his kite too?