
Monday, August 7, 2017

ICV 27 - Speaker 3: Ted Kaye

Ted Kaye gave an overview on the current state of flag redesign with bad flags across the nation in his paper American City Flag Redesign: a Welcome Change.  Ted discussed the current spur to get new flags based upon the recent Ted Talks program by popular Internet voice Roman Mars.

Kaye attributes much momentum to change 'Bad Flags' to one particular pod cast, which you can below on YouTube or visit the site directly with the link.   It was due to 'shaming' efforts of Roman Mars that Potacello, Idaho was able to get a flag redesign for a 'Good Flag.'

Ted Kaye also analyzed why flags get stalled in the flag changing process.   Many times flag changing event are stalled due to internal politics, resentment of current political situations, and the old attachment to the original flag.

ICV 27 - Speaker 2: Tiago Jose Berg

Tiago Jose Berg spoke about Vexillology with High School Students.  Since Brazil was the recent host to the International Olympic games in 2016, much of the nation was swept by that magical wand of international connections.  Berg spoke about a flag making project amongst his student body.

The high school students in Brazil were charged with recreating by hand, with paints the flags of the world.  This project slowly took over the school and the completed flags were exhibited all across the school.  Due to the quality craftsmanship of the students, their flag art was exhibited further out at universities across Brazil.

Olympics or not is always a great way to teach history by having the students create well crafted flags; as students make the flags, they are often encouraged to understand why and how the colours are used.  

ICV 27 - Speaker 1: Annie Platoff

Little Leninists: flags, symbols, and the political socialization of Soviet Children was the title of Platoff's presentation.  In the United States we have the cub scouts, boy and girl scouts, but during  the Cold War the Soviet Union had parallel organizations like the Little Octoberists and the Young Pioneers.  These often patriotic organizations are just one aspect of 'civil religions' in academia, whereby positive moral values are emphasized and patriotism for the state is encouraged.
Annie Platoff in 'US Civil Religion Outfit' Left - 1978

A curated selection of emblems and symbols for Soviet Era children were shown and discussed.  Platoff also emphasized that she dose not encourage nor promote the political values of the Soviet Union, but rather finds the culture of Russia to be a point of personal and professional interest.  In addition Platoff is nearly fluent in Russian and has extensively traveled across Eurasia.

The theme of the three races was also prominent of Soviet Era multiculturalism: that of the generic Sub-Saharan African, Far East Asian, and White European.  Coincidentally today the theme of the three races can be found in a similar manner in American Media parallel to Soviet Era and modern day times.

Platoff closed that nations should also explore their own 'Civil Religions'.  Essentially a key component of many Civil Religions are youth programs that teach about one's  nation and political history, in addition to giving them task oriented survival skills. 

ICV 27 Open Ceremonies

No issues, a cloudy day.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Don't Tread On Me, Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai is the fictional Dojo in the Karate Kid that trains the bullies.  Their motto is "Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy."  Although Cobra's don't have rattles, they do have hoods, that tell their opponent to back off or else.

An Appeal To Heaven, Christmas Flag

Merry Christmas!  Christmas in July?  It is the 25th after all.  This flag is play on the Appeal to Heaven 1776 pine tree flag.  But note that there are 13 lights on the tree, and 50 snowflakes in the background.

Feel free to make your own An Appeal To Heaven Christmas flag, but the rules are they need to have 13 decorations on the tree and 50 snowflakes or stars in the background.  And one star, angel, or whatever on the top. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

An Appeal to Heaven, The Karate Kid

The Appeal to Heaven flag was one of the original flags from the American Revolution of 1776.  It features a pine tree on a white background and the words, "An Appeal To Heaven."  But with this flag the pine tree logo of The Karate Kid takes the place of the pine tree and a slightly different saying.  Thanks to this movie a grain of love between American, Japan, and Japanese-Americans was created.

This is the second place flag with the original Appeal to Heaven mantra.
Here is the original type from 1776.