
Sunday, May 7, 2017

Flags from Happy - Documentary Film 2011

In 2011 the family documentary movie Happy was released.  It promoted that inner happiness is important, more so than external happiness.  Its been said many times over and over, but many people obsess over external pursuit of happiness.  There is a baseline need for external happiness, but internal happiness is paramount.

 The film has a short segment about happiness in school.  A motivational speaker at Benicia Middle School, talks about how poorly people treat other, and is able to get a few bullied kids to bear their soul.  Showing that their bravery to speak candidly in front of their peers is important, and takes real courage.
 Here a few men in Bhutan relax while doing archery and have flags in the background set up.
Here an elderly person in a wheel chair has US flag attached to the side.  Although he is alone and feeding the birds, he raises his hands in the air to feel the happy.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mac Tonight 1990 Party Celebration Flag - Old Fashioned Value!

A unique flag appears during a McCommercial that is pink.  It jumps out of a New Year's Day party kazoo. 

Also a flag banner is raised by balloons that advertises 2 for the price of 1.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Squirrel Fort Flag from Aqua Teen Hungerforce

In an Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode, Meatwad and Shake are evicted from the sleeping quarters to the living room.  A makeshift fort with grey electrical tape marks the border of their new space within the house.  Of vexillological importance is the red Squirrel Flag, that hangs near the top.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Vexilloids In Jesus Christ Super Star 1973

Vexilloids appear in Jesus Christ Super Star 1973, a musical that mingled Hippies and faith, with sing and dance.  The golden finials of the circle, crossbar, and eagle can be seen.  Remember, the polar opposite of fear is faith.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Vexilloids in Bonnie Tyler's Video for Total Eclipse of the Heart - 1983

A silver-blue vexilloid like veil appears in the opening sequence.  Also as Tyler walks though the empty corridor of the soul, red vexilloids can be seen flowing in the doorways.  The video can be variously interpreted, but the core theme of sadness bound to love, becomes apparent at love's temporal loss.  But love's loss, can open the door to a higher calling.

The loss of love on the deepest levels will cause the soul to stop, ponder, and search the abyss.  It is a sober moment of reflection that transforms lives.  When love's loss hits a large group, a candle light vigil is the natural echo of its wake.  

The creators of the video effectively demonstrate the empty corridors of the heart upon love's transmutation to spirit.   

The livery of the school in the video can be seen on the facings of the boys at attention.  Mostly pink and grey, but one boy has blue facings who triggers a fractured valley in Tyler's heart.

A heart wrenching song that has a heart wrenching, mysterious video - that is part movie, part fantasy, part parable.  It effectively captures the shattered mind and heart, that lay upon the path of the eclipsed heart.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Red Socialist Flag in Losing My Religion by R.E.M. 1991

A red flag is lifted in video for R.E.M.'s Losing My Religion - 1991.   R.E.M. addresses the hard issues of faith with the video Losing My Religion.   Released in 1991, it was created as the Soviet Union and International Communism faded into the history books. 

Nonetheless this song honors the siege of the spirit by the world, circumstance, and pain.  As the modern mind continues to struggle with matters of spirit and the many judgmental self-righteous voices, many souls can have their faith falter or seemingly lose it all together. 

In many cases those who have lost their wings or path, often take comfort in the partially rational rivers of socialism and the great ocean of atheism, which like all ocean's of faith is subject to the storms of the self-righteous who bask in its friendly currents. 

Have a blessed Somber Friday... to Nature can the soul retreat.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Flags in If God Were One of Us - 1995 Video by Joan Osborne

The US flag appears in the video for the song If God Were One of US- 1995 by Joan Osborne.  The flag appears only momentarily in a montage.  The video takes on the lyrics literally.  Joan sings a edgy yet soulful song in a simple open heart 1990s grunge beat, a song that asks a thought provoking question that penetrates to soul of the public.  In the video, all kinds of people are put in a head cut out of the famous painting of God by Leonardo da Vinci from the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City, Rome, as if to be God, bringing literal light to the intangible God-Head imparted on the human soul, as spoken about in many religions new and ancient. 

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The flag of Puerto Rico also appears in the song.  A man on an odd cycle has flags of Puerto Rico under the US flag.