
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Dr. Whitney Smith

Last Month on November 17, 2016 an American legend in the same league of Betsy Ross passed away, Whitney Smith.  Unlike Betsy Ross whose association with the American flag is unresolved, Whitney Smith was an official creator for a national flag in the Americas.  Betsy Ross's claim that she proposed to General Washington that the stars should have five points, rather than eight, is in dispute.  However, it is a fact that Dr. Whitney Smith was a part of the committee that designed the flag for Guyana.  

In further gratitude from Dr. Whitney Smith, we have the word "vexillology."  Smith coined this unique American word from its Latin word for flag, vexillum. Vexillology recently became popularized due to a segment on CBS's The Big Bang Theory Show, currently the highest rated sitcom on broadcast television.  In a recurring segment, one of the quirky characters, the fictional Dr. Sheldon Cooper played by Jim Parsons, produces a video blog-cast on the subject of vexillology with a program called Fun with Flags with Dr. Sheldon Cooper.  Oddly a show within a show, like the theoretical moon of a moon, Fun with Flags is a skit filled with standard jokes and silly flag giggles. 

It was in 2011 that CBS inserted the word vexillology into American pop-culture.  But vexillology is more than just the study of flags.  Vexillology includes a wide range of topics: including heraldry, badges, medals, totem poles, marks of rank, and preliterate staffs of power. Essentially anything that is a representative icon, whether from ancient Egypt to the modern day logo falls under the umbrella of vexillology.  In many ways vexillology is the real life equivalent to the word, symbology; the fictional subject popularized in Dan Brown's grand conspiracy-educational tourist novels.  Without a doubt the most alluring aspects of vexillology are modern flags.  The majority of papers and persons in this field focus on this area. 

Whitney Smith was born February 26, 1940 and died last month November 17, 2016.  Dr. Smith coined a new word and is the founder of a new discipline intently focused on flags and representative icons: vexillology.  His passion for flags allowed him to become an international star.  So much so, that Whitney's insights were recruited for the design of a nation.  He will be sorely missed by the vexillological community.  An ember of his passion for flags is currently being echoed on The Big Bang Theory television show, during the Fun with Flags vexillology segment.  On a more prestigious note, for the hallowed and perpetual hall of history, Whitney Smith was given an opportunity to shape one of the patriotic contours of a nation in the Americas, the flag for Guyana.     

South Carolina Flag - North Polarized

Here the South Carolina flag has been North Polarized with the Spirit of Christmas.  A string of orange lights hugs the trunk while green lights reflect the greenish palm of the canopy.  The winner uses the natural colours, but here are several others.

 Classy plain white, so holiday simplicity.
 Red and green lights for Santa Clause lovers.
 Blue and white for Hanukkah participants.
 Multi-colours for joy of it all.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Marine Life Institute Flag - Finding Dory 2016

Computer generated images are verging on an ability to mimic reality.  In Disney's Finding Dory 2016, the flag of the Marine Life Institute can be seen during a sunset.  It is your standard seal on a blue bed sheet, or SOB flag as professional vexillologists would call it.  In the seal is a kelp bed.

The logo of the Marine Life Institute can be seen in the background on the truck.  Here the Nemo and his dad are frantically looking for Dory.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Officer and a Gentleman - US Flag 1982

Officer and a Gentleman 1982 successfully combined the romantic-military gung-ho patriotic movie.  The balance between career, job, love, and ego is a delicate balance.   The chase between a man and woman is an ancient game, a universal game that all living creatures must play.  The chase is usually overplayed with the ego card: WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME!?  But sometimes the better part of a person's soul can trump the ego and put things right.

Several flags naturally appear in this movie.  Quite frankly, it would be an impossible to make a military movie with out flags.  During one of the classic 1980s training montages, a group of flight officer candidates can be seen running by the group.  This group is more advanced and carries a yellow flag.

Lewis Gossett, Jr. stars as the hard nosed no nonsense drill instructor, getting these recruits in shape for their prestigious military jobs.  Here, he stands on stage ready for martial arts training.  Instead of the bad guy being some alien nation, the antagonist is also the protagonist.

The protagonist of the movie stands at attention in front of the US flag which is in front of the US Navy flag.  This is your classic punch the sky 1980s movie, abundant with grade A acting all around, form the main stars and every person in a supporting role. Officer and a Gentleman is a rich work of art for mature minds only.  Quotable, memorable, and honest.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Green Day US Flag from American Idiot - 2004

Back in 2004 Green Day released American Idiot.  Before Obama, before Trump, Green Day rocked it loud and clear with this anti-establishment song.  In the background is a classic 48 starred American flag.

The lead singer  Billie Joe Armstrong can be seen here in front of the greenish Green Day US flag from their classic video.  In the video Green Day points out the mass media is agenda driven and out of control.
The stripes of the green Green Day flag are being washed away as the band plays on.  Green Day is the last of the great pre-millennial bands to make their mark on the system.  They advocated a change and put something smart and original on the nearly fully colonized space of rock music.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Piggy Pennants and Vexilloids - Angry Birds 2016

The Piggies in Angry Birds 2016 use the livery of purple and green.  The charged icons are a fork and knife. Angry Birds 2016 is one of the few successful video-game movies ever made.  Nintendo, Konami, and Electronic Arts are sitting on several touchstone cultural gold mines, yet they let these fertile fields of joy and abundance go wasted.  This is partly due to the rift between the fan-base and cultural non-gamer business-class board of directors.  Finally, a Video Game movie done right.

Piggies at the stadiu, notice flags.  In the grand Piggy stadium flags are along the tops.

The staff of power, King Piggy, with crown.  The staff is in his right hand.  The finial has the lopsided piggy nose snort.

Angry Birds Cross Walk Flag - 2016 Movie

Angry Birds 2016 is perhaps the first authentically well adapted movie video-game to movie in the history of cinema.  Usually video-game movies are horrid and the executives involved have no bearing to the game play, an follow it in name only, marketed to general audiences.  As has been the case with Super Mario Brothers; perhaps in 20 years in the year 2036 we will get a good Attack of the Snapple Snapchat 2036?  

Of vexillological consequence is the crosswalk flag.  It has an orange field with two horizontal yellow stripes.  It was obviously hand stitched as you can see when our hero sticks his tongue out at a passerby.