
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Temporal Badge Rank - 76 Years

The Halley's Comet Badge is given to persons who have lived over 76 years, since one year on this comet lasts about 76 Earth years.  The astrological symbol is a combination of the lower case h and y, since these letters are the first and last letters of Halley.

Lucky humans get to see the comet arrive twice in their life time.  The most recent time was back in 1986, but it will revisit us in 2061.  And what a strange new planet this Earth will be when it returns.  As cyborgs and genetically modified persons will soon populate our planet. 

Temporal Badge Rank - 63 Years

The Chariklo Temporal Badge Rank is for persons who have done something for more than 63 years.  If you didn't know Chariklo is a minor planet that has it's own system of rings.  It is small and mysterious. 

Temporal Badge Rank - 50 Years

A few people have been married for 50 years or work for an organization as long, thus they have earned the Chiron Rank Badge.  To restate its time frame, it is more precisely 18,539 days worth of experience points, which is more than 50 years.  Note this rank like Venus Rank is rounded down.

Temporal Badge Rank - 30 Years

Imagine doing something for more than 10,760 days?  Well then you have earned a Saturn Rank Badge.  This amounts to about twenty nine and a half years worth of experience points. 

Temporal Badge Rank - 12 Years

The Jovian Rank is for persons who have accrued over 4333 days of experience.  This can be rounded to 12 years or 11.8 to be more precise.

Temporal Badge Rank - 5 Years: Ceres Rank

The temporal badge rank for Ceres is earned after five years of experience.

Temporal Badge Rank - 2 Years

The Mars temporal badge rank can be given to persons who have served 687 days doing something: be study, work, play, or love.