
Friday, August 29, 2014

The Cat and the Hunting Dogs

Felis & Canes Venatici
A Cat and The Dogs

Cats and dogs are perfect examples of Yin and Yang.  Most people would ascribe cats as being more feminine while dogs are considered masculine.  But there are always exceptions to the rule.  Essentially all the constellations of the night sky exhibit this duality theme, as if the mind inherently needs to label things in a balanced order.  Perhaps it is a natural reflection of things or maybe its our density... or is it destiny? 

Felis the Cat kinda' like a black market-underground scene constellation, with a heavy spell of magical grace.  While the Dogs are legal market-officially sanctioned constellations.  The thing is you need both, official rules and non-official rules. 

Nonetheless the Felis the Cat and Canes Venatici are 'Fraternal Constellations' like night and day or cats and dogs.

Constellation Flags of Nubecula Major and Nubecula Minor

Nubecula Major & Nebecula Minor 
The Greater Cloud and The Lesser Cloud

Here we go again with the Lesser and Great theme.  So overplayed, Lesser this, Greater that, how about a Greatest and Least Cloud.  Or maybe the More and Few Cloud?  Maybe a Most and Mostest Cloud.  Just have some fun with it.

Flag of Constellations of Rosa and the Ramus Pomifer

Rosa & Ramus Pomifer
The Rose and The Apple

The constellations of Rosa the Rose and Ramus the Apple pair up with a natural accord.  They match up like before and after photos, as the flower begets the fruit.  In our case here, the most popular of flowers and fruits have been adorned upon the Celestial Globe - The Rose and the Apple.  They are symbols of beauty, love, and knowledge. 


Flag of Argo Navis and the Globus Aerostaticus

Argo & Blobus Aerostaticus
The Ship and The Hot Air Balloon

The Argo is an ancient constellation paired up with a relatively modern one Blobus Aerostaticus the Hot Air Balloon.  The Hot Air Balloon was the first aircraft to soar in the heavens amongst the clouds and stars and become the hallmark vehicle of the Enlightenment, and spur interest in science and technology.  It is a crime that it did not become an officially recognized constellation, as it was harbinger of expanding wonder yet to come under the stalwart service of science.  
In concordance the Hot Air Balloon and Argo represent two ends of the cosmic mind.  The Argo is grounded in imagination but the Blobus Aerostaticus the Hot Air Balloon is grounded in science and technology.  

The Flag of Blobus Aerostaticus the Hot Air Balloon is composed of a field of orange and yellow, with black stars.  It is best visible during August, thus the Leo symbols.  The Astrological Symbol for Blobus Reostaticus the Hot Air Balloon consists of two elements.  An Omega that represents the balloon and reflects the air sign of Libra.  Also note this modified Libra frame has lost its  lower 'grounded' line.  Instead a triangle pointing upwards takes it position.  In alchemy a pointing upwards triangle represents fire.  Thus the hotter air - caused by the creation of a fire, caused hot captured gases to do man's bidding, resulting in the first aircraft of the ages.

image credits

Constellation flag of the Slug and the Earthworm

Limax &  Lumbricus
The Slug and The Earthworm 

 Two Constellations that have purposely been buried by scientists are the Limax and Earthworm.  But in this post they get recognition and are paired up as 'Fraternal Constellations.'  The Cosmic Slug and Heavenly Earthworm were created by John Hill.  Hill honored these lowly yet essential parts of the ecosystem with constellations.  

Constellations Flags of Pinna Marina and Patella

There exist constellations beyond the established 88.  These forlorn designs were cast into the void of ignorance by science, but history has become their natural abode.  Here we have the Pinna Marina the Mussel and Patella the Limpet.

Mussels are cousins of clams with a purposefully confusing name.  They could have invented a new sounding word.  Golly, there are lots of unclaimed unique sounding words they could have used, instead of Mussel, which sounds like Muscle.  For example they could have called these edible clammy cousins Muslams, Thalams, Shlams, Jrams, Vrams, or Znams.  Nope, they had to double up on the beaten path. There is a natural human tendency to recycle words instead of utilizing new ones.  They decided to call'em mussels, apparently because some old' English Witch Doctor though that eating lots of these 'things' that look like clams would give your strong muscles?  Some say they do this so they can make make silly jokes, riddles, and poems. 

But the Limpet is another often overlooked amazing animal of the sea.  When will SpongeBob SqaurePants put some Limpets on his show?  Theory has it Patrick the Starfish is a racist anti-Limpetic individual.  A shame since limpets are way cool.  Limpets are like snails but look like living movable mushrooms since their shells don't curve.  They have one shell on the back that gives them a rock like appearance.  Unfortunately many Americans think limpets are type of fish due to Don Knots seminal role in the 1964 smash hit the The Incredible Mr. Limpet.  But for our younger readers Limpets look like something like out of Super Mario Brothers Video Game, like a living rock.

Oddly ya'd think they have the common decency or sense to create a 'Starfish Constellation?"

Fraternal Constelaltions of Machina Electrica and Battery of Volta

Machina Electrica & Volta
The Dynamo and the Battery

The Constellations of Machina Electria the Dynamo and Volta the Battery are Outlaw Constellations.  As much as real as the big dipper, they only differ in the magnitude of recognition to science versus history.