
Friday, August 29, 2014

Constellations Flags of Pinna Marina and Patella

There exist constellations beyond the established 88.  These forlorn designs were cast into the void of ignorance by science, but history has become their natural abode.  Here we have the Pinna Marina the Mussel and Patella the Limpet.

Mussels are cousins of clams with a purposefully confusing name.  They could have invented a new sounding word.  Golly, there are lots of unclaimed unique sounding words they could have used, instead of Mussel, which sounds like Muscle.  For example they could have called these edible clammy cousins Muslams, Thalams, Shlams, Jrams, Vrams, or Znams.  Nope, they had to double up on the beaten path. There is a natural human tendency to recycle words instead of utilizing new ones.  They decided to call'em mussels, apparently because some old' English Witch Doctor though that eating lots of these 'things' that look like clams would give your strong muscles?  Some say they do this so they can make make silly jokes, riddles, and poems. 

But the Limpet is another often overlooked amazing animal of the sea.  When will SpongeBob SqaurePants put some Limpets on his show?  Theory has it Patrick the Starfish is a racist anti-Limpetic individual.  A shame since limpets are way cool.  Limpets are like snails but look like living movable mushrooms since their shells don't curve.  They have one shell on the back that gives them a rock like appearance.  Unfortunately many Americans think limpets are type of fish due to Don Knots seminal role in the 1964 smash hit the The Incredible Mr. Limpet.  But for our younger readers Limpets look like something like out of Super Mario Brothers Video Game, like a living rock.

Oddly ya'd think they have the common decency or sense to create a 'Starfish Constellation?"

Fraternal Constelaltions of Machina Electrica and Battery of Volta

Machina Electrica & Volta
The Dynamo and the Battery

The Constellations of Machina Electria the Dynamo and Volta the Battery are Outlaw Constellations.  As much as real as the big dipper, they only differ in the magnitude of recognition to science versus history. 

The Scepter of Brandenburg and the Scepter of Justice

Two Scepters are hidden in the Nights Sky one was the Sceptrum Brandenburgicum the Scepter of Brandenburg and the other wasSceptrum et Manus Iustitiae the Scepter and Hand of Justice.  

Unfortunately the Cosmic Scepter of Justice has been hidden but can be found for those who seek it under the light of history. 

Constelaltion flags of Apes and Vespa

Apes & Vespa
The Bee and The Wasp

Here is another pair of constellations outside the margins of official 88.  Although not 'official' in IAU terms they are very real in a historical sense. 

Apes the Bee was created by Petrus Plancius around 1598, and in 1624 Vespa the Wasp was created by Jacob Bartsch. 

Constellation Flags of Musca and Musca Borealis

Musca & Musca Borealis
The Southern Pooper Nipper and The Northern Pooper Nipper

Flying is such a beautiful thing.  But it is quite odd the English Language would associate this divine like activity with nature's most notorious sanitation crew of the universe - the pooper nipper, aka the fly. In most languages flying and a fly use different words.

The fly of the Southern Skies has been adopted by the scientific community as an official constellation, while the Northern Fly is ignored.  Just because something is ignored does not mean it does not exist.  Likewise just because a group of people declare something as not official does not mean another organization must follow suit.  Take for instance, unrecognized nations or religions.  There are several 'renegade' nations on Earth right now, in a strange way they bring balance to the world in their own way.  Likewise there are several 'meaning of life organizations' that have a faithful moral flock, yet do not get official federal tax free recognition.

So no matter, it is rather odd that one of the lowliest animals would get a coveted astronomical spot on the Celestial Globe - the Southern Fly.  Yet Pooper Nippers are essential organisms in the food chain working mostly on the sanitation crew.  Otherwise it'd take a rather long of time for the Fungus kingdom to decompose poodoo and compost.  Too bad there are no officially recognized plants or fungi on the official scientific chart.  But just because scientists don't officially recognize something does not mean it does not exist. Science is a wonderful tool but it is limited to logical and static phenomena. 

The Southern Fly's 'fraternal constellation' is the Northern Fly which has historical recognition, which is a distinct value in its own right.  This gives the Northern Pooper Nipper a power similar to former nation-states like the Prussia or the Confederacy.  Although Prussia and the Confederacy are no longer official, they exist in some sort of unbreakable and perpetual sense on a historical level.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fraternal Constellations Gemini and Indus

Gemini & Indus
Castor & Pollux and The Native American & The Native to India

Gemini and Indus are 'Fraternal Constellations.'  Indus represents a 'Janus Element' in the order of things.  In this case Indus has two forms - the High Priest from India and the Shaman of Native America.  Which is it?  Depends on who you ask.  Some pick a side, some say both, and some say it depends.  Likewise Twins offer up a similar debate on labels and a Janus Element to what life is, especially conjoined twins.  If they are connected just below the heart and only have one digestive-plumbing system but two heads; do they have two souls in one body? If they have children, do any children born of such a father with two heads have two biological dads or one dad?  These are not science fiction mysteries, but current realities.

 The Flag of Indus the Shaman of North America/High Priest of India  is composed of a field of four colours: green, blue, indigo, and violet.  The stars are black and white.

The symbol for Indus the Brahman or Indus the Sage are two letter Ss, crossed at 90 degrees.  It represents the typical formation of a spiral or barred galaxy.  Symbols of this sort have been found in many tribes across North America and within the Hindu-Buddeic Tradition long before the arrival of Christopher Columbus or the landing of Lief Ericson upon the shores of North America.

Fraternal Constelaltion Pisces and Picis Austrinus

Pisces & Piscis Austrinus
The Twin Fishes and the Southern Fish

Did you know that there are two Pisces Constellations?  One is in the Zodiac the other is just below.  

The Astrological Symbol for Pisces Austrinus is basically a modified Pisces Symbol.  Rotate Pisces 90 degrees and straighten out one fin and extend the cut like a swordfish.