
Friday, May 31, 2013

The Toy Gun Bang! Flag

One of the oldest gags features a flag - the "BANG!" flag gun gag.  A classic joke that is a staple in cartoons.  There is no standard "BANG!" flag but one of the more popular flags features a red background with BANG! written on it in black upon a shattered glass field of white in the center.

This post is dedicated to that US Marine who lost his limbs in the Middle East and refused to let go of his sense of humor no matter what. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

When It's Love Flag - Van Halen 1992

Mr. Hagar with cool flag!  Remember the Love is Always

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Six Flags Logo updated with Seven Flags

The more historically accurate updated logo for Six Flags which includes a seventh blue flag to represent the Republic of the Rio Grande.  The other six flags represent: France, Spain, Mexico, Texas, the Confederacy, and the United States.

 Board this summer?  Nothing to this link!

Republic of the Rio Grande Flag - the Seventh Flag over Texas

 You have probably heard of the Six Flags over Texas?  But there was also a seventh flag - The Republic of the Rio Grande.  In 1840 several Mexican States attempted to follow Texas and break away from Mexico.  Caohuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas.  For most of 1840, they attempted to follow in the footsteps of Texas, but failed.

The capital was located at Loredo Texas. 
And the president was Jesus de Cardenas.  They pleaded with the then Republic of Texas for aid, but none came.  Texas just wasn't ready for a second round with Mexico.  Texas would have to wait another seven years until 1846.

Some people think the flag may have been green instead of black?  Nonetheless it was a distinct rebel nation to fly over Texas.  It is older than the Confederate flag in any edition, and like the Confederacy a forlorn dream lost unto the ages.  Gracefully an echo of this fallen nation has been conserved as the city flag of modern Loredo, Texas. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Flag of Silesia - A future nation in Europe in the 21st Century?

Silesia is historically a region in between Poland and the former Czechoslovakia.  Many Silesians count themselves as a separate ethnic and are officially the largest minority in Poland.  A few have even called for independence or at least autonomy.  Maybe in our lifetime Silesia will join the ranks as a new nation in Europe?

Of vexillological importance is the 'Silesian Flag,' more than just a regional flag it is regarded in some manner as a national aspirant flag.  The flag is divided in the middle horizontally with yellow up top and blue on the bottom.  In the center is a coat of arms, it bears a striking resemblance to the Ukrainian Flag, or rather the Ukranian Flag looks like the Silesian "Nationalist" Flag.

For the past five years in July Silesian patriots in Katowice, Poland march for more autonomy.  Additionally it is sometimes accompanied by a quasi-Rebel American-like-Silesian flag that has a Confederate Flag design but uses Silesian colours.

image credits

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Flags from In My Book of Dreams - by Susanne Vega 1990

The transition of the cheeto-puff 80s into the artsy mod like 90s of American Culture hits a high note, when books stores and coffee shops were fully adopted in an American Style.  Welcome to the 1990s where American bucks began to flow to Starbucks and noble book stores were barn houses of dreams, email was it and the internet was young.

A green masthead pennant appears on the sailboat of imagination of Susanne Vega's ship of imagination. Also visible is a pennant hat streamer, apparently she registered her ship in Germany.

The opening theme of this decade - 1990s - just swirls around the melodic star of Vega, Susan. 

Mailbox Flag from the song, And She Was - The Talking Heads 1985

Heavy on the art in the 1980s is the melody by the Talking Heads - And She Was 1985.  The video is in a league of its own beyond the glamor of "focus on the artists playing instruments."  Rather the video gives a surreal concrete meaning to an ethereal open ended subject - which could be a dream, thought, or push at some other view of perception.

It is a an echo of the 60s in the 80s versus domestic housewife of the 50s.