
Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Australian Flag Proposal, 2011

A Proposed New Flag for Australia

There are hundreds of new Australian Flag proposals every year, well here is my 2 cents or rather 2 pence on the matter.

It tries to conserve some of the classical elements. The red cross of England, the star pattern of the official flag, and elements of the Scottish triangles from the Union Flag.

The English Red Cross is conserved because English is the dominant language of Australia. The Southern Cross constellation is a must, and will certainly be apart of whichever new flag Australians decide upon. The St. Patrick's Cross of Ireland is taken out for reasons of clutter, also most Irish People don't associate with this icon anyways. The colour black is added out of respect for the Aboriginals. The white stripe from the upper left to lower right, a downward-down under bend, represents the geographic reach from the capital cities of London and Canberra across the earth.

The Current Aussie Flag

It is a flag that takes traditional elements and harmonizes them with a modern blend. This flag was first presented to vexillologists around the world at the 24th International Congress of Vexillology that was held at the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria Virginia.

For a fantastic list of proposed Australian Flags you can visit the AUS Flag Australian Flag Proposal Site Here

Australian Flag Symmetry Video set to Men at Work

May 21, 2012

The design is exactly as the 2011 proposal but black and blue are reversed. Thus the 2012 version conserves the Southern Cross on blue. The colouring patters of black blue is a counter charge boomerang design.

Modified Version - Black and Blue Reversed

Friday, July 29, 2011

Flag Proposal for Independent French Guiana

Proposed Flag of an Independent
French Guiana

Along the north shore of South America is a virtual linguistic and cultural world showcase-boardwalk of the EU. In a neatly lined row found nowhere else in the world, going west to east, five 'nations' are tuned to Spanish, English, Dutch, French, and Portuguese respectively via Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Brazil.

All the continental territories of America have asserted independence except for one - French Guiana, the Omega. Guiana is the last echo of European colonies left on the Continent of the America.Independence will come some day, definitely in our lifetime.

Artistic Rendition of Canis Minor
It's north of the celestial equator like
French Guiana with earth's equator, just a little north of the Cosmic Unicorn

Here is a proposal for a flag, when this French Territory asserts its independence. The colours are red, yellow, white and black. These colours represent the varied hues of humanity that call American Guiana home. There are two stars reflective of the constellation Canis Minor. Canis Minor is at the same celestial latitude of American Guiana's earthly latitude. Canis Minor is a small yet significant constellation, it sit along the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy and has the 7th or 8th brightest star in the heavens - Procyon. The capital city, Cayanne, is aligned with this star during the month of January-February at 5 degrees north latitude.

This flag was first proposed to vexillologists around the world at the 24th International Congress of Vexillology held at Alexandria, Virginia at the George Washington Masonic Memorial.

French Guiana is also a world famous spaceport, primarily used by the EU.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Simpsons - The Bartmangled Banner

Bart Mooning the American Flag

The Simpsons 15th season's 21st episode is appropriately called the Bartmangled Banner. In it an odd series of events puts Bart in an unpatriotic pose in public at a school. This parody from one of America's most watched and longest running imaginary families, on the Fox Network, takes the issue of freedom of speech to new levels of comical absurdity.

This episode aired in 2004 a year after the invasion of Iraq and patriotic sentiments were running high in the country. Most nations of the world would have censored this episode, especially if it were at war. But Bart is the epitome brat of the American childhood.

Perhaps Bart was simply confused with the America's role in exploring the moon, and the astronauts planting the US Flag on the moon?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

International Space Station Flags and its Official Insignia

International Space State Logo with Flags

So they built a city in the sky. It's a small city, without any permanent residents. There are 15 national flags represented on the flag logo. Starting from Japan and going clockwise: Russia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the USA, and finally Canada. There are five stars in the background that look like the constellation Cassiopeia.

It may seem like something out of science fiction movie, but here it is and its real. It's basically a big laboratory in orbit. This is one grand Enterprise that's already in the history books, and like it or not you are footing part of the bill.

It will return to earth in 2020. But my question is why don't they park it on the moon after it becomes a condemned building? I'm 100% positive future moon colonists wouldn't mind the spare parts and stuff.

If you know the answer why they can't just strap a rocket on it and send it to the moon, let me know! The spent billions to get it up there and they just gonna let it fall back to earth and pollute the atmosphere? Send it to the MOON!

Official Insignia of the ISS

No Flags are visible. Once again there are five stars depicted, two stars are outside the central space image with five points, and three are inside the space scene with four points. The outline of the space station is printed in white. The earth has a southern point of view as we can see most of Antarctica, some Australia, all New Zealand, and a bit of South America.

Link to NASA's ISS Website

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Deep Space Nine, Star Trek Flags

Flags of Klingon, Federation, and Bajor

Star Trek's third television series is Deep Space Nine. The story line is about a lonely outpost that becomes the center of the known galaxy due to amazing circumstance and destiny. The common themes of this series are religion, terrorism, nation building, war and political factions contending for domination.

Although the show was made in the 1990s, the themes of this show are an amazing reflection of the current political crises of our world with religion, terrorism, and nation building.

Klingon Marriage Banner in Quarks
also featured in this episode

In this episode #521 You Are Cordially Invited, the Federation takes back Deep Space 9 with help from the Klingons.

Deep Space 9 is a space station next to the Bajorian home world. The Bajorians are the native people who have territorial rights to an enchanted piece of real estate, that is at the cross roads of galaxy.

Watch Deep Space Nine (DS9)Flags Here

Deep Space Nine deserves at least one movie. Just think of a quantum altered reality where all the characters come together for a battle royal? All they have to do is tell the story from a new quantum reality. You can even have all the characters come back to life. The fact that they reloaded the original series is a testament. DS9's topics of religion, war, and terrorism are more than appropriate, right now. Who would of imagined a Black Star Fleet Captain in 1966? It'd never happen is the nay sayer's mantra, well if you have not noticed impossible things happen all the time. People can relate to Quark, gambling, pleasure rooms, drinking, and gambling. Besides Cardassians are more human than weirdo Vulcans.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Christmas in July & the World Santa Claus Conference in Denmark

German Santa with Pope
like hat and German Flag

Since 1957 in the middle of July, Santa Claus helpers from around the world have met up in Denmark. Thus it is official the start of the the 2011 Christmas Season. The international Congress of Santa helpers meet in Dyrehavsbakken Park, which traces its roots back to 1583. This special park is also the worlds oldest amusement park still in operation.

The flag of Denmark reflects strongest the spirit of Christmas. The colours of that of Santa's suit and the cross is strongly reflective of the Nativity. It makes no wonder, that the spirit of father Christmas is entangled with Denmark.

X-mas mail box flag from
National Lampoons X-mas

Christmas in July has several origins but one of the best reasons is that half the world is in the middle of winter. Jack Frost is hard at work down under from June to August.