
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Day Flag

In honor of Canada Day, the colours are shaded to honor the national colours.  Also the Sacred Maple Leaf is at the center point directing humanity to the Canadian Way of Life.

New Brunswick Canada Day Flag

The New Brunswick Canada Day flag shows stronger representation for Canada's Matriotism: red and white.  In this case the main sail now features the Sacred Maple Leaf, and the two flag at the fore and mizzen are the national flags of Canada.  Likewise the water has been dyed red to honor Canada.

Manitoba Canada Day Flag

Hoping you a wonderful Canada Day!

Where would the world be without Canada?  A less friendly place, no doubt.  God Bless Canada, she is a blessing for the World!

The Nova Scotia Canada Day Flag

In honor of Canada Day, we have the Nova Scotia Canada Day flag.  It is decked out with Matriotic of red and white.  The Scottish Lion is replaced with the Sacred Canadian Leaf.

Latha Canada sona à Alba Nuadh, fearann ​​a chaidh ainmeachadh air Alba.
Just remember, God crowned America with a Canadian wreath...Amen 

British Columbia Canada Day Flag

The British Columbia Day flag has stronger Matriotic Colours for Canada.  In this case red and white don't run.  However a little yellow is allowed to remain.  The flag of the UK is replaced with three Sacred Maple Leafs.

The Alberta Canada Day Flag

Happy Canada Day 2020!

In honor of this blessed and treasured Dominion, we have the super Matriotic Canada Day flag.  The field is now red, and the English flag is replaced with three Sacred Maple Leafs.

Quebec Canada Day Flag

Joyeux jour du Canada!

En l'honneur de ce Dominion, nous avons des drapeaux matriotiques pour célébrer la fête du Canada! Fondamentalement, chaque drapeau provincial est orné de couleurs canadiennes rouges et blanches. De même, la Feuille d'érable sacrée prend position. Si vous êtes matriote au Québec et aimez le Canada, ce drapeau est incontournable. Il est basé sur le drapeau du Québec avec une inclinaison vers la célébration du Canada!

Happy Canada Day!

In honor of this Dominion we have matriotic flags to celebrate Canada Day!  Basically each provincial flag is decked out with red and white Canadian colours.  Likewise the Sacred Maple Leaf takes up a position.  If you are matriotic in Quebec, and love Canada this flag is must.  It is based upon the flag of Quebec with a tilt towards celebrating Canada!