
Saturday, May 30, 2020

TEXAS Blue Star Flag Spelled out in Hebrew

Since Texas is in the Bible Belt and directly due west of Israeli in the Israeli Belt, this state deserves a Texas Spelled in Hebrew Flag.  The is something blessed about Texas, after all when they pray East their are facing Jerusalem. It is most likely that most of the people in the Bible and Old Testament would have found Texas, especially West Texas, to feel like home.  Or rather, when persons from West Texas visit Israel, they should feel at home.

TEXAS ☼ Blue Star Flag in Greek

The Blue Star Spelled Texas Flag in Greek is a fun addition for Greco-Texans and people who love Greek culture in Texas.  It makes best to use the lower case of Greek, because the upper case looks too much like the original Roman Alphabet: TEXAΣ as opposed to TEXAS.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Megatron Texas Taunt Flag - Come and Take It Flag

The Megatron Come and Take It flag replaces the cannon with the original Megatron with some attachments.  Likewise the black star is now a Decepticon Logo and the text is in computer style text.

Come and Take It — Texas-Klingon Flags

The Klingon Race is somewhat like that of the people of Carthage.  We are connected to both in two different ways through our speech.  One was real and the other is virtual.  Something of our nature, but none the less when you combine it with Texas Come And Take It flag it makes good sense.

Here are several possible version of the Klingon-Come And Take It flags. Sometimes the cannon is replaced with a Klingon Disruptor.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Jim Henson of Mississippi looked just like JEB Stewart?

Of things that make up the stereotypical Southern Man, we have JEB Stewart.  He was a dashing, talented, skilled, rootin' tootin,' rip roaring, and a bit a jokster.  His clever command of the Southern Calvary was a severe annoyance to Union forces.  No doubt if you were a solider under his command, you would have loved this man and be willing to take a bullet for him—he was the Han Solo of the Confederacy.

Funny thing is JEB Stewart is the spittin' image of Jim Henson.  Maybe Jim Henson was the reincarnation of JEB Steward? When you superimpose Kermit on JEB Stewart, it becomes more than obvious.

Now if you switch em' up, and put Jim Henson's head on JEB Stewart's portrait, we gotta' match.  In fact, Henson was born in the South in the state of Mississippi, which is the state that has the mostest theme of Confederate flags.  However, nobody knows what Henson thought of his home state's flag—should it be changed or kept the same.

Easy it is, to pass judgement on persons of the pass, on ghosts who can not defend their actions.  And harder it is to imagine what it must have been like to have been born as another ethnicity from the past.

Try imagining being born as white southern slaveholder or as black woman in bondage or as a Native American fighting for the North?  Can you imagine?  Certainly they offer of two different points of view.  Likewise the attachment of things of what one knows is a common theme across the ages.

Given, enough time these persons of the past accrue and certain glory and deserve a proper respect.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Flags for the New Internal California Provinces

Rather than split into new states, California should divide internally into sub-state regions.  That way California remains united in some fashion for resident's rights and state agencies.   Consequently the regional-prefect governors will gain more power in a step wise evolutionary process, instead of cutting it cold turkey. 

If California were to split up into smaller political entities. No doubt there would be a fight as to which offspring prefect would get to keep the California state flag. In this case they remain as the State of California but have a new regional-prefect flags.

This keeps California together, and allows regional sectors to more effectively govern at the expense of the state government.   Additionally, California keeps all her problems to herself, without dragging other states to take care of her business.

Many of the proposed prefect flags of California are based upon historical flags and flags that currently fly over California.

The Draper Plan = A Power Grab for California

Every so often, voices in California call for the split up of the state.  One of the primary reasons is to fix the states chronic problems.  However, in reality it can be seen as a political power grab for the Senate.  It is not fair that California only gets 2 Senate seats, but then California gets all those electoral college votes and power in the lower house. 

All in all California should fix her own problems.  Likewise a better plan would be to create internal quasi-states if California really wanted to separate.  California would remain as a state but have five internal prefects that would be nearly equivalent to states, but all under one governor, who would be more like a prime minister-governor with reduced powers to the provinces.  Thus California will have it both ways.  The Provincial Prefects would have the power within the state of California.  For example the state tax of California would be reduced to 1% while the provincial governors could set up taxes to whatever they like from 1% to setting a record at 12% or higher.

Nominally California's split up for Senate Power Grab would favor the Democratic Political Party.

Eventually this power grab could cause a chain reaction in states opposed to West Coast politics and Texas could counter such a political move.  Texas even has it written in their constitution that they could split up into five more states if need be.  With five new 'blue' states their would be five new 'red' states.  Additionally California would have more power over the government to come fix her own problems.

In this political cartoon, the flag of the US Senate is hanging over the Congressional Capital Building, to demonstrate this political process.