
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Japanese Naval Signal Flag #0—Code "Rei" 最初の0の日本の海軍艦隊信号-名前「れい」

The Japanese Maritime Zero Flag uses the colours blue and white.  It has the pattern of the Zulu flag but in the hoist and fly triangles is blue, while on the chief and compartment triangles it is white.

The Japanese Auxiliary Zero Flag make intuitive sense, more so than the International Maritime Flag.  Firstly, the empty hourglass shape indicates that time is up—it has reached the zero hour.  You can imagine that the blue triangles on the hoist and fly are ocean or sky.  Likewise Zero Flag follows the shape-pattern of the Zulu flag.  Thus Zero and Zulu combine for a unique flag.

 You can see the Zulu and Zero flag with Lima in the first upper left hand column.  On the right page you can see the codes that all begin with Rei.

数の日本の自衛隊海軍旗 - Japanese Naval Flags for Numbers 0 to 9

Flag being represented by numbers is common property of modern navies.  Famously there is the International Maritime Code, but several nations have their own kinds of flags for numbers.  NATO has them, as does Russia, and so do the Japanese.

Here are the unique flags of Japanese Navies that utilize unique designs for the numbers 0 to 9.

You can still purchase these unique Japanese Number flags with model kits.  Note the Movement flags have been deleted in this image.  The flags are like stickers that fold up on the miniature flag poles.


Friday, April 24, 2020

Japanese π Flag - Using Japanese Signal Flags for 3.14

The Fun Japanese π Flag is based upon the unique maritime signals flags of the Japanese Naval Self Defense Forces.  In this case the flag for 3 is the main component, the flag for 1is the blue diagnoal with white fimbration, and finally the flag for 4 is the circle with four blue dots.

This flag is for fans of Japanese culture and who love math, especially that enchanting number of pi: 3.14.


Better Version 2.0 added August 18, 2021 --令和

Thursday, April 23, 2020

No Man's Land Flag - Conquering the Furies of Internet

 Flags in video games are nothing new.  The story of the Hero's journey is behind the making of this game.  Upon the release, it failed miserably.  However the game developers did not surrender.  Eventually a fix was released called Foundation Update and it featured flags flying. The flags are long rectangular fields with blue, white and red patterns. 

The story of No Man's Land is a true story from hyped hero to zero back to a true hero.  The Internet Historian can better explain...

Basically the programmers at Hello Games perilously summoned the Vengeful Furies of the Internet.  However they would eventually overcome.  It was with grit, patience, self-reflection,  that they were able to calm the savage nature of the Internet.  It is the modern tale of the ultimate come back, with grace, the rise of the Phoenix. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Yankee and Zulu - Internatoinal Maritime Flag Concordance

Yankee and Zulu are the last pair of conceptual international flag partners.  They align as tribal people-groups.  Yankees are considered to be a certain group of North Americans, while Zulus are a certain group of people in South Africa.  Both labels refer to fierce warrior groups.

Yankee was originally an negative stereotype for low born American colonists who were acted above their station.  They were the first upwardly mobile class of peoples, the first yuppies so to speak.  In fact people who rise above their class to a well-to-do are known as yuppies.  However people who fall from out of the rat race are known as hippies or beat nicks, a kind of downwardly mobile folk.  But getting back to Yankees, this was originally applies to the freemen of the 13 English colonies.

Later it became a regional pejorative for Americans from the Northern states who supported the outcome of the fair and legal election of 1860 and were charged with putting down the army that attacked a US military base in South Carolina on 4/15.  

Currently within the USA, Yankee is associated with people a professional baseball team, the NY Yankees, who go through stages of Winning, Winning, Winning every so often.  But outside of the USA to the dismay of Southerners, all US Citizens are referred to as Yankees.   Perhaps a remedy would is to have Montgomery Alabama host a baseball team called the Rebels.  How does it sound: the Mobile Rebels.  Thus when they play a game against the NY Yankees, we can all watch the Rebs and Yanks swing it out. 

Instead of the baseball bat and glove, the Zulu has a spear and shield. In a way the baseball bat is like weapon of offense while the glove is like a weapon of defense.  This analogy works for cricket as well. 



Monday, April 20, 2020

Gadsden Purchase Heritage Flag

The Gadsden Purchase Heritage flag is based upon the Gadsden flag.  However, there are a few differences.  Instead of a rattlesnake, there is a black scorpion.  Also the patch of grass has become a rocky outcrop with Mexican prickly pear cactus.  There are four flowers on the cactus that represent the four states connected to the Gadsden Purchase: Arizona, New Mexico, Chihuahua, and Sonora. The two flowers are separated by the rock since they represent two different nations.  The lower flowers with the root stem towards the fly represent Mexico's Sonora and Chihuahua, while the upper flowers towards the hoist represent the US states of Arizona and New Mexico.

The expression Don't Tread on Me is replaced with a Spanish as ¡No Hay Huellas En Me!  which is akin to No Footprints on Me!  This flag commemorates the spirit of the Gadsden flag but with a Latino twist that pays homage to Mexican and American Heritages.  The Mexican heritage is duly noted with the prickly pair cactus that can be found on the official Mexican flag.  Likewise the Spanish text honors Spanish heritage in the region.  On the other hand, the scorpion is reflective of the American rattlesnake of the Gadsden flag, and of course, the colours and overall pattern is like the Gadsden flag.

This flag can be flown over any area of the Gadsden Purchase.  It is also an fun educational flag to help bring this minor fact of US history alive.  The Gadsden Purchase took place in 1853-1854, during the Franklin Pierce Administration.  Perhaps the most famous cities to become 'American' were Yuma and Tucson.  New Mexico was able to get her distinguished Chihuahua Boot Heel in the South West.  Finally Tombstone, Arizona is a part of the Gadsden Purchase legacy, subsequently we now have Tombstone frozen pizza.

Another fun coincidence is that both Mr. Gadsdens were from South Carolina, and the area of the Gadsden Purchase is nearly the same land area of South Carolina.  When you round them out they both equal 30,000 km².

Funny thing is, this purchase was made by a man named James Gadsden from South Carolina, born the year the US Government went on line, with the Constitution of 1788.  Jimbo Gadsden was born May 15, 1788.  Within a fortnight, South Carolina would ratify the Constitution on May 24, 1788.   As fate would have, Jimmy G. was indeed the grandson of Christopher Gadsden, whom the original Gadsden flag was named after, go figure?  Sometimes the Fates often leave little love notes like this, to remind us that higher powers are working.  If you try usin' your rational sphere of your mind, you'll never understand.  Likewise, usin' your emotional side of mind to solve a college level bio-calculus problem with your heart and feelings...just wont work.   As of yet you can not feel your way through calculus problems, just as you can not rationalize divine manifestations.  And the cherry on top, is that General Santa Anna negotiated the purchase, to the dismay of Mexican Government; he almost sold Baja California in the original deal.  Imagine that!?

And speaking of the Fates and Destiny...perhaps the most renowned love letter from Destiny was the simultaneous death of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams on America's Year of Jubilee—July 4, 1826.

Scorpion Drawing

November and Mayday - Internatoinal Maritime Flag Concordance

The flag for the Letter N and Emergency match up as conceptual congruent partners, within the naming framework of International Maritime Flag Signals.  Upon close inspection of their names, you should notice that both are named after months.  The letter N is called November, and the Emergency Pennant can be used as a Mayday symbol.  Seems like an odd connection, but this connection of concepts is apparent with all the International Maritime flags.  Previous examples on this blog include: Alpha-Delta, Foxtrot-Tango, Romeo-Juliet, Papa-Uncle, Charlie-Mike, Quebec-India, and Oscar-Victor

Fatefully both the N flag and Mayday flag have checker patterns.  November has blue checkers on a square or rectangular field, while Mayday-Emergency has red checkers on a pennant-triangular field.

Additionally, they are like opposites of the seasons.  November marks the heart of Fall and Mayday is within the heart of Spring.  November is 100% month of Fall, while May is 100% month of Spring, that is assuming you live in the Northern Hemisphere within a temperate climate. 
