
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Atari's H.E.R.O. Video Game Livery from 1984

One of the best games from the Golden Age of the Consul from Atari was H.E.R.O.  However, due to the crash of video games in 1983, this wonder hero — Roderick Hero — was lost in the shrinking sauce as an icon of Atari age.  Instead Pitfall Harry is perhaps the best Original Atari Idol to make into the modern age.  In many ways Roderick (R. Hero) has superior game play and challenge that meets today's standard of game play.  Really, if you HAVE a chance to play this game, it is worth your time.  This is a golden nugget from the Golden Age of Video Games, that deserves its rightful place in the lore of Classic Video Games.  Generations yet to be born will no doubt enjoy this game, it starts off easy... but as it progresses in difficulty... only the hardcore gamer can finish this unsung masterpiece.

Many classic Atari icons were already established in the Arcade or movies.  However, Roderick like Pitfall Harry are Original Atari  Ambassadors.  Although Roderick was never seen with a flag, he did have certain kind of livery that was visible on his helmet: a yellow-greenish lightning bolt on blue.  Helmet livery was popular long ago and is a standard device to show a person's identity or affiliation, just look at the helmet livery in the NFL.

The lightening bolt on blue neat unique choice for a sigil.  Nonetheless it makes R. Hero a standout among the many icons that use bolts of thunder to represent their cause or person.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Soldier 1998 - Flags in that over cooked 80s released in the 90s sci-fi movie

In the movie 1998 several flags appear in this dystopian future, where a secret program trains soldiers from birth to become stoic and efficient killing machines.  The first flag of note is the youth pennant which has a red field and logo of the organization responsible for breeding cradle to grave soldiers.  The logo is a star with a lightning bolt.  Around the bolt with star the organization in written in Spanish and English: American Forces, Fuersas Americanos.

Here is a close of the logo, of the paramilitary breeding program.
In a hangar you can see the logo with a red star and yellow lightning bolt.

A blue flag is just visible in this image.  It is impossible to make out any detail.  However, it is a good be that it has the logo of the dictator youth group.

Hanging in the bay are several long banners cut at an angle.  The flags are white and the imprint is blue.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Mr. Do's 1982 Video Game Flags

What do you get when you combine Pac-Man with Dig Dug and a few elements of pinball?  Well, back in 1982 you get a classic video game called Mr. Do!  Mr. Do and the classic pinball feature of an extra ball or game when you spelled out a certain letter by hitting certain pins.  This carried over in Mr. Do's first game.  When you spelled out EXTRA by getting the Letter TV-Monster Ghosts you got an extra life.  But it was delivered with exciting fanfare of a cut scene.  One of the Yoshi like baddies can be seen waving a white flag and gives you an extra life.

Flags also appeared in Mr. Do's Wild Ride.  Flags act an end point goals, as they do in when playing golf.

The GOAL flag has a red orange colour that seems to have yellow stripes.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Ground Hog Day flag in Jeep's Commerical with Bill Murray

In 1993 the best of the best Ground Hog Day movies was created, starring Bill Murray.  27 years later Murray would reprise his role in the perfectly timed Super Bowl that was aligned with the most precious holidays of American holidays, Ground Hog Day 2020.   

Of vexillological interest are two flags that can be seen flapping in the upper left hand corner when Phil steals Phil the ground squirrel of Punxsutawney.  There is an orange and green flag in the background.

If you have not seen the movie, it is must watch.  The relatively new sci-genre of repeating the same day or moment plot device captured the essence of these theme perfectly.  Basically, Bill Murray repeats the same day over and over again.  If you did not see the movie, it will be hard to appreciate and understand this commercial.

The Grand OG original repeating time plot is based on the story 12:01pm where a man repeats the same hour, over and over again.  But Ground Hog Day was perfectly preachy without being preachy.  There was no direct exposition on how to live ones life, but the story reveals its message naturally...which is something modern movies have a hard time doing these narrator, no text crawl.....just an organic......use your own brain kind of movie.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

1780 Black Camp Flag - Post Historical

During the US Revolution, the choice of loyalty versus rebellion was cast upon all the peoples of North America.  Easy it is to assume ones point of view.  Many states were bitterly divided.  One of the most divided families was that of Benjamin Franklin, the penultimate founding father of the United States.  Franklin's son William Franklin, sided with the loyalists and never reconciled with his father, so it has been American fathers and sons are destined to be at odds.

In southern Delaware a band of loyalists started a counter-rebellion against the fledgling US in the summer of 1780, that lasted a month.  It is known as the 1780 Black Camp Rebellion.  Perhaps they had a flag, maybe not?  But note, this is a post historical flag created today, on the official day of Brexit became legal, January 31, 2020.

The flag has a black diamond in honor of the name of the rebellion, the 1780 Black Camp Rebellion.  The date is July 15, 1780 whence the rebellion started in full.  In the central area is what the UK flag looked like in during the US revolution.  There are two supporters of the flag, that are blue hens.  Above the flag is a royal crown.  Below the flag are the words "Loyalty" and "Honor."  Overall it echo the design of the official state flag of Delaware by the shape only and blue field.

This is a post-historical flag made with the intention to teach and bring an element of history alive.  The men who participated in the 1780 Black Camp Rebellion, did not fly this flag.  This flag is meant to be a teaching tool to underscore a real event in history.  Apparently, all the Delaware loyalist rebels were caught and many were sentenced to death, to be chopped up into four quarters... but they were later pardoned, since no one was killed during their 'mini rebellion' against the major rebellion.

This is an educational type of flag, that is also a reminder that history is always being retold and rewritten as the narrative is continually edited and redacted by modern voices.

image of blue hen source:

Friday, January 24, 2020

Dawn of Life - Lunar Twilight

At the hour of our darkest night, when the there is no Moon, when it is called New and only the stars light up the night sky.  Oh what to do?  Imagine a New Moon on the Winter Solstice in conjunction with an eclipse?  In such dark days, some will turn to fear, but a few will turn to the inner light that can not be broken.  On such dark days the select are tested, and move on to bring in the light of the future.   For there is a required waiting, a waiting of transitions.... as the cast and crew all dressed in black set a new stage...a stage that will surprise and enthrall....

For on morrow's night we welcome the first Moon of 2020.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Tears in the Rain - Blade Runner 2019

The final night of Lunar Twilight is upon us, for the last sliver of 2019's final Moon shall pass tonight.  The last cycle of 2019 started on December 27, 2019.  Almost at a maximum of Lunar Twlight, which happens when there is a New Moon (Empty Moon or Black Moon) on a December 30th.  There is no Lunar Twilight when the New Moon falls January 1st, because the first Moon of 2020 and the solar cycle are in sync.  The shortest Lunar Twilight happens when there is a New Moon on January 2nd; the Candlemast will only have one candle upon, which should be lit after midnight until the last time crosses into the New Year: Howland and Baker Island of the USA.

The electric glow on neon acts like a flag, to signal awareness and attention.  If attached to a corporation, the neon lights have specific colours and specific design, like a flag code.

In the closing scene, where the artificially cloned human is set to expire, the neon lights are visible in the background.

This powerful scene reminds us of the precious gift we receive each year of our living.  The protagonist of the story Harrison Ford, has normal, long, and free life compared to industrially created short lived slave unit.  The long lived normal human was assigned to terminate the rouge  units, but he, the repo-man lost the fight.  When the repo-man is about to fall to his death, he chose  scorn and contempt as to spit in the face of the genetically altered humanoid.  However the humanoid slave unit chose to save the repo-assassin man's life.  This scene demonstrates the mechanism of salvation with regard to the wake of mercy, and hope of holding grace at the moment of one's death.  Such grace in legend or reality is always worthy of honor within our collective memory.