In the movie 1998 several flags appear in this dystopian future, where a secret program trains soldiers from birth to become stoic and efficient killing machines. The first flag of note is the youth pennant which has a red field and logo of the organization responsible for breeding cradle to grave soldiers. The logo is a star with a lightning bolt. Around the bolt with star the organization in written in Spanish and English: American Forces, Fuersas Americanos.
Here is a close of the logo, of the paramilitary breeding program.
In a hangar you can see the logo with a red star and yellow lightning bolt.
A blue flag is just visible in this image. It is impossible to make out any detail. However, it is a good be that it has the logo of the dictator youth group.
Hanging in the bay are several long banners cut at an angle. The flags are white and the imprint is blue.