
Friday, August 2, 2019

The Œ and œ Flags

Another fusion letter (ligature) is the O-E combo.  It is one of those ancient letters that appears every so often, leading English speaking minds astray.  It like a transgendered letter that dose not know if it is an O or an E. Likewise it dose not have solid name like the transgendered Æ, which is called "Ash."  Perhaps it best to use old translated form from Runic, for the letter Odal (). The Œ can made many sounds: short e, long E, and oi.  So the best name would Oedal.  So okay, it funky letter Œ finally have a name: Oedal.  That's three syllables: Oh-e-dal (the e is like in 'set')

The flag is a quad-bar of white, red, green, and white.  These colours are based upon the metric used to code the letter in ASCII for the capital Oedal.  Each colour is coded to a number, in this case 0-1-4-0.  Reason being, the order is based upon the sequence of the rainbow.  Remember red is the 1st colour, thus it is red, and white is 0.  Green is of course, count it yourself!  But lower case Oedal has a different code, thus a different flag.  The numbered ASCII code is 0-1-5-6 for small Oedal, œ.

Since there was Captain EO, we need to balance it with a Captain OE.  The perfect person for that title is Rachel Dolezal.  As Mikey J turned black to white, Rachel D turned from white to black.  Thus Rachel Doezal is Captain OE.

If you want to see the movie Captain EO, you can see it here> 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Ash Flag: Æ and æ Flags

 The United "A/E" letter, also called Ash, finally has a flag.  It is based upon the metric code of ASCII where the letter "Æ" is represented by the numbers 1-4-6 for a capital letter Æ and a 1-4-5 for the lower case ash, æ.  The Æ & æ letters are yellow, because yellow is the assigned contrast indicator for green.

The fused "a/e" letter usually makes a short a sound as in happy, which would be spelled as hæppy, for example "One day Bætman sæt next to Cætwoman.  They ate æn æpple and drænk a Snæpple."

From æshes to æshes to dust to dust.  We play Pokemon which is a must.  When ænd where did Pikachu come from?  He is but æn energy wave woven into the ether of spæce time.  Real, but so very unreal.  A conflux of energy?  Imægination, reælity.  What is real, but a dream, a television show, an ængry moment, until it is over, it becomes not, but asleep.  So I choose you!  All I cæn say now is thænk you!  Ænd hæve a good day!  Æshes to Æshes...

List of words that could use an Ash "Æ" instead of an A or E:
Ædam & Eve

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The MLF Icon — Major League Farting

Like the MLB, NBA, and SEPTA, the MLF uses the colors blue, red, and white.  You can see the silhouette of woman lifting her leg, relaxing the release of a replungent riff without remorse.

In the video below, a major league Texas Ranger menaces the dugout by letting one rip, for a personal foul.  While a Detroit Tiger lets an invisible tiger toot the tail.

One of the oldest tricks in baseball is to through off a batter.  In MLB, the union of the MLF has made itself known with the butterbum-ball.  This is when the catcher signals the pitcher that he has a bottom belly burp stored for a keenly timed distraction.  It takes practice, but what happens is that the pitcher and catcher release their offensive weapons simultaneously.  As some catchers get good, they are able to discriminate between a sonic boom bugger and a windy foul play.

Septa Symbol, Map 2020 Philadelphia

From Fern Rock to Fern Wood, I have seen it all.  After traveling to all the stations on SEPTA, a new map was put into good order.  Now whenever I look at the SEPTA map is it no longer a mystery.  It is a SEPTA map that includes the trolleys complete routes, finally.  


Just be careful on at the North Philly orange line.  There are 2 North Philadelphia Stops and a North Broad.  Also take caution with the neighborhood.  If you want to transfer from Orange line to North Broad, remember to take the South Bound Exit.  But is you ware going to North Philadelphia Regional Rail go for the North Exit, from the Orange line.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ambler Borough, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania—Borough Seal

The little town that could, is what could be said about Ambler Borough.  The small yet stunningly beautiful and lively municipality just outside of Philadelphia has seen its ups and down, and right now it is on an up, becoming a warm and hospitable yet very fashionable little city.  Currently it has underwent its own arts and culinary arts renaissance.

The city seal is featured in several places across this borough.  It features a pathway that resembles a treee splitting off into four structures: a factory, train, Lindenwold castle, and a mill.  It became an independent of the township in 1888 (incorporated).  But it was established much earlier.   It was previously called Wissahickon, but changed its name to Ambler due to the heroic efforts of a nurse.  In 1856 there was a horrific train wreck that killed over 50 people.  Like a Superwoman, Mary Johnson Ambler appeared upon the scene to rescue people.   On the city sidewalk you can see a colourized version of the seal.

Here is another version of Ambler's seal, taken from a parking sign.  It was done some time ago, as you can see the paint starting to crack.  Nonetheless, it is or was a fine facsimile of the borough seal.

Norfolk Island Christmas Flag

The Norfolk Island Christmas flag is decorated with a traditional Christmas theme.  A star is on top, there are multicolored presents underneath and multicoloured lights.  Norfolk island is in the Southern Hemisphere and is a good place for Christmas in July, because it is wintertime in this little island.

When most people hear the word Norfolk they think of Norfolk, Virginia.  But Norfolk, Australia is a completely different place.  Yet,Yankee and Aussie Norfolks are named after the original Norfolk in England in East Anglia.  But Norfolk, Australia is closer to the equator, thus it's climate is more like Daytona Beach in Florida at 29º latitude.  Also, Norfolk Island is much smaller than Norfolk, Virginia.  In fact, about you could fit about nine Aussie Norfolks in one Virginia Norfolk.

Thing is, Australia does indeed have an island called Christmas Island, but its Norfolk's flag makes a better Christmas flag.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

African-American Washington State Flag Honors - for Booker, Carver & Denzel

There are three African-American Washington State flag honors.  Just like the official flag of Washington the colours and background are the same.  Instead of the first US president, George Washington, we have George Washington Carver, America's most famous botanist.  Thanks to his efforts millions of American children enjoy peanut butter sandwiches.  Within the wake of Carver's life, PB&J became a right of passage childhood memory, which later led to that Penuut  butta' jelly song.

George Washington Carver was born in bondage yet was able to become a tour de force in the scientific community, even when people of colour were setback with huge uneven challenges from the white establishment.  And long before Al Gore, this Washington was a steadfast advocate for protecting the environment.  Carver truly was a diamond among the rough.  After all, he was born in Diamond, Missouri.

Mixed African-American Washington State Flag
Booker T. Washington also gets a Washington State flag honor.  Another American born into bondage and set free by Lincoln, he became a pathfinder for racial equity after the civil war.  Booker rose as leader, later to give advice to a sitting President—Theodore Roosevelt.   Like the official George of Washington State, Booker was born in Virginia.

You can compare Booker Washington to the pop-culture comic heroes of Professor X and Magneto, who fought for "mutant rights."  Booker was the original wheel chair bound "Professor Xavier" who pushed for coloured rights.  Instead of taking on the racist laws directly, Washington advocated for working within the confines of Jim Crow, to slowly earn respect.  In contrast, his equivalent "Magneto" would be W.E.B. DuBois. A similar situation arose in the 1960s with Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.  But it was Dr. King who was like a "Professor X" and Mr. X who was like "Magneto." 

Finally a fun African-American Washington State flag, This one is named after Mr. Washington, Denzel.  This Washington like Booker used words to inspire, educate, and influence the public.  Not directly with speeches and advocacy, but rather within the cinematic arts.  Here, our modern day, most famous black Washington is wearing the uniform of a Union soldier as taken from the movie Glory 1989.

 The official state flag of Washington for comparison; although he had no direct children these men are some of his best sons born in Washington's country.