
Saturday, June 29, 2019

Metal Element Flag — 金屬元素標誌

So what are the ancient elements?  Half the world includes Earth, Air, Fire, & Water while the other half thinks about Earth, Fire, Water, Metal and Wood.  It all depends on which culture you grew up in.  But since the world is basically one big city, it's time to make sense and harmonize the Eastern and Western ways of looking at the ancient elements, with a modern take.

Basically, the cultures that follow Western-Roman Astrology use four elements, while cultures that follow Eastern-Chinese Astrology came up with five elements.  Both the Eastern and Western Zodiacs overlap by three original elements: Fire, Water, and Earth.   The difference is that East has a category for Metal and Wood, which the West does not.  Yet, the West has a category for Air, while the East does not.

One theory is that the Western Mind knew that matter could exist in different forms: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.  Thus in a way, the early Western model of elements had a rudimentary understanding of the different states of matter.  To match it up: solid-Earth, liquid-Water, gas-Air, plasma-Fire.

Likewise in the East, another rudimentary aspect about matter was understood.  Ancient Chinese thinkers figured that matter could be categorized as metallic or non-metallic with their Wood and Metal classifications.  Wood is mostly made up of non-metallic matter like: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and such. While the vast majority of other atoms are metallic.  There is even a few that straddle the line like Silicon and Selenium being 'Trans" so to speak, a mix of being both metal and organic. 

But his post is about the Ancient Element of Metal.  The modern Elemental Metal flag is a vertical tri-bar of buff, dark gray, and light grey.  

The Metal Elemental covers the vast range of personal identity traits.   Unlike Wood traits that are organic, Metal working is an active pursuit that puts a person in a certain Tribal affiliation.

Here are just a few example of Metal Tribal Traits: musical interest, food interest, tattoos, jobs, internet/cell phone carriers, pet preference (Cat Tribe, Dog Tribe), intoxicant preference (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis), sports interest, automobile type, hair style, social clique, gang, military experience, pop-culture interests, games to play, Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, marital status, Frat/Sorority, secret society, and many more of personal choice.

Perhaps the most popular type of Metal flags belongs to professional athletic clubs: soccer, football, and baseball.

那麼,古代元素是什麼? 世界的一半包括地球、空氣、火和水,而另一半則考慮地球、火、水、金屬和木材。 這完全取決於你成長於哪種文化。 但是,由於世界基本上是一個大城市,它的時間來有意義和統一東西方看古代元素,與現代採取。

基本上,遵循西羅馬占星術的文化使用四個元素,而沿襲東西方占星術的文化則提出了五個要素。 東部和西部十二生肖都重疊了三個原始元素:火、水和地球。  不同的是,東方有一個類別的金屬和木材,而西方沒有。 然而,西方有一個空氣類別,而東方沒有。

一種理論認為,西方頭腦知道物質可能以不同形式存在:固體、液體、氣體和等離子體。 因此,從某種意義上說,早期的西方元素模型對物質的不同狀態有初步的瞭解。 與之相匹配:固體-地球,液態水,氣體-空氣,等離子火。

同樣,在東方,人們也理解了關於問題的另一個基本方面。 中國古代思想家認為,物質可以分為金屬或非金屬,其木材和金屬分類。 木材主要由非金屬物質組成,如:碳、氧、氮、磷、硫等。而絕大多數其他原子是金屬。 甚至有幾個跨越線像矽和硒是"Trans",可以說,混合是金屬和有機。

但他的帖子是關於古代金屬元素的。 現代元素金屬標誌是垂直三欄的淺色,深灰色,和淺灰色。
金屬元素涵蓋了一個人可以依附于自己的廣泛個人身份特徵。  與有機的木材特徵不同,金屬工作是一種積極的追求,它把一個人置於一定的順序或要求部落歸屬。  這裡只是金屬部落特徵的幾個例子:音樂興趣,食物興趣,紋身,工作,攜帶者,寵物偏好(貓部落,狗部落),醉酒偏好(煙草,酒精,大麻),運動興趣,汽車類型,髮型,社會集團,幫派,軍事協會,流行文化興趣,遊戲玩,星際迷航,星球大戰,哈利波特,婚姻狀況,和更多的個人選擇。

Earth Element Flag — 地球元素標誌

So what are the ancient elements?  Half the world includes Earth, Air, Fire, & Water while the other half thinks about Earth, Fire, Water, Metal and Wood.  It all depends on which culture you grew up in.  But since the world is basically one big city, its time to make sense and harmonize the Eastern and Western of looking at the ancient elements, with a modern take.

Basically, the cultures that follow Western-Roman Astrology use four elements, while cultures that follow Eastern-Chinese Astrology came up with five elements.  Both the Eastern and Western Zodiacs overlap by three original elements: Fire, Water, and Earth.   The difference is that East has a category for Metal and Wood, which the West does not.  Yet, the West has a category for Air, while the East does not.

One theory is that the Western Mind knew that matter could exist in different forms: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.  Thus in a way, the early Western model of elements had a rudimentary understanding of the different states of matter.  To match it up: solid-Earth, liquid-Water, gas-Air, plasma-Fire.

Likewise in the East, another rudimentary aspect about matter was understood.  Ancient Chinese thinkers figured that matter could be categorized as metallic or non-metallic with their Wood and Metal classifications.  Wood is mostly made up of non-metallic matter like: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and such. While the vast majority of other atoms are metal.  There is even a few that straddle the line like Silicon and Selenium being 'Trans" so to speak, a mix of being both metal and organic. 

But his post is about the Ancient Element of Earth, in particular its newly branded flag that should convey the idea of Earth.  The Elemental Earth flag is a horizontal tri-bar of burgundy, brown, and yellow.

In the modern sense, the Earth Elements represents the ethnic composition of an individual.  The direct ethnic blood line is your Earth Elemental.  Like solid earth, you Earth Elemental can not change.  If you are born Irish you will die Irish.

Yet there can be a separation between an Earth Elemental via Water and Fire.  Suppose an Irish-Canadian and Irish-American meet up.  They may have very similar manners yet their belong to different Fire Tribes and it could lead to friction if one is not careful.  Likewise an ethnically Chinese person adopted to English speaking people in Canada will always be of the Chinese Earth Elemental by appearance, but her Water Elemental will be English with a Canadian accent, and her Fire Elemental will rage with Canadian Pride; meaning she will have a natural proclivity to undercut her 'obnoxious' neighbors south of the border.  

It is interesting to note that Tommy Chong, of Cheech & Chong, has two Earth Tribal Elements.  Mr. Chong belongs to the Earth Tribes of China and Ireland.  His mother was Irish-Canadian and father was Chinese-Canadian.  Thus his Water Tribe is English and his Fire Tribe is Canada. For the record, Cheech's Fire Tribe is the USA since he was born in California.  But Cheech's Earth Tribe is Mexico.

I suppose this means that Tommy Chong has Irish-Earth Bending and Chinese-Earth Bending abilities; Earth Bending as taken from the animated Avatar television series.  Memba' dat?

So what's your Earth Tribe, or Earth Tribes?   Remember do not to confuse it with language or political nationality.

那麼,古代元素是什麼? 世界的一半包括地球、空氣、火和水,而另一半則考慮地球、火、水、金屬和木材。 這完全取決於你成長於哪種文化。 但是,由於世界基本上是一個大城市,它的時間來有意義和統一東西方看古代元素,與現代採取。

基本上,遵循西羅馬占星術的文化使用四個元素,而沿襲東西方占星術的文化則提出了五個要素。 東部和西部十二生肖都重疊了三個原始元素:火、水和地球。  不同的是,東方有一個類別的金屬和木材,而西方沒有。 然而,西方有一個空氣類別,而東方沒有。

一種理論認為,西方頭腦知道物質可能以不同形式存在:固體、液體、氣體和等離子體。 因此,從某種意義上說,早期的西方元素模型對物質的不同狀態有初步的瞭解。 與之相匹配:固體-地球,液態水,氣體-空氣,等離子火。

同樣,在東方,人們也理解了關於問題的另一個基本方面。 中國古代思想家認為,物質可以分為金屬或非金屬,其木材和金屬分類。 木材主要由非金屬物質組成,如:碳、氧、氮、磷、硫等。而絕大多數其他原子是金屬。 甚至有幾個跨越線像矽和硒是"Trans",可以說,混合是金屬和有機。

但他的帖子是關於地球的古代元素,特別是它的新品牌的旗幟,應該傳達地球的概念。 元素地球標誌是一個水準三杆的酒紅色,棕色和黃色。

在現代意義上,地球元素代表一個人的種族構成。 直接的民族血脈是你的地球元素。 像固體地球一樣,你地球元素不能改變。 如果你出生在愛爾蘭人,你會死愛爾蘭。 然而,通過水和火,地球元素之間可以分離。 假設一個愛爾蘭-加拿大和愛爾蘭裔美國人相遇。 他們可能有非常相似的舉止,但他們屬於不同的火部落,如果不小心,可能會導致摩擦。 同樣,在加拿大,一個被收養給講英語的人的華裔人,在外表上永遠是中國地球元素,但她的水元素將是帶有加拿大口音的英語,她的火元素將憤怒與卡努克驕傲,這意味著她自然會傾向于在邊境以南削弱美國人。

值得注意的是,湯米崇,切奇和崇,有兩個地球部落元素。 鐘先生屬於中國和愛爾蘭的地球部落。 他的母親是愛爾蘭裔加拿大人,父親是加拿大華人。 因此水部落是英語和他的火部落是加拿大。記錄在案的是,切奇的火部落是在美國,因為他出生在加利福尼亞州。 但是切奇的地球部落是墨西哥。

你的地球部落是什麼? 記住不要把它和語言或國籍混淆。

Wood Element Flag — 木元素標誌

So what are the ancient elements?  Half the world includes Earth, Air, Fire, & Water while the other half thinks about Earth, Fire, Water, Metal and Wood.  It all depends on which culture you grew up in.  But since the world is basically one big city, it is time to harmonize of the ancient elemental notion with a modern view.

Basically, the cultures that follow Western-Roman Astrology use four elements, while cultures that follow Eastern-Chinese Astrology came up with five elements.  Both the Eastern and Western Zodiacs agree with three original elements: Fire, Water, and Earth.   The difference is that East has a category for Metal and Wood, which the West does not.  Yet, the West has a category for Air, while the East does not.

One theory is that the Western Mind knew that matter could exist in different forms: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.  Thus in a way, the early Western model of elements had a rudimentary understanding of the different states of matter: solid-Earth, liquid-Water, gas-Air, plasma-Fire.

Likewise in the East, another rudimentary aspect about matter was understood.  Ancient Chinese thinkers figured that matter could be categorized as metallic or non-metallic with their Wood and Metal classifications.  Wood is mostly made up of non-metallic matter like: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and such. While the vast majority of other atoms are metal.  There is even a few that straddle the line like Silicon and Selenium being 'Trans" so to speak. 

But this post is about the Ancient Element of Wood.  The modern flag for the Wood Elemental is a vertical tri-bar of green, brown, and buff.  

Since Wood is composed of Organic Atomic Elements, it represents the vast multitude of  personal identity traits that express themselves naturally independent of religion, ethnic, nation, or language.   For example being left or right handed falls under the Wooden Elemental framework.  Also, being a twin, albino, dwarf, or super tall are Wooden Identities.

Nearly all genetic/congenital conditions are Wooden Identities.  Sexuality is also a Wooden trait, although a small minority disagrees.  Here is laundry list of Wooden identities: Zodiac Sign (Eastern & Western), where you were born, ability to see or not see colour, any kind of food/medicine allergy, atypical sex chromosomal orders, and left or right eye dominance is another Wooden aspect.  Currently, one of the most intense and noticeable foci of their Wood Elemental is sexual and gender identity. 

Thus all persons who are Albino are united under Wooden Albino Tribe banner in a similar manner to a group of people who share the same religion, language, or nationality.  Usually when Albinos meet other Albinos of different races and political sections, they instantly have a connection that others outside the Albino Tribe will never ever understand, the same goes for people of certain genetic conditions like being a dwarf.  

In a way Wood unites peoples across borders, different faiths, blood lines, and languages.  The Gay Pride Flag is perhaps the most known flag of a Wooden nature.

那麼,古代元素是什麼? 世界的一半包括地球、空氣、火和水,而另一半則考慮地球、火、水、金屬和木材。 這完全取決於你成長於哪種文化。 但是,由於世界基本上是一個大城市,是時候將古代元素概念與現代觀相協調了。

基本上,遵循西羅馬占星術的文化使用四個元素,而沿襲東西方占星術的文化則提出了五個要素。 東部和西部十二生肖都同意三個原始元素:火、水和地球。  不同的是,東方有一個類別的金屬和木材,而西方沒有。 然而,西方有一個空氣類別,而東方沒有。

一種理論認為,西方頭腦知道物質可能以不同形式存在:固體、液體、氣體和等離子體。 因此,從某種意義上說,早期的西方元素模型對物質的不同狀態有初步的瞭解:固體-地球、液態水、氣-空氣、等離子體-火。

同樣,在東方,人們也理解了關於問題的另一個基本方面。 中國古代思想家認為,物質可以分為金屬或非金屬,其木材和金屬分類。 木材主要由非金屬物質組成,如:碳、氧、氮、磷、硫等。而絕大多數其他原子是金屬。 甚至有幾個跨越線像矽和硒是'Trans]可以這麼說。

但他的帖子是關於古代的木材元素。 木元素的現代標誌是綠色,棕色和淺綠色的垂直三欄。
由於木材由有機原子項目組成,它代表了大量的個人身份特徵,這些特徵自然地獨立于宗教、種族或語言。  例如,左手或右手屬於木元素框架。 作為一個雙胞胎,白化,矮人,或超高是木身份。 幾乎所有的遺傳/先天性疾病陽性和陰性都是木制身份。 一性也是一種木質特質。 這裡有木身份的長洗衣清單:十二生肖標誌(東方和西方),你出生的地方,能夠看到或看不到顏色,花生過敏,任何類型的食物/藥物過敏,和被輪椅綁定。 

因此,所有阿爾比諾人作為某個部落在"木元素"概念下團結在一起,其方式與同一宗教、語言或國籍的一群人相似。 通常,當阿爾比諾斯遇到其他不同種族和政治階層的白化州人時,他們立即有了阿爾比諾部落以外的其他人永遠無法理解的聯繫。

Air Element Flag — 空氣元素標誌

So what are the ancient elements?  Half the world includes Earth, Air, Fire, & Water while the other half thinks about Earth, Fire, Water, Metal and Wood.  It all depends on which culture you grew up in.  But since the world is basically one big city, it is time to harmonize of the ancient elemental notion with a modern view.

Basically, the cultures that follow Western-Roman Astrology use four elements, while cultures that follow Eastern-Chinese Astrology came up with five elements.  Both the Eastern and Western Zodiacs agree with three original elements: Fire, Water, and Earth.   The difference is that East has a category for Metal and Wood, which the West does not.  Yet, the West has a category for Air, while the East does not.

One theory is that the Western Mind knew that matter could exist in different forms: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.  Thus in a way, the early Western model of elements had a rudimentary understanding of the different states of matter: solid-Earth, liquid-Water, gas-Air, plasma-Fire.

Likewise in the East, another rudimentary aspect about matter was understood.  Ancient Chinese thinkers figured that matter could be categorized as metallic or non-metallic with their Wood and Metal classifications.  Wood is mostly made up of non-metallic matter like: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and such. While the vast majority of other atoms are metal.  There is even a few that straddle the line like Silicon and Selenium being 'Trans" so to speak. 

But his post is about the Ancient Element of Air.  The description was important to the West and overlooked by the East.

The modern Air Elemental flag is for both the East and West—and for the North and South for that matter, plus the Up and Down.  The flag is a vertical tri-bar of blue, cyan and white.  The colours represent the essential colours of the sky during the day. 

The modern elemental meaning is associated with ones religion or spirituality, including atheists too.  A more general term to include religion and Atheism would be a Meaning of Life Organization.  Basically, when you meet another person who shares your outlook for the meaning of life, by believing in the similar words of particular book (Torah, Koran, Bible, L. Ron Hubbard, Book of Mormon, Ayn Rand, Marx, Darwin) or certain manners for meditation and prayer, your spirit should feel free to breathe.  People of a similar spirit Air-Tribe to you own, are like a breath of Fresh Air!   

Finally, Air takes up all the spaces available beyond liquid and solid, that fills the void and seems to be everywhere.  Air is where we connect with the heavens and stars, but you must also remember it is Air that connects us to the Earth, Water is always flowing in and out of our bodies, and Air is the perpetual element of life, through breath. Thus Air makes a good analogy for one's Spirit Tribe.  

Isn't it odd how the East/China missed out on ancient Elemental Concept of Air?

那麼,古代元素是什麼? 世界的一半包括地球、空氣、火和水,而另一半則考慮地球、火、水、金屬和木材。 這完全取決於你成長於哪種文化。 但是,由於世界基本上是一個大城市,是時候將古代元素概念與現代觀相協調了。

基本上,遵循西羅馬占星術的文化使用四個元素,而沿襲東西方占星術的文化則提出了五個要素。 東部和西部十二生肖都同意三個原始元素:火、水和地球。  不同的是,東方有一個類別的金屬和木材,而西方沒有。 然而,西方有一個空氣類別,而東方沒有。

一種理論認為,西方頭腦知道物質可能以不同形式存在:固體、液體、氣體和等離子體。 因此,從某種意義上說,早期的西方元素模型對物質的不同狀態有初步的瞭解:固體-地球、液態水、氣-空氣、等離子體-火。

同樣,在東方,人們也理解了關於問題的另一個基本方面。 中國古代思想家認為,物質可以分為金屬或非金屬,其木材和金屬分類。 木材主要由非金屬物質組成,如:碳、氧、氮、磷、硫等。而絕大多數其他原子是金屬。 甚至有幾個跨越線像矽和硒是'Trans]可以這麼說。
但他的帖子是關於古代空氣元素的。 描述對西方很重要,而東方卻忽略了。

現代空氣元素標誌是為東方和西方 - 以及北方和南方,再加上向上和向下。 國旗是藍色、青色和白色的垂直三欄。 顏色代表白天天空的基本顏色。

現代元素意義與宗教或靈性有關,包括無神論者。 一個更普遍的術語,包括宗教和無主主義將是一個生命組織的意義。 基本上,當你遇到另一個和你一樣對生命意義的看法的人,通過相信特定書籍的類似話語或冥想和祈禱的某些方式,你的靈魂應該可以自由地呼吸。 人的精神和你自己相似,就像呼吸新鮮空氣!

最後,空氣佔據了除液體和固體之外的所有空間,填補了空白,似乎無處不在。 空氣是我們與天堂和星星連接的地方,但你也必須記住,它是空氣連接我們到地球,水,總是流動進出我們的身體。 因此,空氣為一個人的精神部落做了一個很好的類比。

Friday, June 28, 2019

Water Element Flag — 水元素標誌

So what are the ancient elements?  Half the world includes Earth, Air, Fire, & Water while the other half thinks about Earth, Fire, Water, Metal and Wood.  It all depends on which culture you grew up in.  But since the world is basically one big city, it is time to harmonize the Eastern and Western ancient elemental notions, with a modern view.

Basically, the cultures that follow Western-Roman Astrology use four elements, while cultures that follow Eastern-Chinese Astrology came up with five elements.  Both the Eastern and Western Zodiacs agree with three original elements: Fire, Water, and Earth.   The difference is that East has a category for Metal and Wood, which the West does not.  Yet, the West has a category for Air, while the East does not.

One theory is that the Western Mind knew that matter could exist in different forms: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.  Thus in a way, the early Western model of elements had a rudimentary understanding of the different states of matter: solid-Earth, liquid-Water, gas-Air, plasma-Fire.

Likewise in the East, another rudimentary aspect about matter was understood.  Ancient Chinese thinkers figured that matter could be categorized as metallic or non-metallic with their Wood and Metal classifications.  Wood is mostly made up of non-metallic matter like: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and such. While the vast majority of other atoms are metal.  There is even a few that straddle the line like Silicon and Selenium being "Trans-gendered atoms" so to speak. 

But this post is about the Ancient Element of Water, in particular its newly branded flag that should convey the idea of Water.  The Elemental Water flag is a veritical tri-bar of cyan, dark blue, and green. 

The modern Water Elemental flag represents one huge aspect of personal identity.  Namely the language that you naturally speak is your Water Tribe.   We all have a native maternal Water Tribe.  Although people may be a different heritages, nationalities, and religions.  As long as another speaks your mother tongue you can instantly exchange ideas with sound waves.

Language learning fits the water model because water takes the shape a whatever glass it is poured into, or grow up in.  If you were black or white and grew up in China with a Chinese family, you'd speak perfect Chinese with regional accent and all—to the shock of many Chinese people.

This was similar situation in the US and Canada some 50 years ago.  If you were not white or black, and had an East Asian phenotype, you would receive compliments on your ability to speak English, even if you were born and bred in Canada or the US.  Even today, some parts of the US will be astonished by Asian people who speak standard English.  But the reverse is true (for now) for black and white people who grow up in East Asia.    

When learning a language, you essentially learn to sail in a particular ocean.  It takes time an practice. Learning a few words means you can paddle around in a linguistic kiddie pool, but you will need native speaker help, to get things done, otherwise you may drown in an alien culture.  But as you get better with different languages you can get to the doggie paddle stage.  Eventually with practice and striving you will be able to swim and navigate advanced depths of an alien linguistic ocean.

那麼,古代元素是什麼? 世界的一半包括地球、空氣、火和水,而另一半則考慮地球、火、水、金屬和木材。 這完全取決於你成長於哪種文化。 但是,由於世界基本上是一個大城市,是時候將古代元素概念與現代觀相協調了。

基本上,遵循西羅馬占星術的文化使用四個元素,而沿襲東西方占星術的文化則提出了五個要素。 東部和西部十二生肖都同意三個原始元素:火、水和地球。  不同的是,東方有一個類別的金屬和木材,而西方沒有。 然而,西方有一個空氣類別,而東方沒有。

一種理論認為,西方頭腦知道物質可能以不同形式存在:固體、液體、氣體和等離子體。 因此,從某種意義上說,早期的西方元素模型對物質的不同狀態有初步的瞭解:固體-地球、液態水、氣-空氣、等離子體-火。

同樣,在東方,人們也理解了關於問題的另一個基本方面。 中國古代思想家認為,物質可以分為金屬或非金屬,其木材和金屬分類。 木材主要由非金屬物質組成,如:碳、氧、氮、磷、硫等。而絕大多數其他原子是金屬。 甚至有幾個跨越線像矽和硒是"跨性別原子"可以這麼說。
但他的帖子是關於水的古代元素,特別是它的新品牌的旗幟,應該傳達水的概念。 元素水旗是青色、深藍色和綠色的真人三杆。

現代水元素標誌代表了個人身份的一個巨大方面。 也就是說,你自然講的語言是你的水部落。  我們都有一個土生土長的母性水部落。 雖然人們可能是不同的遺產、民族和宗教。 只要別人講你的母語,你就可以立即用聲波交流想法。

語言學習符合水模型,因為水的形狀是任何玻璃杯,或者長大後。 如果你是黑人或白人,在中國長大,有一個中國家庭,你會說一個完美的中文,帶有地區口音和所有-許多中國人的震驚。

大約50年前,美國和加拿大的情況也類似。 如果你不是白人或黑人,並且有東亞表型,你會收到讚美你說英語的能力,即使你出生在加拿大或美國。 即使在今天,美國一些地區也會對講標準英語的亞洲人感到驚訝。 但(就目前而言)在東亞長大的黑人和白人的情況正好相反。

當學習一門語言時,你基本上學會在特定的海洋裡航行。 實習需要時間。學習幾個單詞意味著你可以在語言兒童池裡劃槳,但你需要母語人士的説明,把事情做好,否則你可能會淹沒在異國文化中。 但是,當你得到更好的不同的語言,你可以得到狗槳階段。 最終,通過練習和努力,您將能夠在外星語言海洋的先進深處游泳和航行。

Fire Element Flag — 火元素標誌

So what are the ancient elements?  Half the world includes Earth, Air, Fire, & Water while the other half thinks about Earth, Fire, Water, Metal and Wood.  It all depends on which culture you grew up in.  But since the world is basically one big city, it's time to make sense and harmonize East and West.  Presenting a new way of looking at the ancient elements.

The cultures that follow Western-Roman Astrology use four elements, while cultures that follow Eastern-Chinese Astrology came up with five elements.  Both the Eastern and Western Zodiacs overlap with three elements: Fire, Water, and Earth.   The difference is that East has a categories for Metal and Wood, which the West does not.  Yet, the West has a category for Air, while the East does not.

One theory is that the Western Mind knew that matter could exist in different forms: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.  Thus in a way, the early Western model of elements had a rudimentary understanding of the different states of matter.  To match it up: solid-Earth, liquid-Water, gas-Air, plasma-Fire.

Likewise in the East another rudimentary aspect about matter was understood.  Ancient Chinese thinkers figured that matter could be categorized as metallic or non-metallic with their Wood and Metal classifications.  Wood is mostly made up of non-metallic atoms like: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and such.

But his post is about the Ancient Element of Fire, in particular its newly branded flag that should convey the idea of fire.  The Elemental Fire flag is a vertical tri-bar of orange, yellow, and red.

Of the modern take, the Elemental Fire flag represents an aspect of personal identity.  Basically, your citizenship to a political nation is your modern Fire Elemental.  If you have a passport or citizenship/social number, that is your Fire Tribe.  Anyone, can become a part of the Canadian Fire Elemental Tribe—if they immigrate, pass the test, and take an oath.  However, it is not so easy to joint the Japanese Fire Elemental.  Even if you are born in Japan, you are not automatically considered Japanese.

Just think of the animated television show Avatar: The Last Airbender (not the movie) what ever tribe you are a part of is where you can 'Fire Bend.'  Right now the strongest Fire Benders are a part of the United States of America.  Perhaps the weakest Fire Benders belong to the Vatican.  Yet the Vatican has the strongest ability to Air Bend.  You can read about Air Bending here.

Most people are born into a nation.  But the confusing part is that some people automatically associate nationality with ethnic-family heritage.  But your Fire Elemental can change through immigration and marriage.

You can feel your modern Fire Elemental spirit when someone attacks or bad mouths your nation.  Likewise when a member of your Fire Elemental military caste is harmed or dies, you will feel the loss.  But if a person outside of your Fire Tribe is killed in a war with another Fire Tribe not connected to yourself, the pain will be diminished or nonexistent.  However you can still feel the sorrow of a person not of your Fire Tribe, if a person matches your Air or Earth Tribe (Religion or Ethnic).  But if none of your Earth, Air, or Fire Tribes overlap, most people will not care if that person dies or lives.  

那麼,古代元素是什麼? 世界的一半包括地球、空氣、火和水,而另一半則考慮地球、火、水、金屬和木材。 這完全取決於你成長於哪種文化。 但是,由於世界基本上是一個大城市,它的時間來理解和協調東西方看古代元素與現代採取。

基本上,遵循西羅馬占星術的文化使用四個元素,而沿襲東西方占星術的文化則提出了五個要素。 東部和西部十二生肖都重疊了三個原始元素:火、水和地球。  不同的是,東方有一個類別的金屬和木材,而西方沒有。 然而,西方有一個空氣類別,而東方沒有。

一種理論認為,西方頭腦知道物質可能以不同形式存在:固體、液體、氣體和等離子體。 因此,從某種意義上說,早期的西方元素模型對物質的不同狀態有初步的瞭解。 與之相匹配:固體-地球,液態水,氣體-空氣,等離子火。

同樣,在東方,人們也理解了關於問題的另一個基本方面。 中國古代思想家認為,物質可以分為金屬或非金屬,其木材和金屬分類。 木材主要由非金屬物質組成,如:碳、氧、氮、磷、硫等。
但他的帖子是關於古代火元素,特別是其新品牌的旗幟,應該傳達火的想法。 元素火焰標誌是橙色、黃色和紅色的水準三欄。

在現代拍攝中,元素火焰標誌代表了個人身份的一個方面。 基本上,你對一個政治國家的公民身份是你的現代火元素。 如果你有護照或公民身份/社交號碼,這是你的消防部落。 任何人,可以成為加拿大火元素部落的一部分,如果他們移民,通過測試,並宣誓。 然而,要聯合日本火元素並不是那麼容易。 即使您出生在日本,您也不會自動被視為日本人。

想想《最後的風車》(不是電影),你屬於什麼部落,在那裡你可以'火彎'。 目前,最強的消防隊員是美利堅合眾國的一部分。 也許最弱的火槍手屬於梵蒂岡。 然而,梵蒂岡擁有最強的航空能力。 你可以在這裡讀到關於飛行。

大多數人出生在一個國家。 但令人困惑的是,有些人自動將國籍與族群傳統聯繫起來。 但是你的火元素可以通過移民和婚姻而改變。

當有人攻擊或壞嘴攻擊你的國家時,你可以感受到你的現代火元素精神。 同樣,當你的火元素軍事種姓的成員受到傷害或死亡,你會感到損失。 但是,如果你的火部落以外的一個人在與另一個與自己沒有聯繫的火部落的戰爭中被殺,痛苦就會減輕或不存在。

Thursday, June 27, 2019

404 Memory Hole Flag

The 404 Memory Hole flag is a tribar of green, white, and green.  In the middle is a black spiral.  Since green is 4th colour of the rainbow and white represents zero, you should be able to decode this flag.

Basically when something leaves the internet, it crosses over into the 404th dimension of existence.  Perhaps its a reverberation of Mandela affect?  Who knows?  Neat thing is in year 404 the last Roman Gladiator fight took place.  Gladiator combat went the way of the 404 in 404 A.D.

Some mystics say at 4:04 A.M. is when certain memories are deleted during sleep?  So if you want to keep all your memories intact you have to wake up at 4:00 A.M. and go back to bed at around 4:20 A.M.

Finally one alien legend states that in a Super Cluster far far away, they made the 404th element at the Quakkotonian Matrix Center.  It only existed for one minute, before it tore up space/time and basically created a pink hole that devoured an entire Supercluster located at the boarder of Reticulum/Horologium/Dorado some time ago.