
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Czech Calling Code Flag 420

The lucky nation with 420 as its international prefix is the Czech.  In this case the numbers are coded to colours.  Green is 4, orange is 2 and white is 0.

Calling Code Flag for Nicaragua 505

The country code for Nicaragua is 505, and this flag is reflective of that number.  Blue/cyan is coded to 5, while white is coded to 0.  The association is based upon the order of the rainbow.  Blue is the 5th colour while white is essential colour to represent zero.

Taiwan Calling Code Flag 886

The code for Big China is 86, but for Little China it is 886.  So very similar but yet so different. Taiwan gets the cool black trapezoid. The number 8 codes for black, while dark blue/indigo codes for 6.

Saudi Arabia Calling Code Flag 966

Saudi Arabia's unique international code is 966.  Consequently the flag to represent this number has a cool trapezoid due to repeat of 6.  6 is represented by blue since it is the sixth colour of the rainbow, or rather by indigo/dark blue.

Here is a Saudi commercial that just seems so American, yet is not, yet it is?

Mauritania Calling Code 222 Flag

The international code for Mauritania is 222.  There are three phones to indicate three numbers.  Usually the side stripes would have been apparent.  But Mauritania's triple 2 code results in this design.  2 is coded to the colour orange, and its contrast indicator is black.

Israel Calling Code Flag 972

When you want to reach out and touch someone's ear drum in Israel you have to dial the number 972.  For that number we have a flag to help you remember.  The flag is pink, violet, orange stripes with a blue, yellow and black phone.  The background colours are coded to numbers, based upon the order of the rainbow.  Orange is 2 since it is the second colour of the rainbow, violet is 7 since it is the seventh colour, and pink, well, it was been assigned to the number 9.

Ireland Calling Code flag 353

When you want to project your spirit into Ireland though the primitive holomatix known as a phone, you need to dial 353.  353 is Ireland's international prefix.  When you do, your thoughts directly enter this enchanted isle with out having to pass through immigration.