
Friday, June 21, 2019

Afghanistan Calling Code Flag 93

You need to dial 93 to reach people in Afghanistan, and many US families have become familiar with this code, when trying to reached loved ones living in this peachy place of magnificent mountains.

By good harmony, the contrast indicators are both blue, giving this flag a kind of special theme.

There have literally been thousands of flags over Afghanistan.  If Six Flags were to open a park in this Central Asian Country, it could been named 1001 Flags Theme Park.  However, this international calling code flag is friendly, rather scientific and objective flag highlight Afghanistan's calling code position of 93.

The basis of the colours is coded to the order of the rainbow.  Yellow is assigned the number 3 since it is the third colour of the rainbow.  Pink is assigned to the number 9.  Usually the rainbow only has 7 colours from red to violet to code for numbers.  So 8 and 9 are somewhat arbitrary.  Eight is coded to black as 8 is the infinite blackness one sees at night.  9 is pink because it represents a return to red.  Finally 0 is white, since white light holds all the visible colours so to speak.

Australia Calling Code Flag 61

By coincidence the Calling Code Flag for Australia just happens to have to official colours of the current Australian flag: red, white and blue.  With Calling Code Flags the background colours are linked to numbers, as set by the rainbow.  Red is 1 and indigo/dark blue is 6.  This is based upon the natural order of the rainbow at standard temperature, pressure, and conditions.  Red is always first!  Orange and yellow came close, but they can never seem to beat out red in the order of the rainbow.

The phones are white, which are the assigned contrast indicators.  Again it is a harmonious match for when people from up-over try to call people down-under with the code 61.

Argentina Calling Code Flag 54

The international calling code flag for Argentina is cyan/sky blue and green for the background.  The phones are coloured as pink and yellow for the contrast indicators.  The field colours are coded to numbers which are further coded to the order of the rainbow.  Cyan is 5 and green is 4.  Just remember the order of the rainbow.

Germany Calling Code Flag 49

Germany's international calling code is 49.  In this flag the numbers are represented by the green and pink triangular fields.  Yellow is the assigned contrast indicator for green, while blue is the assigned contrast indicator for pink.

The colour association is based upon colour metrics as calibrated to the spectrum.

Norway Calling Code Flag 47

You can have sound waves happen in Norway if you dial 47, which is international passcode to reach this majestic land.  The flag for Norway's international code is green and violet in the background.  The key to getting it is to see that the colours are ordered to the sequence of the official rainbow.  Colour number 4 is green, while colour number 7 is violet.  It just so happens that both contrast indicators are yellow.

Japanese Calling Code Flag 81

You need to dial 81 to reach Japan.  The assigned colours for 8 and 1 are black and red, respectively.  Red is the 1st colour of the rainbow so it represents the number one.  8 has been assigned black.  Additionally the contrast indicators are white, which both black and red have.  This makes the Japanese International Call Code Flag very harmonious.  Likewise it is good that red and white reflect the national colours of Japan.

China Calling Code Flag 86

The international calling code number for China is 86.  Six is linked to dark blue/indigo while 8 is linked to black.  Funny thing is, in Yankee Restaurant Lingo, 86 means all out of a certain menu item.