
Friday, June 21, 2019

Russia Calling Code Flag Number 7

Russia is the small club of nations to have a single digit for its calling code.  It is code 7 for international called to Russia.  The field is violet since the 7th colour of the rainbow is violet.  Likewise the yellow phone is the assigned contrast indicator.

Only Canada, USA, and Russia get single digit codes.   Although Russia may be #7, she get a private digit.  Canada & the USA have to share the same number: #1.

Although no Russian colours are apparent, if you mix red and blue, you get violet.

US & Canada Calling Code Flag #1

The country phone code for Canada and United States is the same number — 1.  Thus there are two nations that are number 1.  Likewise both Canada and the US have red and white in their flags.  Here is one more flag that united these nations.

The red field is indicative of the number 1.  This is based upon the sequence of the rainbow, whereby red was given the first position by as directed by the cosmically-divine architecture. Orange is 2, and Yellow is 3 and so on.  Right now, this universe does not permit the any of the other colours to lead, besides red.  As far as we know, under natural conditions, red is first under Standard Temperature and Pressure.

The assigned contrast indicator for red is white, since there is only one number there is only one phone icon.  Other nations have 2 or 3 numbers, consequently their flags with have 2 or 3 phone icons.

Thailand Country Code 66 Flag

The calling code for Thailand is 66.  Subsequently the metric flag is two shades of blue with two telephone icons.  Reason being 6 is linked to the indigo or dark blue as the 6th colour of the rainbow.  The assigned contrast indicator is white, so the field is divided to so a separation and the phones are white.

Good thing is, blue and white are already in the Thai flags.  Also Thailand is in the small and exclusive club of nations to touch 2 oceans: the Indian and Pacific, which is a rather rare position.  There are a few that touch the Atlantic and Pacific, but only a small sliver that touch the Indian and Pacific.

Friday, June 14, 2019

US Flag on Yeadon, Pennsylvania

Flag day is coincidentally Trump's birthday, now that is what some people call providence.  Nonetheless, the establishment of this holiday is based upon the effort of several people.  One of the most noteworthy is from the Philadelphia area in the community of Yeadon which is on the western border of Philly. 

Flag Day started as a recognized holiday in 1916, vie the effort of William T. Kerr of Yeadon founded the American Flag Day Association in 1888.  Later in 1949, an Act of Congress (House Bill 203) gave to final national official recognition on August 3, 1949, with William T. Kerr at his side.  Subsequently, flag day has become a serious holiday for this small community.

The street signs, vexilloids in their own right, feature the US flag upon the upper left hand side.  The stripes are in correct order but he stars of on their own order.  In this photo there are 17 stars.  Thus the Yeadon Flag Emblem has 17 stars

Yeadon is one of the few places that claims it was a founder in Flag Day in the USA.  Consequently the
township street signs have a US flag in their design.
Although there never was an official 17 starred flag, for Yeadon, Pennsylvania a 17 starred flag has been immortalized and made official at the township level.

So when did the US have 17 states?  From 1803 until 1812; that would have included the original 13 colonies plus Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

╤ Flag, Japanese Postal Key Flag

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The Japanese Postal symbol consists of a capital letter T with a bar above it.  If you hold down the ALT key and press in order 2-0-9, then let go of the ALT key this symbol will appear.  Although it was not the intention of the programmers to create a Japanese postal symbol, it happened anyways.

The colours of the flag are based upon the colour metric of orange for 2, white for zero, and pink for 9.

Honestly, the code is loaded with serendipity.  There are a bunch of odd ALT codes that made shapes, and ALT 209 just happens look like the Japanese postal code.  Destiny, fate, is all just a pile of luck?  The post office below in Wakayama Prefecture, which is in the Osaka-Kyoto region.  On a personal note, Wakayama was where I first touched the Pacific Ocean.

← Flag, Left Arrow Flag

The ← Flag is orange and violet.  Violet is coded to 7 and orange is coded to 2; this colour-number code is based upon the order of the rainbow.

→ Flag, The Right Flag

The → Flag is a vertical di-bar of orange and blue.  Reason being blue is coded to 6 and orange is coded to 2, as it is in the order of the rainbow.  Basically that is the number you need to punch in whilst holding down the ALT key to make the 'right' arrow appear.