
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

∞ Flag: Infinity Flag

This infinity flag is based upon the ALT+236 ASCII Code for Infinity.  The colours are set the rainbow metric, by which orange is coded to 2 since it the 2nd colour, yellow is coded to 3 since it is the third colour, and blue is coded to 6 as the 6th colour of the official rainbow.  The infinity symbol in the middle helps remind us that this is flag to represent "Infinity."

Monday, May 27, 2019

US Flag on Street Signs—Folcroft, Pennsylvania

In honor of Memorial Day 2019 we have a special type of vexilloid.  Street signs in their own right are flag like structures.  They have a pole, but instead of fabric they have metallic flag.  Likewise they signal territorial information.  

In Pennsylvania's Delaware County in the Borough of Folcroft they have chosen to include the US flag on the local street signs of the township.  Additionally it says God Bless America.  Historically Folcroft was first settled the same year the Netherlands conquerored New Sweden in 1655.

 At the intersection of Virginia Ave and Primos Ave you can see the flag of the United States, as it decorates each little street of the neighborhood.  

Folcroft's original Old English meaning is 'Leafy Fields' is a township in suburban Philadelphia.  A fine little community that keeps that is constantly blessing America.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Michigan My Little Pony - Second Version Inspired by Amazome

Here is the reboot on Amazome's Masterpiece.

Basically a riff on Michigan's flag.  Instead of a deer we have a My Little Pony theme.  The original post by Amazome has them as ponies.  Since the ungulates on Michigan's flag have antlers (Elk and Moose), it makes sense to turn them into unicorns.

Official Michigan State Flag
On the fly side is Cherish Cherry she has green eyes and a cherry mark on her hind area.  Her magical powers is to make others truly cherish, what they have.  She can also bring back nostalgic memories from childhood with a twirl from her horn.

 On the hoist-left side is Flaming Hot.  This unicorn is faster than the Flash and Quicksilver, having four-legs helps.  She can also give people a boost of speed with her horn.  But the more people she boosts the less speed she can give.  If you want to let-get the fast, it's best to saddle up on Flaming Hot to burn hoof.  Her cutie mark is a flaming wheel, in reference Michigan's automobile industry.  When she runs a flame can also appear when she wants.

Both of these ponies were born and bred in Michigan. The original Michigan flag has an elk and moose supporting the shield.  However in My Little Pony Universe they are transmuted into Unicorns. 

If you didn't know Michigan is home to the biggest cherry festival in the USA.(

 LINK to original artist who inspired this riff:

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Flag for Honorary Americans

Honorary Americans are granted citizenship by US Congress or by Presidential Proclamation.  Oddly, the dead can also earn Honorary Citizenship.  William Penn and his wife, Hannah Callowhill Penn, were awarded this type of  citizenship in 1984.  Perhaps someday imaginary people will gain this unique title, like Superman or Spiderman.

The flag for Americans with Honorary Citizenship has the stripes colour reversed, such that their are 7 white stripes and 6 red.  In the canton is a circle of 12 stars and a larger 13th star in the middle.  This design reflects their unique American label as Honorary Citizens.  Perhaps the most famous person to get this honor was Mother Teresa. 

The first person awarded this award was Winston Churchill in 1963, while he was still living.  The last person to get this honor was in 2014—Bernard Galvez.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Take me to your local leader?

So often it is that people always want to make political change in the country. 

 First things is first, making connections with your local leaders is a must.  Most people have no idea who the middle rank leaders are.  Likewise the local leaders are usually hidden from view.  God forbid you utter their name.

Nonetheless, it is nice to receive info about local leaders.  You can see the Pennsylvania State Seal in the front message from the 54th Legislative District of Pennsylvania.

 Link to Steve's Official Website: 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Stars & Stripes Flag Pants - Paul Van Dyk's, We Are Live Video

Flags as clothes are a very popular item.  But some flag pants really have a special kind of kick.  In Paul Van Dyk's music video We Are Alive.  A random girl with these patriotic pants can be seen on the mundane yet magical and magnanimous red couch.

It is obviously a motif of the flag for the United States of America.  Note, Paul Van Dyk was born in a country created by hatred yet destroyed by love.  East Germany was created in the sorrowful wake of war from WWII.  However, when the wall fell in 1989 the nations of West and East Germany were destroyed, destroyed by love.


Flaggen als Kleidung sind ein sehr beliebtes Element. Aber einige Flaggen Hosen haben wirklich eine besondere Art von Kick. In Paul Van Dyk's Musik - Video sind wir Alive. Eineine zufälligen Mädchen mit diesen patriotischen Hosen auf dem weltlichen noch magischen und großmütig roten Couch zu sehen.

Es ist natürlich ein Motiv der Flagge für die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Beachten Sie , Paul Van Dyk wurde in einem Land von Hass noch durch die Liebe zerstört geschaffen geboren. Ost - Deutschland wurde in dem traurigen Gefolge des Krieges aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg geschaffen. Wenn jedoch die Mauer 1989 die Nationen West- und Ost - Deutschland fällt , wurden zerstört, durch die Liebe zerstört.




Bandiere come i vestiti sono un elemento molto popolare. Ma alcuni pantaloni di bandiera hanno davvero un tipo speciale di calcio. In Paul Van Dyk video musicale s' We Are Alive. Una ragazza casuale con questi pantaloni patriottici può essere visto sul divano rosso ancora magica e magnanimo mondano.

E 'ovviamente un motivo della bandiera per gli Stati Uniti d'America. Nota, Paul Van Dyk è nato in un paese creato da odio ancora distrutto dall'amore. Germania Est è stato creato sulla scia dolorosa della guerra dalla seconda guerra mondiale. Tuttavia, quando il muro è caduto nel 1989 le nazioni Germania occidentale e orientale sono stati distrutti, distrutto dall'amore.

옷과 같은 플래그는 매우 인기있는 상품입니다. 그러나 일부 플래그 바지 정말 킥의 특별한 종류가 있습니다. 에서 폴 반 다이크 의 뮤직 비디오 우리는 Aliv에 있습니까 전자. 이러한 애국 바지와 임의의 소녀는 평범한 아직 마법과 도량이 빨간 소파에 볼 수 있습니다.

그것은 분명히 미국의 국기 모티브입니다. 참고, 폴 반 다이크는 아직 사랑에 의해 파괴 증오에 의해 생성 된 나라에서 태어났다. 동독은 차 세계 대전에서 전쟁의 슬픈 계기로 만들었습니다. 벽은 1989 년에 떨어졌다 그러나, 서쪽과 동독의 국가는 사랑에 의해 파괴, 파괴되었다.

Drapeaux que les vêtements sont un élément très populaire. Mais un pantalon de drapeau ont vraiment un type spécial de coup de pied. Dans Paul Van Dyk clip de Nous sommes Alive. Une fille au hasard avec ces pantalons patriotiques peut être vu sur le banal canapé rouge encore magique et magnanime.

Il est évidemment un motif du drapeau des États-Unis d'Amérique. Note, Paul Van Dyk est né dans un pays créé par la haine par l' amour encore détruit. Allemagne de l' Est a été créé à la suite douloureuse de la guerre de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Cependant, lorsque le mur est tombé en 1989 , les nations de l' Allemagne de l' Ouest et de l' Est ont été détruits, détruits par l' amour.



Banderas como ropa es un tema muy popular. Pero unos pantalones bandera realmente tienen un tipo especial de patada. En Paul Van Dyk video musical 's Somos Alive correo. Una chica al azar con estos pantalones patriotas se puede ver en el sofá rojo todavía mágico y generoso mundanas.

Evidentemente, es un motivo de la bandera de los Estados Unidos de América. Nota, Paul Van Dyk nació en un país creado por el odio aún destruida por el amor. Alemania del Este se creó a raíz de la dolorosa guerra desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sin embargo, cuando el muro cayó en 1989 las naciones de Alemania Occidental y Oriental fueron destruidos, destruida por el amor.


أعلام كما الملابس هي عنصر شعبية جدا. ولكن بعض السراويل العلم يملك في الواقع نوع خاص من ركلة. في بول فان دايك الصورة والموسيقى والفيديو نحن alive ه. فتاة العشوائية مع هذه السراويل وطنية يمكن أن ينظر إليه على الأريكة الحمراء الدنيوية بعد السحرية والسمحة.

ومن الواضح أن فكرة العلم بالنسبة للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. ملاحظة، ولد بول فان دايك في بلد أنشأتها الكراهية بعد تدميرها من قبل الحب. تم إنشاء ألمانيا الشرقية في أعقاب حزينة الحرب من الحرب العالمية الثانية. ومع ذلك، عندما سقط الجدار في عام 1989 تم تدمير دول الغربية وألمانيا الشرقية، التي دمرها الحب.

Zastave kao odjeća je vrlo popularan stavke. Međutim, neki flag pantalone stvarno imaju posebnu vrstu udarac. U Paul Van Dyk 's video spot We Are Alive. Slučajni djevojka sa ovim patriotskim pantalonama se može vidjeti na ovozemaljske još magijski i velikodušan crveni kauč.

To je očito motiv zastave za Sjedinjene Američke Države. Napomena, Paul Van Dyk je rođen u zemlji stvorio mržnju još uništili ljubav. Istočna Njemačka je nastao u žalostan nakon rata iz Drugog svjetskog rata. Međutim, kada je zid pao 1989. narodima Zapadne i Istočne Njemačke su uništeni, uništili ljubavi. 

कपड़े के रूप में झंडे एक बहुत लोकप्रिय आइटम हैं। लेकिन कुछ ध्वज पैंट वास्तव में लात एक खास किस्म की है। में पॉल वैन डाइक के संगीत वीडियो हम Aliv हैं ई। इन देशभक्ति पैंट के साथ एक यादृच्छिक महिला सांसारिक अभी तक जादुई और उदार लाल सोफे पर देखा जा सकता है।

यह स्पष्ट रूप से संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के लिए ध्वज का एक मूल भाव है। ध्यान दें, पॉल वैन डाइक एक देश घृणा अभी तक प्यार से नष्ट द्वारा बनाई में पैदा हुआ था। पूर्वी जर्मनी द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध से युद्ध के उदास मद्देनजर बनाया गया था। हालांकि, जब दीवार 1989 में गिर गई पश्चिम और पूर्वी जर्मनी के देशों नष्ट हो गए थे, प्यार से नष्ट कर दिया।


Flagoj kiel vestoj estas tre populara ero. Sed kelkaj flago pantalono vere havas specialan specon de piedbato. En Paul Van Dyk 's muzikfilmeton Ni Estas Aliv kaj. Hazarda knabino kun tiuj patriota pantalono povas vidi sur la sekulara tamen magiaj kaj grandanima ruĝa sofo.

Estas evidente ĉeftemo de la flago por la Unuiĝintaj Ŝtatoj de Ameriko. Notu, Paul Van Dyk naskiĝis en lando kreita de malamo ankoraŭ detruita de amo. Orienta Germanio estis kreita en la malgxoja maldormo de milito de WWII. Tamen, kiam la muro falis en 1989 la nacioj de Okcidenta kaj Orienta Germanio estis detruitaj, detruita de amo. 

ธงเสื้อผ้าเป็นรายการที่เป็นที่นิยมมาก แต่บางกางเกงธงจริงๆมีชนิดพิเศษของโทษ ในPaul Van Dyk 's วิดีโอเพลงWe Are Alivอี สาวสุ่มกับกางเกงรักชาติเหล่านี้สามารถมองเห็นได้บนยังมีมนต์ขลังและเอื้อเฟื้อเผื่อแผ่โซฟาสีแดงโลกีย์

เห็นได้ชัดว่ามันเป็นบรรทัดฐานของธงสำหรับสหรัฐอเมริกา หมายเหตุ Paul Van Dyk เกิดในประเทศที่สร้างขึ้นโดยความเกลียดชังยังถูกทำลายด้วยความรัก เยอรมนีตะวันออกที่ถูกสร้างขึ้นในการปลุกเศร้าของสงครามจากสงครามโลกครั้งที่สอง แต่เมื่อผนังลดลงในปี 1989 ของประเทศตะวันตกและเยอรมนีตะวันออกถูกทำลายถูกทำลายโดยความรัก

Giysi olarak Bayraklar çok popüler bir öğe vardır. Ancak bazı bayrak pantolon gerçekten tekme özel bir tür var. In Paul Van Dyk 'ın müzik videosu Biz Allv Are. Bu vatansever pantolonla Rastgele kız sıradan henüz büyülü ve bağışlayıcı kırmızı kanepede görülebilir.

Açıkçası Amerika Birleşik Devletleri için bayrak bir motiftir. Not Paul Van Dyk henüz aşka tarafından tahrip kin yarattığı bir ülkede doğdu. Doğu Almanya İkinci Dünya Savaşı gelen savaşın hüzünlü sonrasında oluşturuldu. Duvar 1989 yılında düştü Ancak, Batı ve Doğu Almanya'nın milletler aşka tarafından tahrip, tahrip edildi. 

ልብስ እንደ ባንዲራዎች በጣም ታዋቂ ንጥል ናቸው. ነገር ግን አንዳንድ ባንዲራ ሱሪ በእርግጥ ረገጠ ልዩ ዓይነት አላቸው. ውስጥ ጳውሎስ ቫን Dyk 's የሙዚቃ ቪዲዮ እኛ Alive ናቸው ሠ. እነዚህን የአገር ፍቅር ሱሪ ጋር አንድ የዘፈቀደ ልጃገረድ ውጤቱም ገና የአስማት እና ተውኔት ቀይ ሶፋ ላይ ሊታይ ይችላል.

ይህ ግልጽ አሜሪካ በዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ለ ባንዲራ አንድ ጭብጥ ነው. ማስታወሻ, ጳውሎስ ቫን Dyk ገና ፍቅር ይጠፋሉ ጥላቻ የተፈጠረ በአንድ አገር ውስጥ የተወለደው. ምስራቅ ጀርመን በተፈጠረው ከ ጦርነት እያዘነ በዱካዎቻቸው ላይ የተፈጠረ ነው. ቅጥር 1989 ላይ ወደቀ ጊዜ ይሁን, ምዕራብ እና ምስራቅ ጀርመን ብሔራት ፍቅር አጠፋ; ተደምስሰው ነበር.

Flags như quần áo là một item rất phổ biến. Nhưng một số quần cờ thực sự có một loại đặc biệt của đá. Trong Paul Van Dyk MV 's We Are Alive. Một cô gái ngẫu nhiên với những chiếc quần yêu nước có thể được nhìn thấy trên chiếc ghế dài màu đỏ nhưng huyền diệu và cao thượng trần tục.

Đó rõ ràng là một motif của lá cờ cho Hoa Kỳ. Lưu ý, Paul Van Dyk được sinh ra ở một đất nước tạo ra bởi hận thù chưa bị phá hủy bởi tình yêu. Đông Đức đã được tạo ra trong bối cảnh buồn của chiến tranh từ Thế chiến II. Tuy nhiên, khi bức tường rơi vào năm 1989 các quốc gia phương Tây và Đông Đức đã bị phá hủy, phá hủy bởi tình yêu. 

דגלים כמו בבגדים הם פריט מאוד פופולרי. אבל כמה מכנסי דגל באמת יש סוג מיוחד של בעיטה. בשנת פול ואן דייק הקליפ של We Are Alive דואר. נערה אקראית עם מכנסיים פטריוטיים אלה ניתן לראות על הספה האדומה החולין עדיין הקסומה נדיבה.

זהו ללא ספק מוטיב הדגל של ארצות הברית של אמריקה. הערה, פול ואן דייק נולד במדינה נוצר על ידי שנאה עדיין נהרס על ידי אהבה. במזרח גרמניה נוצרה בעקבות צער מלחמה מן העולם השנייה. עם זאת, כאשר הקיר נפל ב 1989 אומות מערב ומזרח גרמניה נהרסו, נהרסו על ידי אהבה. 


Σημαίες, όπως ρούχα είναι ένα πολύ δημοφιλές στοιχείο. Ωστόσο, ορισμένες παντελόνι σημαία έχουν πραγματικά ένα ιδιαίτερο είδος κλωτσιά. Σε Paul Van Dyk μουσικό βίντεο «s We Are Alive. Μια τυχαία κοπέλα με αυτά τα πατριωτικά παντελόνι μπορεί να δει κανείς στο κοσμικό ακόμα μαγικό και μεγαλόψυχος κόκκινο καναπέ.

Είναι προφανώς ένα μοτίβο της σημαίας για τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής. Σημείωση, Paul Van Dyk γεννήθηκε σε μια χώρα που δημιουργήθηκε από μίσος αλλά καταστράφηκε από αγάπη. Ανατολική Γερμανία δημιουργήθηκε στο θλιβερά απόηχο του πολέμου από τη Β 'Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου. Ωστόσο, όταν το τείχος έπεσε το 1989 καταστράφηκαν οι χώρες της Δυτικής και Ανατολικής Γερμανίας, καταστράφηκε από την αγάπη.


Флаги как одежда очень популярный товар. Но некоторые флаги брюки действительно имеет особый вид удара. В Paul Van Dyk клип «s We Are Alivе. Случайная девушку с этими патриотическими штанами можно увидеть на мирском еще волшебный и великодушный красный диван.

Это, очевидно , является мотив флага для Соединенных Штатов Америки. Обратите внимание, Paul Van Dyk был рожден в стране , созданной ненависти еще разрушенной любви. Восточная Германия была создана в скорбных после войны от Второй мировой войны. Однако, когда стена упала в 1989 году народы Западной и Восточной Германии были разрушены, уничтожены любовью.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Two Types of Electron Transport Chain - Chloroplast vs Mitochondria

Below are the extra large pics so you can see the details.  There are more descriptive pics a little bit earlier.  Basically a new fun model to understanding the Electric Slide, oops I mean to type the Electron Transport Chain, which is like a real life electron slide.

There are 2 Electron Transporter ATP Energizer Systems that all Americans have briefly touched upon in science class.  One deals with Photosynthesis and the other is with Energy Release.  It is so easy to get them confused!  But alas take a look here if you are were a part of the OG Gamer Generation: OGGG.

Also notice newly coined bio terms: Cristaplasm, Martroxiplasm, Cristamatrix Phospholipiplasm, Stromaplasm, Thylakoidoplasm, and Thylastroma Phospholipiplasm.

Like a dream of a dream within a dream, within a dream, the Thylakoid Lumen (Thylakoidoplasm) is the innermost sanctuary of life where things are made within a membrane, within a membrane, within a membrane, within a membrane.  That is four levels down...kinda' like something in Inception 2010.  Or maybe like a Russian Nesting Doll?

From outer to inner...into the core of life is the Thylakoid Lumen-Space "Thylakoidoplasm"
L1. Cell membrane of the Plant
L2. Outer membrane of the Chloroplast
L3. Inner membrane of the Chloroplant
L4. Thylakoid membrane